I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 135: D header

Eric returned to his seat and after two minutes, the shooting began again.

This part of the opponent’s play lasted for more than three minutes. Of course, it was impossible to finish it in one breath. Eric divided the three-minute scene into seven sub-shots with an average of less than thirty seconds, and for each shot Eric Strive to achieve a perfect state, so the number of NG is far more than the other shots taken these days.

Cruise and Hanks gradually realized what they were aware of, and their performance requirements were becoming more and more strict. At the end of the day, it was obviously more difficult. Sometimes Eric felt that the effect was already available, Crewe Or Hanks will take the initiative to pick out the cockroaches he has just performed and then ask to shoot again.

In this case, Eric is quite happy with it. The two superstars don't know when to cooperate next time, and maybe they will never cooperate again in the future. Therefore, Eric also wants to leave a perfect match in this movie.


After another NG, Eric looked at the watch. From the last scene to the present hour, the three minutes and seven minutes were only completed five, and the last two most important Andy had a minute to lobby. Shooting.

But the time for work has arrived, watching Cruise and Hanks, who are still sparkling, and Joe Percy, who has been waiting for an hour to play the Inspector General of the Crime Squad, Eric reminded: "It’s time to get off work. Two."

Eric finished, looking forward to looking at Cruise and Hanks, as an oriental in his bones, he did not have any objection to overtime, and even felt that he took it for granted, and he wanted to add an hour of class. The segment shots were all taken, so I hope that the two will take the initiative to propose the completion of this shot.

However, Eric found that he seriously underestimated the Europeans’ paranoia about the eight-hour work system. Hearing Eric said that both Cruz and Hanks, who were still eager to try, played directly and stood up and smiled. After a hand, there was a kind of emotion in the face of the opponent, and then they greeted Eric with separate greetings. They began to pack things and wanted to leave. There was no plan to work overtime from beginning to end.

Eric spit in his heart and could only helplessly shrug his shoulders and announce the crew's work.

After that, Eric took the free time to walk to Joe Percy: "Sorry, Joe, let you wait for an hour."

Joe Pesce didn't mind shaking his head, using his unique voice: "This is nothing, Eric, I just watched a full hour of performances, I am now worried that my performance will not be It’s as good as it is.”

"You don't have to worry about this at all. I think it's Hanks who is worried. I think he may be robbed by the characters you play at any time. Your character's lines and action design are too happy."

"It is true, but I have not participated in comedy before. You know, the "Angry Bull" and "America's Past" that I have participated in before, and the recent "Rage Rescue" are not comedies. ”

"Joe, I think you are more suitable for comedy. Maybe after this movie, you will find your comedy talent. To be honest, you know "The Devil is the Master". When I filmed this movie, I thought of that age. The most suitable thief Harry is the most suitable player."

Joe Pesci's eyes widened. He felt that Eric didn't lie to himself in this detail. It was "Little Ghosts", and the box office is about to break through the $300 million "Little Ghosts".

"That, then why..." Joe Percy missed a meaningless gesture, and he certainly understood what it meant to miss "Little Devils."

Eric understood the meaning of the other party, and the helpless staller explained: "Because I can't afford you at the time, "Little Ghosts" has too little budget."

"Maybe... you can try to invite me first."

"You know that this is impossible. If I want you to pay $20,000 for the Harry who plays in the current movie, you definitely don't want to refuse."

Joe Percy understands that this is indeed the case. Although he is not a famous actor, he has nominated a best supporting actor. Unless he can not know the prophet, he will definitely not accept the 20,000-dollar pay. Shaking his head, Joe Percy said: "This is really a pity."

"Well, don't say this, now we don't have a chance to cooperate."

"This is really... Eric, you are raising this matter now, just wanting me to sleep well this evening. I missed such a good opportunity."

"Everyone will miss thousands of opportunities in their lives, so this is not a big deal. Go back and wash your teeth and take a shower. You can't drink two more drinks. You will forget about it when you sleep." I took a look at the shoulders of Pai Bridge.

"How could I forget it," Joe Pesce rolled his eyes at Eric, then shook his head: "Forget it, I will go back first. This is really..."

Seeing that Joe Percy had left his face, Eric began to regret that he told the other person that he had just wanted to use this little thing to make up with Joe Pesci.

I hope that Joe Pesci will not be incarnate in the next step, and repeatedly recited ‘I actually missed the “Little Ghosts””.

Arranged everything, Eric really planned to leave, but at the entrance of the studio, he saw Martin Brest, the director of "Scent of the Woman", and the assistant behind him held a thick stack of paper bags.

Eric took a look and knew what was inside. After greeting, Eric asked: "Martin, I didn't say that the list of the day after tomorrow can be determined, how is it so fast?"

"Sorry, Eric, the original plan is indeed the day after tomorrow, but for various reasons, it was screened two days in advance, and Al wants to start up as soon as possible, so I can only wait for you here."

"How did Aldo come?" Eric asked curiously.

Martin explained: "Al has begun to figure out the role. He has been adapting to the habits of the blind people these days, and specifically told me not to disturb him."

Eric nodded and understood, thinking about it, pointing to a Passat that was not far from Martin: "Is that your car?"

Martin nodded.

"Then let's talk in the car, just I am going to Malibu, is it convenient to send me in the past?"

"Of course, no problem."

Several people got into the car, Eric said the address, and Martin's assistant started the car.

In the back seat, Eric first opened one of the most important protagonists, the candidate list of middle school student Charlie Simmons.

Martin explained next: "Eric, these are excellent young people through two rounds of auditions. Because there are more middle school students, there are a total of 30 candidate lists. You have chosen Charlie Simon. After the actor's role, we can select a series of Charlie students directly from the remaining list."

“Well,” Eric pulled out a thick stack of papers out of the file bag and asked again, “Yes, what about the young lady I introduced to Gabriel Anwar?”

Martin thinks that the petite girl may have something to do with Eric, so it explains in great detail: "After her role was determined, the girl returned to the UK a few days ago, but soon returned, currently living in Wei In a hotel on Ershi Avenue, yes, she went to see you when you were in a coma that day. Eric, do you need the address of her hotel?"

“No,” Eric just asked casually, scanning the list. The 30 candidate lists were arranged in alphabetical order according to the actors’ surnames. So Eric saw two juxtaposed directly on the D head. The name of the Hollywood superstar.

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