I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 137: roll

In the downtown area with high-rise buildings in Los Angeles, a 500-meter-long street near the Santa Monica Highway has been blocked, and no external vehicles are allowed. From 8:00 am, a large number of shooting equipment will start from the truck. Remove.

Nearby residents have become accustomed to the crew's presence. In Los Angeles, there are countless movie crews starting up every day, and this road is not too busy, but it is between high-rise buildings, so many crews will be here. Framing.

But this time there are obviously more people watching, not only because the film contains two well-known superstars Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks, but also because of the director of Eric, many live directors see It’s no surprise that young directors who have achieved great achievements at the age of nineteen are unique, and it is not surprising that they have aroused strong curiosity.

The crowd around the street is crowded with many paparazzi with cameras on the chest. I hope to be able to take some valuable photos. Even if I can’t shoot some news like the accident, but if I can take a few shots, I can take a few shots. It is also worth waiting for a day.

"The extras are in place?" Next to the three yellow taxis, Eric looked at the camera crew and installed the camera on the front of the car and asked to go to his assistant.

"Fifty people, all of them have come, Royce asked me to ask you, do you want to start preparing?"

"According to the plan, let the group performers first familiarize themselves with their position, and wait for us to take a few street scenes first."

“Well,” Allen said, saying, “Yes, people in community agencies say that we have to open this street for an hour at noon. The reason they give is that the flow of people will be compared during that time. Big, need to pass through this street."

Eric screamed at the forehead. This is nothing to look for. It’s not off-duty at noon, and how much traffic can increase. But he also doesn't want to deal with these tough institutions too much. Anyway, the crew also needs to dine at noon: "Respond to them, no problem, we will stop shooting and let the streets come out from 12:00 to 1 hour."

After Allen left, Eric turned his attention to several taxis. The license numbers of the three taxis were exactly the same. This was just for the details of the loopholes. Once the shooting is completed, all three cars will be replaced. Return to the original license plate.

Of the three cars, one does not need any treatment, the photographer will shoot on the co-pilot, and the other two will add cameras to the front and rear windows of the front and rear seats.

Today, Shaun will be shooting the scene where he wants to send Andy to the police station for the first time. The scene in the script is less than two minutes, but according to Eric’s calculation, the camera footage will be close. An hour, so today, if you can finish this scene, it will be smooth.

After the camera brackets in the taxi were all prepared, Eric picked up the intercom and began to give orders to all the crew of the whole crew. Cruise and Hanks, who had been in the trailer, got off the bus and waited nearby. The long-awaited paparazzi began to press the shutter crazy, the two men's dresses are not too special, Cruise is a black casual wear, and Hanks is dressed like a courier, wearing a cap, dressed Plain white work set.

After Eric’s brief renewed embarrassment, the two men got into the first taxi without any modifications. The first scene was to take a picture of the taxi’s location on the street.

Eric walked behind the wireless monitor and looked at the screen that was less than seven inches. After confirming that the lens was in the right light, Eric confirmed to the camera again: "Allen, the crowd of people on the scene left the shooting area. ?"

"All left, and now the actors in front of the camera are our actors." The sound of Allen sounded in the intercom, mixed with the sound of the current.

Eric had to confirm this. If there is a face that is not an actor on the screen after the completion of the production in the future, the excitement will be great.

The American group performance is also an actor, and the price is very expensive, but Eric can still not take the real people into it, not to mention whether the real passers-by will cooperate with the lens of the camera, even if it is really coordinated, then the film production will be completed in the future. Once they are found out that they appear on the movie screen, the American character will not produce a sense of vanity like 'I am going to the movies.' They will only contact their lawyers and be infringed by the right of portrait. The reason for suing the film crew, the investigation, the loss of one hundred and eight hundred thousand dollars is considered light, the whole movie may be forced to go down halfway, it will be a big deal.

Therefore, although Eric confirmed it here, after the completion of the post-editing, he will organize the manpower to make a detailed screening of the characters appearing in the camera to ensure that there are no 'outsiders' who are not actors in the movie. .

So, when you see a Hollywood movie where the protagonist is walking through the crowded streets, then don't doubt that even if there are hundreds of thousands of pedestrians in the shot, it must be an actor and not appear. Any real passerby A.

After Hanks drove the taxi to familiarize himself with the road conditions several times, with the slam of Eric, the tedious shooting of the day officially began.

Eric’s eyes stared at the monitor and watched the performance of the two people in the carriage. The voice of the two people in the headphones sounded, although it was not too clear, but it was enough to hear clearly. This paragraph must be re-voiced later. However, the original sound of the movie also needs to be retained for reference when dubbing.

The time is already in the afternoon, Eric can't remember that this is the first time repeated shooting, anyway, the number of NG is many. At this point Eric was standing, and the staff deliberately raised the monitor to the position in front of Eric. Although it felt a little tired, Eric had to continue.

The rest time of Cruise and Hanks is quite sufficient. For every hour of shooting, both of them will have a rest time. The two people in the camera are still stunned and have no feeling of fatigue.

However, when they were resting, Eric had to arrange other shots. The time he had agreed with the community agencies was only one day, so many shots must accumulate enough materials to prevent problems in the later period.

In the lens, Andy slowly pulled down the jacket zipper, pulled the pistol out, and asked casually: "Where?"

"The nearest police station." Sean glanced at the rearview mirror, his eyes calmly watching Andy slowly **** the silencer.

Andy looked out the window and smiled: "Are you alone?"

Shawn shrugged indifferently: "Enough."

"You have no guns, are you afraid that I will kill you?"

"You shot me," Sean turned and glanced. "The car will turn over."

"Yeah, it's dangerous," Andy's relaxed smile didn't change, slowly rolled down the window: "Can send me to the police station, even if you win."

A pistol with a silencer came out of the window and Andy pulled the trigger without hesitation.

When the camera progressed here, Eric stopped calling and the taxi stopped. Cruise and Hanks got off the bus at the same time. Nickel, who was in the co-pilot position, also got out with a camera.

After the three left the rental, the crew of the crew quickly stepped forward and drove the taxi back to its original position. Many of the props on the road followed the U-turn and returned to the starting point in an orderly manner, waiting for the start of the re-shooting.

Eric told the three people about the embarrassment in the camera, and told him to pay attention to the re-shooting. After everything was restored, Cruise and Hanks returned to the taxi. Nickel took the camera. Then drilled in again.

Soon, another shot began.

"Dark War" is a movie that doesn't have much depth. A policeman and a robbers fight for 72 hours. When propaganda, they will definitely use statements like ups and downs. In the eyes of ordinary viewers, it is true. This is the case.

But for Eric, this movie doesn't have any plots that need to be brainstorming compared to the brain-burning movies in memory. It's just a cool commercial film. Therefore, the shooting requirements, the performance requirements of the two stars are not too high, especially the film's location, basically do not need too much acting skills, the strength of both Cruise and Hanks can be easily controlled.

During the month from mid-April to mid-May, the crew spent most of their time in the streets of downtown Los Angeles. Sometimes they stayed on a street for two or three days, and sometimes they finished all the shots in half a day. All in all, the process can only be described as boring.

Jeffrey followed the "Island Cry" crew for a few days in the UK, returned to Los Angeles, and soon flew to the "Scented Woman" in New York. The firefly's employees, in addition to the security guards left at the company's headquarters and the clerk responsible for sending and receiving mail to handle the daily affairs, others basically followed the work of Eric's crew. If you ignore the horror profits from the Firefly movie, the film company is no different from many small independent film companies in Los Angeles.

Although the shooting of the "Dark War" scene is very cumbersome, it has not encountered much problems so far. The shooting progress is basically the same as the shooting schedule set before. It is expected to be officially closed on May 15th, Colombia. Small-scale publicity in the early stage has already begun, and there will be scattered news about the "Dark War" from time to time in the media.

The market value of Colombia has risen to $3.5 billion because of negotiations with the wealthy Sony consortium. The Japanese watched Colombia’s share price rise every day, and there is no way. This involves billions of dollars in mergers and acquisitions. In the case, it is absolutely impossible to complete the one-and-a-half-year period. The media estimates that if everything is settled, the contract will be signed in September at the earliest, and even if the acquisition agreement is successfully signed, the subsequent series of handovers will need to be spent. A few years.

Therefore, the box office results of the summer file became the last time Colombia pushed up the stock price.

Warner originally had two big productions to be released, namely "Batman" and "Fatal Weapon 2", but because "The Dark War" was fixed for July 7th, Warner had to prepare for the release in July. Deadly Weapons 2 was postponed until the end of the year.

"Deadly Weapons" in the first box office in 1987 more than 60 million US dollars, is considered a big sale, so the cost of the second part of this year has doubled, want to recover the cost, the box office must reach at least 100 million US dollars, this pressure Next, Warner executives did not want to compete with the "Dark War" with Eric, Cruise and Hanks, and actively postponed the schedule until the end of the year.

So Colombia became the only movie giant with two big films in the summer. The other big production is Ghostbusters 2, which is also a long-awaited sequel, "Ghost Hunting" One was released in 1984, and it is already five years away. As for why Colombia suddenly launched this plan at the beginning of this year, the shooting progress is almost the same as that of "The Dark War." The purpose is self-evident. After all, Colombia only has Such a series of films that are handy.

"Eric, do you need to recruit some more people?"

In late April, Jeffrey completed a tour of the two crews and returned to Los Angeles. The two met for the first time in two months and a half. The meeting was held in the firefly's meeting room at 8:00 pm. During the day, Eric was fundamentally Time to come to the company.

At this time, Eric is looking at the documents of "Scent" and "Small Island" brought back by Jeffrey, and does not lift his head: "No, wait for "Smell the Woman" and "Small Island" After that, I will let Jonathan and Martin recommend some crew members to join the fireflies."

"Well, then, what about the TV series, the one you said... That, "Friends", the time is getting tighter, Fox executives have contacted me, I hope you provide the script, they are willing to help with the preliminary preparations. ""

Eric smiled. He had already said clearly to Barry Diller. "Friends" would have fireflies to make a separate production. Fox still didn't give up the idea of ​​inserting one hand. This can also be understood, after all, this is a sitcom, the production cost is very low, if you can share the copyright with Firefly, if the TV series is successful, Fox can prevent Eric from taking this as a chip, even if it is It’s a failure, it’s just a few million dollars in investment, and it’s not a pain for Fox.

"Reject them, you see, they are looking for you, not contacting me, it means that Fox is also clear about my character."

Jeffrey hesitated, still said: "Eric, you... you are not doing so well."

Eric finally looked up: "Well?"

"You...so everything is too unique. The movie doesn't allow others to intervene. TV shows don't allow it. It doesn't work in Hollywood. Now even if it's a lot of small-cost movies, it will introduce many investors and share the risks. Also sharing profits, this is the orthodox Hollywood survival rules, even if it is the six major film companies, although the competition is fierce, but there is also a cross-shareholding phenomenon."

"I understand what you want to say," Eric scratched his head. "Just... maybe it's not a good time now. I will definitely share it with others in the future, but I can still eat it now, of course, I have to eat more. Once, other people can't stand it, I'm giving them some."

Jeffrey showed a helpless expression: "Well, when do we start preparing for Friends?"

"Start tomorrow," Eric said: "I am calling you today to discuss this matter. We must start this project as soon as possible. I intend to insert a few "Friends" into the "Dark War."

""The Dark War" is inserted into the "Friends" lens, Eric, are you talking about the placement of advertisements, even if Colombia agrees, this is not worth it, and may even cause the audience to resent."

“It’s not a placement advertisement,” Eric denied. He explained a few lens intentions to Jeffrey in detail.

"This is a good idea," Jeffrey nodded, then questioned: "But it was less than two months, and you promised Fox to personally direct the first two episodes before. Do you think you can do this?" ”

Eric shook his head. "No, I don't need to complete any episodes. All the ideas are in my mind. We just need to determine the character as soon as possible, complete the set, and then take a few interesting clips." ”

Jeffrey thinks that this plan is very feasible, and he also sees that if the plan is successful, it will have an unexpected publicity effect on "Friends".

"But, Eric, I don't have any experience in TV production, maybe you need an experienced TV producer."

"I said, I won't let Fox intervene in this matter," Eric spread his hand. "So, Jeffrey, it's only hard for you."

Jeffrey showed a smile that was somewhat unclear, with a little ridicule and awkwardness: "In fact, one of the people you know has been a TV producer."

Eric’s thoughts turned, and soon the face of Xiao Yan’s pretty face appeared, and John Aniston, who had several faces.

"He... John should be a NBC person, and his main energy is still on the actors." Eric's first reaction was resistance, father-in-law and son-in-law, these two creatures are naturally repulsive.

Jeffrey said: "But he is always richer than my experience. I don't know anything about the production of TV series. If there is enough time, I can slowly explore it, but you will also have a tight time card. ,and so……"

Eric pinched the paper in front of him and rubbed it a few times before he nodded slightly: "Then I will contact him as soon as possible to try it out. If not, I still want you to go out."

Jeffrey nodded. "So, the actor?"

"Jane's role has been determined," Eric said. "You need another five characters. I will go back and write down the character's request at night, and I will hand it over to you tomorrow. I will start the casting as soon as possible. This time, the scope is not too big. Otherwise, it would be too much trouble to interview. At least there must be actors who have experience in performing arts. I think that people who are willing to sign up will not think so much about the previous movies."

"There will be no more," Jeffrey said with a smile. "The TV series can be as tempting as a movie."

I’ve been discussing things until 9 pm, Eric has left the Firefly’s office building and invited John Aniston to be the producer, preferably through Aniston, so Eric drives to Aniston’s residence. .

At the entrance to the Aniston apartment, Eric did not knock on the door. As usual, he took out the spare key from the pot next to the door, but rotated a few times in the keyhole, only to find that it was locked.

It wouldn't be for himself, Eric thought with a wry smile, stuffing the key into the pot and knocking on the door.

"Who," faintly heard the girl should have a voice, after a moment, the door opened a seam, Eric was about to push the door, but found that there is a chain of anti-theft chain between the door, this thing is absolutely new, Look at the chain, shine!

This is absolutely for myself.

Eric thought this way, but the body put a posture on the door frame that he thought was pulling the wind, staring at Aniston, and asked in a very hippie tone: "Girl, long night sleepless, need a A strong man comforts your lonely little heart?"

"Roll!" Aniston glanced at Eric and slammed the door.

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