I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 138: I swear to the lamp

After Eric ate ​​a closed door, Aniston leaned back behind the door, waiting for the other person to knock on the door again, and thought about how to sarcasm him. Yes, he must not give him a good night. Look at the face, as for letting him stay overnight, this ... depends on performance.

Xiao Yan Niu thought wildly, waited for two or three minutes, there was no movement outside the door.

"Oh, it must be a ghost, I think I will be fooled."

Although the mouth whispered so quietly, Aniston couldn't help but look out on the cat's eyes. The voice-activated lights on the corridor were extinguished, and there was a black hole outside.

The hateful guy, he must be hiding in the dark waiting for himself to open the door. Although Aniston had this idea, his heart gradually became uneasy. Finally, after waiting for five minutes, Xiaoyan Niu couldn’t help but open the door and sewed it out, and looked at it in the hallway. The voice control lamp is bright. But blocked by the anti-theft chain, Aniston can only see a narrow view, nothing in the empty corridor, quiet and distracting.

Unplugging the anti-theft chain, Aniston opened the door and walked out.

The familiar voice smiled on the right side of the door, and a pair of big hands came, and then Aniston was picked up.

"Ah!" While realizing who was attacking himself, Aniston screamed and threw himself on Eric's shoulder.

"You bastard, rogue, rogue, help!"

Eric tightened the girl into the apartment, turned to close the door, raised her hand and slap on the little hips's hips.


The pain came from the ass, and Aniston was ashamed and angry, and his body twisted even more: "It hurts, you mix the ball, let me down."

It was a slap, it was a lot lighter than it was, and after the filming, the big hand stayed on it and keenly squeezed it a few times. At the same time, Eric’s voice sounded: “Baby, don’t call, call the neighbor’s alarm again. It is."

Aniston hammered a few times on Eric's back: "Whoever let you in, you are, this is... private house."

"Wow, big crime, you won't shoot me down?" Eric said with a smile on Aniston on the living room sofa, Xiaoyan Niu got free, immediately picked up the pillow, sitting cross-legged On the sofa, I glared at Eric.

Eric took his own way to the refrigerator, opened the door and glanced inside, smiled and took out a can of beer, and picked it up and shook it at Aniston. Xiao Yan Niu immediately arrogantly left her head and said: "Because... is not for you, I bought it myself."

"Hey," Eric sat down on the sofa opposite Aniston, took a few rings and opened his mouth and snorted: "Well, the taste of the beer is really good."

"Hey, the beer is finished, you can go, I have to sleep." Just saying, the knocking of the door rang, and a man’s voice sounded outside the door: "Miss Aniston, you Are you ok?"

Both of them were a glimpse, and Aniston took the lead in reacting: "Noisy neighbors."

"You yelled, are you right?" Eric touched his nose and retorted.

"That also blames you," said Xiaoyan, standing up and walking toward the door. Eric also followed up and opened the door. There was a pair of middle-aged men and women standing outside the door. The man had a baseball bat in his hand. The woman was carrying a hunting rifle. The two looked cautiously at the door and saw Aniston open the door safely and unconsciously.

"Miss Aniston, we heard you shouting for help..." The middle-aged man looked at Eric, who was tall behind the little girl, and looked alert in his eyes.

Aniston smiled and opened the door, grabbed Eric’s arm and made an intimate gesture, explaining: “Sorry, Mr. Bateman, bother you, I... my boyfriend just joked with me, I was shocked."

"Hello, Mr. Bateman, my name is Eric, sorry to bother you." Eric took the initiative and held it with the two.

"It doesn't matter," Mr. Bateman shook his hand with Eric, and chatted a few words, refusing Aniston and Eric's invitation to enter the house for a cup of coffee, leaving with his wife.

When the door closed, Aniston immediately released Eric's arm and returned to the sofa. Eric followed the little girl and hugged the girl. The little girl symbolically resisted the two. Next, the homestead leaned on Eric's shoulder.

"Jane, have you been in touch with your father recently?"

The girl raised her head slightly: "Yes, what are you asking?"

"What John is doing recently," Eric did not answer immediately, but asked.

"I don't know this very well," Aniston fiddled with his fingers and said, "I know that he has been participating in "Our Days" for several years."

"So, you can help me ask your father to see if he is interested in being a producer of a TV series at the same time."

Aniston has some doubts: "TV series?"

"It's the TV show we talked about before, the one you played in a role," Eric explained to Aniston in detail.

"You mean, let my father be the producer of Friends?"

Eric nodded. "Jeffrey is not good at this. We can't find someone to trust at the same time. And I don't want Fox to intervene in this TV series, so I remembered your father."

Xiao Yan was not happy at the moment. It turned out that this guy didn't come to find himself. It was... too odious. Breaking away from Eric’s arms, he asked dissatisfiedly: “You ran tonight... just for this?”

Eric quickly slammed Xiao Yan: "Of course not, I miss you, I am coming."

Said, not waiting for the little girl to attack, Eric kissed the girl's red lips.

"Oh... no, I haven't... oh..."

Aniston screamed and wanted to push Eric away, only to find that the other person not only invaded his little mouth, but also opened the hem of his pajamas with his big hand and touched his chest along the smooth skin.

The palm of the hand quickly covered the soft milk. With a few skilled fiddlings, Aniston trembled a few times and quickly softened it. Eric took the little girl down on the sofa.

After a long kiss, Eric glanced at the little girl who had lost her eyes and showed a smile. This smile looked particularly abominable in Aniston, so she couldn’t help but reach out and walk on Eric’s lap. I stumbled.

"Ah, it’s really awkward to start, see how I can clean you up." Eric screamed, grabbing the girl’s disobedient hands on the other’s head, picking up the girl’s pajamas and squatting from the top of the head, no The upper part of the mask was directly exposed to Eric, and the pink particles had just been teased and stood tall.

In April, the temperature in Los Angeles was only fourteen and five degrees. I felt the coolness of my chest. Aniston subconsciously took back her arms and hugged her chest. The voice was a little soft: "Eric, let's go. Is the bedroom good?"

"No, I am very angry, I want to pack you on the sofa." Eric said as he stepped back, picked up the girl's legs, and peeled the pajama pants together with the lei silk cloth. Down, the white and tender lambs appeared in front of them.

After Aniston was stripped, the body quickly became a group on the sofa like a cat, protesting: "I am angry that I am right, you bastard, you didn't apologize to me for the day." And... Also, you arranged a movie for the big-breasted woman, but let me play a TV show, really eccentric!"

Eric smiled and didn't answer. Aniston also knew that if she wanted to star in the movie, Eric would definitely agree, and it would be more like a spoiled bed between the beds. Regardless of the screaming little girl, Eric stood up and began to take off his clothes.

After a while, Aniston, who was shrinking on the sofa, felt the hot body touch her cold skin. In an instant, there was an urge to get up, looking up and just seeing Eric’s legs. The thing that shook his head, though not ashamed to face, but still took a sip.

Eric squatted on the sofa, picked up a pair of long legs of a little girl and put it on his chest for a while, then placed it on his shoulder and went forward.

"It seems...somewhat dry." The man muttered a little, and entered something and quit the tunnel, rubbing it on two soft, soft flesh. The little girl who was biting her fingers and ready to enjoy, her eyes widened and her face turned red. She took back a long leg on Eric’s shoulder and slammed it on Eric’s chest with her little ankle: “Bastard , bastard, bastard..."

After a few anger, Xiao Yanyan gasped and covered her face. He whispered: "The living room is a bit cold, no...no feeling, I said to go to the bedroom."

"Nothing, the activity will be warmer for a while." Eric said, his waist pressed hard, and Aniston felt that he was full in a moment, reflectively flattening his lower abdomen and making a catering attitude. Some of the legs trembled a little: "To... in the end, don't... don't go any further."

"Reassured, I have a measure," Eric replied, holding up the girl's waist and moving quickly.

Xiao Yan Niu took a sigh of cold from time to time with Eric's movements and shouted: "You are a jerk, have a fart, just...ha...just care about yourself."

I don't know how long it took, the intense movement in the living room slowed down. Aniston's whole body was soft on the sofa, and the body was squirting fine sweat, and the body trembled, but there was no strength at all to prevent Eric from The action of stopping, the two long legs are softly placed on the man's shoulder.

"Get it and die again," like a fish from the water, breathing a few times, and Xiaoyanyan raised his head slightly, looking for the same sweaty Eric.

The night wind on the balcony was poured into the living room. Eric felt a little cold in the body. Looking at the girl under her body, there was already a layer of goose bumps on the white skin. It is clear that this may cause a cold, so it stopped temporarily. Down, picked up the girl and walked to the bathroom. After putting warm water, the two men sat in the bathtub.

The satisfied little girl leaned on the chest of Eric, enjoying the soaking of warm water, her eyes gently picking up, and she only wanted to call it out comfortably, if... if it was not held by the back thing, everything It is even more perfect.

Eric put on the shower gel for the two people, licked the girl's slippery body, and looked at the little girl's look and said: "You are finished, I have not turned off."

"Oh... I don't care, you solve it yourself," Xiao Yan Niu is so comfortable in the warm water that the eyelids are too lazy to lift.

Eric stroking the pair of soft, rubbing the small particles above, smiled and said: "Don't you tell you when you go to school, do you have to start and end?"

"No, I only remember the story of Washington and the cherry tree. I want to be honest. I haven't had time to do it. The awful guy at the same table told me that there is no cherry tree in the backyard of Washington. The textbooks are all deceptive."

"Okay," Eric said with a smile. "But the starting point for the textbook is still good."

"It’s too ironic to educate others by deception. Then I’m no longer interested in reading. I don’t want to wait until I grow up and look back and find that my education is fake, no cherry trees, Edison. Didn't save his mother, Newton was not smashed by Apple..."

"I understand," Eric nodded.

Xiao Yan Niu raised her chin: "What do you understand?"

Eric gently licked the small particles in his hand and smiled: "I understand that you want to transfer the topic, rest assured, Xiao Yan Niu, you can't jump tonight."

"I am going to sleep," Aniston suddenly wanted to get up, but Eric slammed it back directly: "I want to run, no door."

"Swelling, all swollen," Aniston waved his arm and yelled to break free from Eric's arms.

Eric feels the greasy hips in the water rubbing his little brother, revealing a smirk: "Exactly, there is water for lubrication."

"Well, huh?" Aniston hadn't reacted yet, and Eric was squatting on the edge of the hunch, and immediately protested: "Swell, this... this position is not good, too deep."

"It's definitely no problem," Eric smirked, holding down the little girl's waist and holding the watery things to the aim. When Aniston didn't react too much, the door was broken through. Go in.

"Oh wow! Eric Williams, I want to kill you!"





"do not touch me."

"I... take some medicine."

"Hey, why don't you kill me directly, you bastard."

"I don't know how it will be. Before it was... the amount is fine."

"Roll, play with your big breasted woman's ass, you become embarrassed, I want to break up with you."

"Hey, I will roll when I finish the medicine."

In the bedroom, Aniston squatted on the bed with a quilt on his body. Nothing seemed to be worn underneath. Eric took a pill box and squatted beside Xiaoyan, whispering in persuasion.

Xiao Yan Niu finally stopped talking, slightly moved her body, Eric knew that the girl made this position is equivalent to acquiescence, quickly unscrewed the ointment in the box, opened the sheets on Aniston's back, Xiao Yan Niu Buried your head deeper.

It was unreasonable to finish the medicine for the girl. Eric thoughtfully pulled the thin quilt for the little girl and went to the bathroom to wash her hands. After coming out, I looked at the alarm clock on the girl's bedside table. It was already one o'clock in the morning. Eric walked silently to the bed of Aniston, turned off the light, lay down beside the girl, and gently pulled over the quilt. Yourself.

In the darkness, it took a long time to silence, only to remember the low voice of Xiao Yan Niu: "Eric, no more."

"Well, I promise not."

After a brief conversation, it was a period of silence. After a while, the voice of the sly thought of it, the girl’s body leaned over.

"Jane, you... it’s best to sleep on tonight."

"Oh..." Xiao Yan Niu gave a voice, and the action kept going, like a fish twisted to Eric, and soon fell on Eric, biting a bite in the man's chest, saying: " I want to sleep on you."

"No problem," Eric smiled and stopped the girl's smooth waist, feeling a fragrant body covering himself, soft, warm.

After a while, the girl’s hot breath appeared on her chest: “Eric?”


Xiao Yan’s voice has such a hint of ambiguity, but with a strong curiosity: “You are so... is that comfortable?”

"This," Eric didn't know how to say it. He really didn't want to talk about it. Hesitated for a while and said: "Okay, a... very different feeling."

Xiao Yan Niu is still chasing after him: "They... can they suffer?"

Eric Moss took the girl's smooth back and said seriously: "There is absolutely no one, only one."

Aniston gently hit him: "I believe you are strange."

In the dark, Eric waved his arm: "I swear to the light!"

"The lights are now gone."

"Okay, let's go to sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow, the crew started shooting at eight o'clock."

"Then what do I do, why are you leaving me here?" Xiao Yan Niu took another bite in Eric's chest and asked.

"Tomorrow should be good, it is not a big injury."

Then the chest was bitten again, this time it was awkward, I don’t know if there is bleeding.

Eric rubbed his teeth on his chest and thought: "Would you like, I am looking for someone to take care of you?"

Aniston, who was kneeling on his body, shook his head quickly: "Throwing people, if they are discovered, I will break up with you."

Eric had to take back the idea and think about it before he said again: "Well, then I will try to prepare you three meals a day, and try to come over at noon. Jane, the crew will spend at least ten more in one day. Ten thousand dollars, I can't stop."

"Well," Xiao Yan Niu finally responded with satisfaction, and took a look at her body. She found a more comfortable position on Eric and slowly slept.

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