I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 133: lunch

In an exquisite restaurant, Eric ordered the dishes and smiled with interest and looked at Julia's elegant communication with the waiter, skillfully playing with the cutlery in front of him.

"What do you see?" Julia quickly felt Eric's gaze and asked curiously.

Eric shook his head: "Nothing, just suddenly remembered the first time I met you in Jeff's restaurant, I feel that you are changing a lot now."

Julia obviously didn't want Eric to mention her most lonely period, and stunned the other side: "Are you asking for it?"

"Of course not," Eric said with a smile. "Just think... it's fun. Cinderella turned into a tall princess in the blink of an eye."

"Don't presuppose what 'Hollywood Cinderella' is good, I am almost annoyed by this title." Julia rolled her eyes, although this title contains the envy of the media and the public, but also Mixed with a lot of teasing.

"Well, then, how come you suddenly came back?"

"I took a spokesperson and rushed back to shoot an advertisement, by the way...by the way, look at you."

Julia said that she was squatting behind her.

In fact, she mainly came back to visit Eric. Advertising can be said to be an excuse. If she wants to, advertising in Louisiana is not a problem at all. Anyway, she is in a crew, many equipment and personnel are ready-made. .

But after all, Eric had been in a coma for more than ten hours. In the end, although it was safe, it was a big hit in Hollywood. She was Eric’s hand from a unknown little actor to a Hollywood superstar. In the process of Eric’s complete improvement, she did not show up from beginning to end, and it was inevitable that some media would be ungrateful.

The reason why I waited for Eric outside the studio today, instead of visiting it privately, was Julia's careful thinking, without him. In order to be able to create a little exposure, Julia was also a teacher. Although "Fengyue" is still in the heat, she has disappeared into the media for a whole month. The Louisiana town where Steelwood Orchid was filmed is too remote, plus director Herbert Rose. Worried about being interrupted by reporters, the news of the shooting location was still tightly closed. Even if there were three or two kittens who found the cat, they could not get any valuable news.

At the same time, Julia’s heart was also a bit worried about visiting Eric privately. She remembered the private sneak visit to Eric. Every time she recalled, she was reprimanded by Eric. Without a tearful scene, Julia hated the temper of this incomprehensible man.

"Thank you for your concern, Julia," Eric carefully said, and curiously asked: "Right, what ad is it?"

"Lan Lan's perfume endorsement," Julia shook a few fingers with a small smug in front of Eric: "One year, this number."

"Wow, it's a big sum... huge money," Eric is too lazy to ridicule. Xiao Yan Niu doesn't mind if you have some little vanity, but if you want to show off, you can find a suitable object. Is it really appropriate to do this in front of you?

"Well, I know you can't look at it, don't use that expression," Julia dissatisfied with her red lips, and remembered that she would look bigger when she did this. He was dissatisfied with this and quickly put away. Lips and corners: "I can't compare with you. I was a little hurt. The whole American eyes were attracted. Even the Oscars that had just been held were taken away."

"It should be said that I made a shield for this Oscar. If it weren't for me, this Oscar will get more buzz." Eric shrugged and replied: "In fact, the college should be good." Thank me."

"I don't know this very well, but I only saw this year's Oscar director Alan Carr in Louisiana announce that I will never accept the invitation of the party director, but things should not be as bad as you said? ”

"It’s much worse than you think, but I can’t tell you too much, because I and many other award-winning guests and performers have signed a confidential contract to ensure that they are not mentioned within 20 years. This year's Oscar's any inside story. And these days Disney also ran to join in the fun, threatened to sue the award ceremony to privately use Snow White's portrait, anyway, if it wasn't for me, this incident attracted most media attention, the college at least Also make an apology publicly to calm the anger of the media and the public."

Julia's eyes widened and listened to Eric's narrative, but after all, she couldn't understand too much. After all, she didn't personally participate in this Oscar. Even Oscar didn't take time to see the award because of some shots that night. ceremony. So the topic was quickly transferred to Eric's injury, and the girl was most concerned about the injury on Eric's forehead.

"Hey, it’s not convenient in the car. Now I can talk about it. What is the injury on your forehead? I don’t believe it is so simple to fall off the stairs. Is there definitely a hidden feeling?"

Eric’s spreader said helplessly: “This is the truth.”

"Definitely not," Julia showed a sly smile: "I read the newspapers a few days ago. After you were injured that day, Drew and your girlfriend named Jennifer Aniston sent you." Go to the hospital."

"and then?"

Julia leaned forward slightly and lowered her voice. "I think it must be that your girlfriend Aniston suddenly went to your house that morning and found you and Drew on a bed, picking up the vase under the impulse. What?"

The surprise in Eric's face flashed away, although Julia's guess is far from the truth, but one thing is true. He was hit by the talent skills of Aniston's little girl. Fortunately, Virginia was smart enough. The whole process of the incident did not show up. Only when his injury was completely stabilized, he went to the hospital to see him with other people.

Julia sharply grasped Eric’s sudden change of expression, and her red lips were slightly open, showing a surprised expression: “No, I guessed it?”

"Absolutely, I swear to the lamp," Eric said with a crystal chandelier on his head. "I just accidentally fell. My pathology report has been on a lot of newspapers. You can definitely see it. I have a lot of places." There are bruises, don't you think that Aniston has the ability to cause me such a wide range of injuries?"

"That's not necessarily true," the girl looked at Eric up and down arrogantly, seemingly thinking about how to start if she wanted to cause such an injury.

"Forget it, don't talk about this unpleasant topic. Let's talk about "Steel Magnolia". After all, I just passed through the phone several times with Mr. Herbert Ross. It’s just that you are here, how do you feel? ?"

Julia shook her head honestly. She is not sure why Eric will watch this movie until now, and she has toughly suppress her pay to let her participate. In Julia's view, "Steel Magnolia" is a trivial story with no central point. A group of housewives live an ordinary life day after day, all kinds of festivals, all kinds of life and death, all kinds of life trivia.

"I still think that this story is too ordinary, no... no highlights?"

Eric is trying to answer, the waiter brought the dishes of the two people up, and opened the wine for the two in person, patiently waiting for the waiter to finish all this, Eric played with the dishes in front of him and asked: "That What do you think should be a highlight of a movie?"

Julia took a sip of red wine, put down her glass and thought about it, waving her hand: "At least... at least..."

"At least there must be an unforgettable love story. The hero and the heroine love to die, or the big scene, the speeding, the explosion, the flames, or something?"

The girl nodded quickly: "Yes, should there be at least these things?"

"In public, I won't criticize you. If you want to know why, come to my house at night, I will give you a detailed analysis of what the elements of a film's success are." Eric said, still squinting. I looked at the opposite girl and smirked at the corner of my mouth.

"Amount... this, even if it is." Julia seems to have been scratched by Eric's gaze, subconsciously leaning back, and quickly refused, she knows that if she goes, she must be trained again. Maybe the big night will be dragged to bed by this abominable man.

Eric was only a little girl to tease, and soon she took away the cynicism, and analyzed it in a serious way: "In fact, the success or failure of a movie, the most important thing is whether the story of the director can cause The audience's resonance. I have carefully studied the script of "Steel Wood Orchid". This is a good story that puts the warmth of the ordinary into a trivial scene. At the same time, it causes the audience to resonate with each other, and it will unconsciously provoke tears. ""

Julia showed an unclear and squinting look. She seemed to be convinced and nodded. Then she asked her most concerned question: "That... How many box office do you think this movie can get?"

"What do you think?" Eric asked.

Julia hesitated for a while, stretched out two fingers, and soon felt that the number was too underestimated, and added two more, hesitating and taking back one. She thinks that this movie can get 30 million box office is already good, and with the investment scale of the movie, fireflies can make a small profit. In fact, Julia felt that if she continued to appear in a romantic comedy, even if it was a relatively similar subject matter, with the influence of "Fengyue", the film would be able to get a box office of 50 to 60 million, but for this family trivia Like a movie, Julia is really unable to raise confidence.

"You just don't have confidence in me?"

"I am just...just have no confidence in this movie." Julia told the truth.

Eric wiped his mouth with a napkin without hesitation, and smiled: "Or, how about we bet, I bet that the box office of this movie will not be less than 50 million."

“What is the bet?” Julia asked curiously.

Eric showed another smirk: "If you lose, come to my house as a maid for a week. If I lose, give me a driver for a week."

If it wasn't for Eric to say the word maid, the expression was too evil, and Julia almost agreed to dismiss it. She felt that her winning face was over 70%, and the maid of this era was still very serious. But after taking note of Eric's look, Julia was keenly aware of the inadequacy and decisively refused: "No, don't gamble with you."

"Or, 60 million?"

Not only did Julia not be tempted, but she refused more firmly: "I don't think about it."

Because Eric had a filming job in the afternoon, the meal ended in half an hour, but it also provided a lot of photo material for the paparazzi. In short, there will be anecdote of Eric and Julia in the media tomorrow. .

After having lunch, Julia sent Eric back to the studio.

“When are you going back to the crew?” Eric asked at the door of the studio.

"The plane at four o'clock in the afternoon." Julia did not get off the bus and replied in the carriage: "Yes, Eric, the crew's shooting budget seems to be insufficient, maybe at least two million dollars."

"Mr. Ross let you say?"

Julia nodded. Herbert Rose didn't know that Eric had noticed that his crew had a tight budget and was even ready to budget. Considering the close relationship between Julia and Eric, when Julia came back, she asked the girl to test Eric's tone.

After all, this is a small-cost movie. If you add another two million budget, the cost will reach 10 million US dollars, and the box office will reach more than 33 million to recover the cost. Although there is Julia's joining, Herbert Rose himself is not sure whether the film with no comedy elements in this family class will reach the scale of more than 30 million box office.

"This is no problem," Eric nodded. "You tell Mr. Ross, let him ask Jeffrey for money."

"Then I will thank you for Mr. Ross," Julia smiled and said goodbye to Eric before driving away.

The first shot in the afternoon was the scene of Andy and Yoyo in the small restaurant. I don’t know why, after eating a meal, Brooke Shield returned to the unopened state of the morning. NG several times, although the girl repeatedly apologized with such a pitiful expression, Eric couldn't help but ignite, and also painted a big cross for Brooke Shields.

No longer cooperate, this beautiful vase is really tossing people, so many times the golden plum prize is really nothing, or continue to those who stand alone in the movie to harm others.

At the same time, Eric also dismissed the idea of ​​a super friendship with Brooke Shields. Hollywood is so big, so many beautiful girls, not bad.

After half an hour of tossing, the scene in the restaurant is finally over.

"Eric, I am sorry, I am a little bit bad," Brooke Threads completed his own shot, which means that today's work is all done, packing up his things, changing clothes in the locker room, When I left, I got in front of Eric.

At this time, the dress of the girl is no longer the black professional dress in the lens. I don’t know whether it is intentional or not. The girl is wearing a tight dark blue high-rise jeans and the hem of the shirt is stuffed into the waistband. The upright hip curve and the slender legs are unobstructed in front of everyone.

Almost all men in the crew cast their gaze on the girl, and thought of the famous jeans advertisement of Brooke Shields. Even many people have a thought in mind Nothing?

Although Eric dismissed some thoughts, he did not mind eating the tofu that was delivered to the door, admiring the exquisite appearance of Brooke Shield and the perfect body curve. The expression was slightly relaxed: "It doesn't matter, Brooke, I hope that after you go back, you can seriously understand the rest of your play. Those are all outside scenes. If you waste too much time like this, it will definitely affect the shooting progress and will consume unnecessary budget."

"Well, I will definitely work hard," Brooke whispered nodded and looked at Eric seriously. The high-heeled shoes rubbed on the floor a few times, and the long-legged followers showed a slightly awkward After waiting for a few seconds, I found that Eric had taken back his eyes and had no plans to invite dinner.

Brooke Shields did not dare to do too much. If it was rejected by Eric, then she might be laughed at by the crew members, especially the Cruise that she had explicitly rejected before, so she could only have some Lost and said: "So, goodbye, Eric."

"Goodbye, someone will inform you of the next scene," Eric raised his chin and nodded to the girl. He took a pencil and took a few marks on the desk and turned to start picking up something to the assistant.

Brooke whistle stopped for a few more seconds, and she could only leave the place. She had already hinted so clearly. Eric was still indifferent, which made Brooke whit a little frustrated.

"How long does it take for Hanks to arrive?" Eric didn't care about the departure of Brooke Shields. Although he noticed the other party's suggestion, since he had already made a decision, he would definitely not change. If you can't resist lure in Hollywood, it's likely to bring very bad results.

"There are ten minutes," Allen said.

"Well, hurry up and clean up, let's move to other scenes."

Eric looked at his watch and thought about it.

Cruise’s one-man show has been completed. Next, Eric plans to shoot a few scenes of Cruise and Hanks in the small bar. Today will be the first match between the two protagonists, remembering the past life. Eric couldn't help but be slightly excited when the two big coffees were almost parallel in their acting career. I was looking forward to what kind of sparks the two people would have when they played.

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