I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 131: 12-year-old Lolita

Just seven years old in the photo, Kirsten is as delicate as a doll, with blond hair, a rounded face, a princess dress, and a cute bud silk visor with a nice golden bangs in front of him.

Unfortunately, Eric knows that the actress will be more and more ruined in the future. After adulthood, she will not have the appearance of a white jade.

Perhaps it is not too shameful in the eyes of Westerners, but with the aesthetics of his Orientals, it is really impossible to see beautiful places. If you really want to boast a sentence, you can only say that there is temperament. It seems that this is not a woman’s words. .

For this Lolita, who only has a shelf life of only 12 years old, Eric chose PASS directly. The girl does not have much potential to dig. If it is not fortunate to become a spider girl, perhaps this child star will be amazed after two thousand years. Oh.

In parallel time and space, after the end of the "Spider-Man" trilogy, Kirsten Dunst's career plummeted and almost disappeared into the public's field of vision.

I took another acquaintance girl, Sarah Michel Gaila. Compared to Sarah in "Buffy the Vampire Hunter Buffy", the girl's face is round and round, although it is almost twelve years old, it still looks very petite. The girl who is about ten years old is completely fine. It is estimated that this is also Sha The reason for the selection of the can.

Compared to just having a "New York Story" experience in Kirsten, Sarah has a series of movie titles on her resume, and certainly not famous, at least as much as Eric’s readings. I have never seen it before.

"Jonathan, how is your impression of this girl?" Eric handed Sarah's information to Jonathan Demi.

Jonathan took a look and immediately recalled the scene of Sarah's interview: "The child started to star in the movie at the age of four. The performance experience filled in her materials is true. The girl has a strong sense of the camera during the interview. I have talked to her a little, very smart and very sensible. Although the girl looks very small, she is already twelve years old, and she is somewhat precocious, and her mind is at least fourteen. If In her words, compared to those who are really ten years old, shooting will be very troublesome."

Eric took back the information and decided: "That's her, you should communicate with her as usual, you must sign in to UTA."

Although Eric and Kapoor have said that they have not planned to expand UTA in the past few years, the actors trained in his film projects must not be cheaper than other brokerage companies. Because of the "CAA Revelation" that Eric produced in the previous period, many brokerage companies have begun to make drastic reforms to the original brokerage system. Although it is impossible to completely imitate the CAA model, CAA's detailed business model is Eric. After a thorough exposure, CAA is no longer able to maintain its superiority at least in the operating system. The situation in which the brokerage companies will emerge in the future is affirmative. Therefore, UTA can develop steadily and calmly, without worrying about the CAA's unique situation.

Watching Eric continue to open the information of other actors, it seems that just a few eyes, and then hurriedly decided the actors, Jonathan Demi is somewhat uncomfortable: "Eric, do not need to arrange a round of audition Are you doing something like this..."

"Do you think I am too hasty?" Eric smiled and looked up.

Jonathan scratched his head: "At least, should you look at the other's audition tape?"

Eric puts the list of the most actors in a pen and says: "No, Jonathan, I believe these people are all selected by you. Anyone who comes out will definitely be qualified for the role they need. So I don't need to do anything more, and then I can't really spend too much time. "The Sound of the Isles" also needs to start shooting as soon as possible. Cannes and the Berlin Film Festival are no more, but I hope to catch up with Venice in September. Film Festival."

"Well, I will inform these people as soon as possible." Jonathan nodded his promise, and he seemed to understand something. Perhaps Eric did this to show his dominance in the project. Although the boy is young, his control is stronger than the emperors who were worried about being ousted by the prince.

It’s a pity that the actors who were not selected for the final list but were not selected, perhaps they are still excited to prepare for the third round of audition, but are destined to be disappointed. This incident seems to be unfair, but Hollywood is like this. There are so many strange things, and there is never anything fair.

Together with Jonathan, he sorted out a bunch of information in front of him, and Eric asked again: "Is the shooting scene falling?"

“I entrusted my friends in the UK to find a few homes on some small islands in the English Channel, but I feel that it is necessary to go to the site to see if it is appropriate. In addition, I need to personally communicate with the owners of those houses. You know, many of the old houses with a long history belong to the British aristocracy. Although these people are very declining now, they still maintain a puzzling arrogance, so I have to come and visit in person, and the other person feels respected, things. It’s a lot easier to do.”

Eric inexplicably remembered some things from previous life and showed a clear smile.

Jonathan Demi suddenly said: "Actually, Eric, if you can come out personally, things will go even better, you are British. Many British media now regard you as their pride. If you come out, those The little aristocrats will definitely treat you as a guest, perhaps we can get some of the right to use the house without even spending money."

Eric puts his hand in his hand: "Forget it, for so many years, I have forgotten even the British chamber, and then I can't leave the crew now, and wait for the "Dark War" to seal the mirror, "The Island Cry" must have been It’s been a long time since I started shooting.”

The shooting process in the next few days is still very smooth. After all, it is a studio shot, with no restrictions on the exterior. Cruise also showed his first-class professionalism. If it wasn’t for him to show his absolute leadership over Eric’s crew from time to time, and always gesticulating the filming process, Eric would be happy to continue with Atango. Cooperation.

However, it is unlikely that the two will cooperate again in the future. With the character of Cruise, perhaps only the Spielberg-level director can use him without losing his leadership. Many of the films of previous Cruises, even if the director is not himself, but he still firmly grasps the control of the crew, and even the film giants who cooperate with them are not allowed to intervene.

Eric and Cruise are considered a type of person in this regard, so the possibility of future cooperation between the two is doomed.

"Boggy, your expression is still not in place. When you see Andy vomiting blood, you have to show horror and disappointment, not disgust, so this facial expression should be wide eyes, mouth slightly, and absolutely not I used frowning to express it," Eric frowned at this time, raising his arm and knocking on the watch on his wrist: "If you can't try it twice, we will drag it to the afternoon, you won't want to. Waste yourself and everyone's time, right?"

At this time, Brooke Shields stood in front of Eric, and his eyes were drooping like a little girl who made a mistake. As for whether or not it was installed, no one can be sure, but this appearance can always weaken the anger of men. Ke also refused to reprimand after NG five or six times.

"Sorry, Eric, I seem... I feel a little bit."

Eric sighed: "Then try again, all the people are ready."

Brooke Threads sat back to his position. This is the scene where Andy and Yoyo met for the second time. They spent the same time eating in a small restaurant. Eric still chose a studio shot, not to save money, 40 million US dollars. The budget is completely unnecessary, and he just wants to shoot these scattered indoor scenes as soon as possible. The location scene is a difficult bone. And Colombia's huge studios are also able to provide these conditions, even the streets outside the small restaurant are full-scale models. Although it is noon now, the conditions in the night are easily created in the shed.

"Miss Little Silk, don't worry, just come slowly. We have plenty of time. I don't think this is your problem. Eric is still too young."

Preparing for the gap, Cruise eagerly chatted with Brooke Little.

If Brooke Shields is so bad in Cruz's own film, it is estimated that Cruise will definitely be thundering. But now Cruise seems to be willing to see Eric's appearance, but he is a modest gentleman, and close to the beauty.

"Thank you for your comfort, Mr. Cruise," Brooke Shield responded with a smile.

"So, is it free at night, Miss Xiaosi, I don't know if I have the honor to have dinner with you?"

Brooke Shields gently picked up the trimmed eyebrows and glanced at Eric, not far away. If possible, she would rather invite Eric Williams. Not the married man in front of me.

But the young director who is five or six years younger than herself has made her elusive. She can be sure that Eric is very interested in her. This is her instinct as a pretty woman, and she is sure that this is not Her own self feels good, and Eric occasionally looks at her eyes and involuntarily carries an unspeakable eagerness, like a young man who is eager to try at the age of seventeen or eight, but most of the time he acts like a sophisticated one. The young man, with his sophisticated eyes reading the flowers, unreservedly appreciates her beauty and body.

"Mr. Cruise, can you give me a reply in the afternoon? I am not sure if there will be other things in the evening." Brooke Shields slightly resigned, but did not say completely.

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