I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 134: Opponent

"Hey, Tom," Hanks appeared in the studio, and Eric greeted him enthusiastically. He liked the spleen and Hanks a little more than Cruise, who had always been polite with each other. .

"Hey, Eric, I am not late?" Hanks stepped forward and hugged Eric and asked.

"Of course not," Eric nodded to Hanks' assistant and turned to Hanks: "It takes about fifteen minutes to lay out the scene, and you just have to take the opportunity to make up."

The two walked side by side to the dressing room. Hanks greeted the crew members with enthusiasm and looked around. Curiously whispered, "What about Cruise?"

"Maybe to make up the makeup," Eric faintly said, Hanks nodded, didn't say anything, and met several times before, Hanks also didn't have much impression on this actor with the same name. Cruise is too arrogant, and even if he is polite to a person, it will give people a feeling of being alms.

The crew has already completed the makeup process before, so Hanks makeup doesn't take too long.

After the breakfast room scene was set up, photographer Nickel walked to Eric, who was talking to Hanks and Cruise: "Eric, you better have a look."

Eric said sorry to the two superstars and got up and followed Nickel to the corner of the restaurant, where a camera was placed.

"Eric, look here, there will be a quick-scanning lens, but I can only stand in this position to operate the camera," Nickel said awkwardly: "Look, this difficulty is somewhat difficult. Big, very awkward, and hard to grasp."

Although Eric is not as professional as Nickel, he also knows a lot of shooting skills. He tried to operate the camera rocker arm and it was very awkward, but the best operating position was occupied by the wall behind him.

"Nickel, what do you mean?" Eric asked to let go of the camera and clap his hands.

"I can only try a few times. The shooting angle of this position is the best. If it doesn't work, and you want the best effect..." Nickel pointed to Eric: "Then we can only This wall has been removed."

"That should be tried a few times," Eric said. He didn't mind dismantling the wall. Anyway, this is a studio, not a location. Colombia will definitely cooperate, but it will at least waste another hour.

"Well," Nickel nodded. "So let's get started."

There are three scenes in this small restaurant scene. In the first scene, the two are completely strangers in their own breakfast. Of course, according to the plot, this time Andy has begun to pay attention to Shawn, but Shawn is completely ignorant of this. . In the second act, there will be a shot of two people rubbing their shoulders. Andy will leave a number 13 cup mat for Shawn. The third scene is also the longest time. Andy convinces Shawn in a minute. Let the police cooperate with him to arrest the big villain and the monk to avenge his father.

"All personnel pay attention to the first game of the 12th act of "The Dark War", action!"

Sean stared at the newspaper in front of her, ate the cake, heard the sound of the restaurant door being pushed open, and naturally looked up and quickly turned her eyes to the newspaper.

"Good!" Eric gave Hanks a thumbs up, followed by Cruise playing Andy eating something, while staring at the slightly trembling lens on the top of the head, this shot is completely absent from Cruise. Difficult, Eric also made a thumbs up to Cruise.

In the original version, there will be three cartoon shots in this scene. This should be an animation that Andy likes very much. Unfortunately, in the case of only four weeks of life, every time I see the familiar picture, I will let Andy Producing a kind of sadness that is not much time, this is why Andy will worry every time he sees this shot.

Here, Eric does not intend to find a cartoon to collect, he intends to use the "Friends" lens.

Although "Friends" only exists in Eric’s plan now, but after the filming of "Small Island" and "Scent of Women" are on the right track, Jeffrey will start preparing for "Friends", now Only in April, as long as the six protagonists can be identified, Eric has plenty of time to shoot a few classic "Friends" shots into the film.

In the new movie, there will be a TV drama directed by Eric Williams himself. This is a good gimmick for film promotion, and at the same time promotes "Friends", which is a win-win situation.

After the completion of the two shots, the most difficult shots will soon begin.

After the scoreboard was laid, Eric stared at the monitor. Nickel operated the camera for a second on Hanks' face and then began to sway. Eric clearly felt the difficulty and unevenness of the lens transition.

Although the last shot accurately stayed on Cruise's side face, Eric could only call the card.

Next, Nickel tried again six times, and the results ended in failure. Eric knew the reason for this flaw, so he patiently let Nickel try again and again.

But after the eleventh attempt failed, Cruise finally got a little impatient. He had already eaten a lot of cream cakes in succession. He didn't understand that he thought that such a simple lens had to be tried so many times, and the staff turned the camera back. In the empty space, Cruise stood up and glanced at Nickel, who was sweaty on his forehead. He said to Eric: "Eric, maybe I can introduce a better photographer to you. ""

Cruise did not mean to suppress the voice, and said this sentence in front of everyone, the scene directly fell into awkwardness.

Nickel has been operating for more than ten times because of his awkward posture. The waist has begun to feel some pain. I didn’t expect my efforts to get such an evaluation. I want to greet Cruise, but I am afraid that doing this will make IRe Difficult to do, can only stand there helplessly.

Many people in the crew have expressed dissatisfaction with the words of Cruise's rudeness. They have cooperated with Nickel for many years and know the strength of Nickel.

Although she has just experienced more than a dozen failures in succession, everyone understands the reason more and more through the posture of Nikkor operating the camera, and patiently tries to accompany Nickel over and over again.

In the face of the eyes of everyone, Eric knows that this matter must be handled with caution, otherwise it will cause conflicts between the crew and the actors, but it must both calm the emotions of Cruise and the dissatisfaction of the staff. Things are not easy to handle.

After thinking about it, Eric can only stand up and walk to the camera, patiently explaining to Cruise why the lens is so easy to fail.

After listening to Eric’s explanation, Cruise realized that he had just married Nickel and shrugged his shoulders to reveal a faint smile: “I’m sorry, then let’s continue.”

After saying Cruise, he sat back on his seat again.

Eric applauded Nikol's shoulder and whispered: "Try two or three times, and if you can't, then take the wall off."

Nickel knew that Eric could explain the reason to Cruise personally. It was already very self-defeating, so he didn't mind Cruise's sincere apology, but nodded to Eric for gratitude: "I will try my best." of."

Although this small storm seems to be cloudless, it is also destined to leave some traces in the hearts of many people. Anyway, because of a series of movies by Cruise, they have a lot of good members. It is no longer eager to perform.

Perhaps because of luck, it may be other reasons. The second time I started to try, the lens finally passed. When Eric shouted 'Good', many people could not help but slap in the face. Nick Er also sighed and slammed his sore arm.

Next, the second scene of the two men passing by easily passed, and finally reached the first match between Cruise and Hanks.

"Hey, so early inspector?" The little girl in the restaurant saw Sean, who came in and pushed in, and greeted him enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I made a date," Sean replied, coming to the bar.

Andy's mouth was stuffed with pastries, and when he heard Shawn's words, he smiled and his expression was smug. In the past few days, Sean, the once-influenced police elite, was really worthy of praise.

Sean stretched his face to Andy and patted the number 13 teacup on the bar.

"Sit," Andy put down the water glass and said.

Sean took a picture from his suit pocket: "You are very accurate, Mr. Zhang."

"I found it?" Andy turned his head.

"You stole the gems, avenged your father, and asked me to do it?"

"I said, this game has to play for three days."

Shaun’s pocket on his chest was used to pretend to be a document: “Now is not yours, I am a policeman.”

"Clean up the warehouse, change the lamp..."

When Cruise finished the line, Eric shouted.

"It's like this, Cruise, your smile is going to be a bit more ridiculous," Eric first went to Cruise and offered his opinion. At the same time, he opened his mouth and smiled, trying to do for Cruise. After a demonstration, I found that I didn't have the talent of Xu, who could demonstrate everything to the actors. I could only disappoint: "That, pause for two minutes, you should brew it."

After explaining Crows, Eric turned to Hanks again: "Hankes, I heard Andy's ridicule, you are too embarrassed, although your heart is very embarrassing, but you also have your own self-respect, so At the same time, you need to do some body language, such as nodding, to cover up your embarrassment."

"Well, Eric, I think again," Hanks nodded.

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