I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 136: What are their qualifications to refuse?

Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio.

A series of movie names drifted through my mind, and Eric shook his head and threw the flying images into the corner. If nothing went on, he would not see anything other than the two former superstars. It’s true that the original Chris O'Donnell is also blown away by the butterfly wings.

Of course, even if it appears, Eric will not give this role to Chris again, because the presence of the other party in the original version is too weak, although the performance of Al Pacino is too eye-catching, but its own performance There is no bright spot on it is also an important reason.

Quickly read 30 pieces of information, Eric asked Martin Brest for a pen, and made a tick behind the names of Matt Damon and Xiao Lizi, hesitating for a while, Eric In the end, he decided to choose Matt Damon. Matt Damon was just 18 years old this year. He was handsome in appearance and matched the image of Charlie. In comparison, Xiao Lizi’s current image is a bit more suffocating.

Drew a circle on the name of Matt Damon, Eric’s Martin Brest, who has been watching his movements: “Martin, Charlie Simmons’s role is given to Matt Damon. Leonardo DiCaprio gives him the role of Charlie's classmate George. Also, I don't care if they have a brokerage firm or a broker, and if they want to get a role, they must join UTA."

"Eric, what if the two don't agree to join UTA?"

Eric looked at Martin strangely: "What qualifications do they disagree with?"

Martin heard Eric's natural tone, a slight glimpse, recalled the information of Matt Damon and Xiao Lizi, and soon laughed: "Really, the two little rookies did not refuse.

So, between these three words, the two roles were settled in this way. "The Sound of the Isles" and "Smell the Woman" are both firefly movie projects. The two crews also have exchanges, so Martin Bu Lester had already known Eric's decision to determine the character of "The Sound of the Island". He and Jonathan Demi felt that Eric only wanted to embody his dominance over the film before he finally played the role. The decision is taken into the hands.

Although Martin felt that Eric was somewhat sloppy and childish, he did not refute anything. In the eyes of Martin, who is already forty years old, Eric is really just a child. It is understandable to do such a thing. What he and Alneng did was to carefully select the appropriate candidate, regardless of which Eric chose, to ensure that the other person is qualified for the role.

Eric did not have any excuse, and the reason he did this was indeed as Martin and others thought.

If he is a middle-aged man of forty or fifty years old, he may also be able to show his own chest by decentralization, and he can also gain more admiration. But if he is only 18 years old, if he does this, it will only make people think that he is young and foolish, so he has to show his strength everywhere, for movies, for women.

From the studio in Colombia to Malibu for 40 minutes, Eric quickly circled all the actors, part of which was followed by Martin's suggestion, and part of the impression of some actors in his mind.

At the intersection of the Malibu coastal road, Martin’s car stopped and Eric wore sunglasses and a baseball cap to get off the bus: “Thank you for sending me, Martin, goodbye.”

"Goodbye," Martin slammed down the window and smiled at Eric. He waved his hand and told the assistant to drive away.

After Passat turned away, Eric turned and walked to the small villa not far away. In front of the door of Virginia, Eric touched a key to open the door and walked in.

It was already in the evening, the lights were already lit in the villa, Eric had just walked to the door, the door of the villa was first opened inside, and Virginia was wearing a casual home uniform, carrying two large bags in Eric. before.

"Ah!" Seeing Eric, who suddenly appeared in front of him, Virginia was obviously shocked, and the bag in his hand fell to the ground.

"Eric, you... how come you?" The girl hurriedly picked up the trash bag that had fallen off the floor and placed it next to the door, opening the door and letting Eric come in.

Eric smiled and embraced the fragrant body and kissed him on the face of Virginia: "So nervous, don't you hide a man at home?"

"I just didn't expect you to come to me these days." Virginia squinted softly: "Even if I hide a man, how can you treat me?"

Eric pinched the face of Virginia, a serious saying: "This, there are still many punishment methods. For women who steal sorrow, in some countries in the Middle East, they will be punished. Everyone will work together to use stones. Suddenly smashing a woman, in the East China, there was a kind of soaking pig cage in ancient times, which was to put a woman’s lighted clothes into a big cage and then throw it into a pond and drown."

"Hah, how can there be such a barbaric thing?" Virginia had a cold war.

"So, I appreciate the way in some places in India to punish sly women, very human."

"Oh," Virginia said with a curious look.

Eric smirked: "In some places in India, if a woman is found to have stolen lyrics, the village chief will summon the man of the whole village, and wait for the woman to serve again, ensuring that the woman being served will not be able to serve for half a lifetime. Think of men."

"Wow, it’s disgusting, but also a strong man, you are only 18 years old, where you learned so many messy things."

"No way, I was born to be so learned," Eric said.

"So, Mr. Bo Xue, is there any way in your mind to punish the man who betrayed his girlfriend, to the most brutal I listen?"

Eric was stunned and coughed twice. He said, "The amount...this is really not."

"Cut," Virginia said, earning her eyes from Eric's arms: "Don't be awkward, go ahead, I will throw away the rubbish."

"I am coming, it looks quite heavy," Eric grabbed the plastic bag, not knowing what was inside, it was really heavy.

"It's fine to throw it into the trash can at the door," Virginia said. Eric had already grabbed the bag and didn't block it. He pointed at the gate.

Eric threw the **** back into the house and saw that Virginia was busy in the kitchen. He went in and grabbed the girl from behind. The probe looked at Virginia with sugar on the coffee cup. And milk powder: "In fact, I don't like coffee very much. I would rather drink boiled water. I heard that drinking boiled water is a kind of longevity secret."

Vegniya smiled and continued to add coffee powder to the cup: "You are so young, how can you think of longevity, are you afraid of death?"

"Of course not, I am not afraid of death, just afraid of regret."

"Sorry, what regret?"

Yes, what regret?

Eric put his chin on the girl's shoulder and thought about it. His regret in his previous life was that he couldn't watch his child grow up, and he didn't even shoot a movie of his own. The one he was born again. At the time, China's film industry is at a stage of great explosion. Although he has already rushed four times, he still has not completely died. He has also discussed with a few friends. The movie world is so good. It may take a few years to make a good book and use the accumulated people in these years to pull an investment. Make a movie of your own.

It is a pity that the plan has not yet been implemented, and it has come to this time and space inexplicably. Less than a year now, his achievements have been a super life winner in the past. It is too much to talk about regrets.

"How come suddenly?" The girl carefully rushed the boiled water into the coffee cup and asked.

"It's okay, just thinking that if I suddenly hang up, there will be any regrets."

Vignia put down the hot water bottle, turned and raised his face and looked at Eric’s expression seriously: “Eric, if you have been thinking about deaths recently, I suggest you find a mentality as soon as possible. Doctor, are you too stressed?"

"Of course not," Eric saw from the girl's eyes a deep concern, and quickly denied it. He wanted to explain it, but he didn't know where to start.

"Let's go to the living room to talk," Virginia sent a cup of coffee to Eric, and she picked up the cup and walked to the living room.

Sitting down on the sofa, Virginia asked: "How come you come to me today, are you not living with Aniston?"

Eric smiled a bit: "There is such awkward thing, Jane is willing to blame me, she is now running to Burbank to rent a house."

If it weren’t accidentally falling off the stairs, Eric would have more headaches and would be able to persuade Xiaoyan.

That morning, I woke up from a coma, taking advantage of Aniston's weak and worried opportunity because of worry and lack of sleep. Eric successfully sneaked Xiao Yanu into the list of actors on "Friends." But he made another big mistake afterwards. He put Aniston and Drew together and slept on both sides of his bed.

As a result, at noon, he ate with Jeffrey and Kapoor, and when he returned to the ward, he found that both girls were awake. And the scene was quite confusing, the pillow quilt was smashed to the ground, and a scaffolding of the hanging bottle was pushed. The two hoes were like two mad wild cats, twisted together on the bed, the clothes were messy, and the scenery was half-covered. While licking each other, they pushed each other and tried to get the other person out of the hospital bed. It seemed that it was not a bed, but Eric himself.

Eric had a good idea to persuade the two baby babies, and then Aniston smeared tears to condemn Eric eccentricity, and Drew screamed and persuaded Aniston to break up with him, long pain is better than short pain Yunyun, the success of the speech has aroused the rebellious psychology of Aniston, and Xiao Yan Niang vowed in public that she would never be cheaper.

Eric saw Aniston swearing a small appearance, and his heart was still secretly so small, but then Aniston did not live in the villa, but rented an apartment in Burbank himself, although not Anything to break up, but with Eric hit a cold war, followed by "Black War" started, Eric busy group, there is no time to go to the girl, can only play a few days to Xiaoqiu A harassment phone announces a sense of existence.

When I heard Eric’s explanation, Virginia’s face was followed by red: “You should spend more time with her, the little girl is just as good, and you should not always be so strong.”

"Well, let's not mention this headache. You are not going to the UK the day after tomorrow. I always have to come see you. I have talked with Jonathan. The "Small Island" is not a problem until September. The Venice Film Festival is just fine, so he will keep improving when shooting, and it is estimated that you have to stay in the UK for a long time."

Virginia took a sip of coffee and blinked: "Will you come to the crew to see... visit the class?"

Eric shook his head: "I'm not sure, the deadline for "Dark War" is in July. If the filming is successful and can be closed in mid-May, I will go to the UK. If the filming is not going well, I will probably not go. ""

"Oh," Virginia refused to nod.

And casually talked a few words, Eric took his stomach: "That, Vicky, I am hungry."

The girl quickly stood up and said: "What can I eat, can I drive to the supermarket?"

Eric blocked the girl's move: "It's not so much trouble, just do something."

"Well, there is spaghetti at home," the girl said as she walked to the kitchen.

After Verginia was busy with the apron in the kitchen, Eric got up and walked to the second floor, and went to the balcony. The sun had completely fallen, and the sky gradually darkened. Eric looked at the balcony railing. The sharp corner of Malibu in the distance, because of the sky, can only see some dim outlines, construction has begun, it is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

In addition to the super-sea view mansions in Iron Man, there are several other villas in the manor over one hectare to entertain guests or host banquets.

Eric has seen the entire manuscript of the entire manor, and the other villas are located in a flat place, the cost is much lower than the sea view mansion, but in the design provided by Frank Gehry, several buildings are natural. Blending together, with the green belts in the manor, tennis courts, aprons and other facilities, giving people a natural feeling.

Of course, the cost of the entire manor is more than 20 million US dollars. Anyway, there is a special accounting firm to supervise the financial status of the project. Since the idea has been made to create an ideal luxury estate, as long as the other party does not engulf the project. Or other tricks, then how can luxury come from, not to make money is to spend it.

After dinner, Eric was tired, but patiently accompanied the girl to sleep on the sofa for a while.

"Eric, I heard that Firefly is going to shoot a TV series?"

"Yeah," Eric's big hand is moving in Virginia's chest: "Right, this is a sitcom. In the future, many big stars will be required to be a guest. Do you want to come?"

Vignia gasped softly and replied in confusion: "You let me go, I will go."

Eric said: "Jane is one of the protagonists."

Virginia smiled and held Eric's big hand on his chest: "Oh, then I have to go, you are responsible for coordinating everything. Anyway, it's all about you. I really want to see it." If your girlfriend can't help but bully me in public, you will not control it."

"I don't care," Eric said with a smile. "According to the ancient traditions of the East, your identity is a big house. It is a matter of course to be bullied by a wife. Of course, if you have the ability to complete the shackles, I am also happy to see it."

Although Virginia did not understand what was going on in the house, it did not prevent her from understanding the meaning of Eric, and gently bit it on Eric’s arm, leaving a faint tooth print: "You are such a jerk."

Eric touched it enough, and pulled back her hand and hugged the girl: "Okay, don't watch, let's go upstairs and have some fun."

Vignia only felt like she was vacating and waving her hand: "Well... ah, don't worry, turn off the TV first, really."

Eric grabbed the remote control and turned off the TV. He picked up the girl and took a slap on the other side of the hip before going upstairs.

After a ridiculous night, Eric climbed up at seven o'clock the next day and hurriedly had breakfast, so that Virginia was driving to the crew.

Although after a night, but after starting the opponents that were not finished yesterday, Cruise and Hanks quickly entered the state, and the remaining shots were all fixed in half an hour, and I heard myself yesterday. Joe Pesci, who missed the "Little Ghosts", was also very eye-catching. When he heard that Sean let go of Andy, he shook his head and looked excited and the image in his memory was almost carved out of a mold. The voice of Joe Percy is more gratifying than the original inspiration in the original version. The members of the live crew can't help but laugh, and Hanks also clearly shows that he may be crushed.

In the following period of time, the filming of "Dark War" was still slowly advancing according to the plan. A few days later, the crew of "The Sound of the Island" went to the UK to fly to the UK. In addition to the actors, the "Small Island Cry" crew The staff were basically built by Jonathan Demi, and Eric did not intervene. After all, Jonathan Demi had been in Hollywood for more than a decade, and there were more connections in this area than Eric.

Eric did not take the time to send it, but Jeffrey, as one of the producers, went to the small island of the English Channel along with the crew and stayed in the crew for a few days before returning.

In mid-April, "Scent of the Woman" was officially launched. At the same time, after more than ten days of filming, "Dark War" completed all the indoor scenes and started the most difficult scenes, although all the scenes were installed in Eric. In the mind, but when it was filmed, it was not as easy as it was imagined.

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