I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 139: This kind of thing is obvious

After receiving an invitation from Eric, John Aniston quickly agreed with almost no consideration. Between the soap opera actor and the TV producer, few people would be willing to choose the former. Hollywood is either a screenwriter or an actor. Comparing the top-level directors, as the career progresses to a certain extent, it will develop in the direction of the producer.

To this end, John Aniston also resigned some of his positions at NBC, while at the same time greatly reducing his role in "Our Days." Although he is already in his fifties this year, he is equal to Jeffrey’s age, but his career is not much weaker than when he was young.

Although the box office divisions of "Little Ghosts" and "Fengyue Beauty" are not recovered at all, but because of Eric's two huge loans, fireflies are not short of money. The budget for each episode of this TV series is two. About 100,000 US dollars, completely produced, the total investment is only 5 million US dollars, only equivalent to the investment of "Little Island Cry" film.

The Friends project quickly started in early May with the addition of John Aniston. The crew rented two giant studios from the 20th Century Fox to arrange all the scenes in Friends, the past "Friends" It was basically taken in Warner Studios in Los Angeles.

Although Eric didn't want Fox to participate in the TV series, it would be too deliberate to go to Warner or Columbia if renting a studio. At a meeting, Eric did not suggest not to build a studio dedicated to Friends, but was opposed by Jeffrey and John. The two agreed that it was too costly and worth the loss. Eric had to Give up temporarily.

As for the actors, Eric also fantasized that if the six people from the previous life would be perfect, "Friends" appeared five years earlier than the previous life, so according to the time, several starring even the oldest Lisa. Kudrow is only twenty-six years old, and several other actors are also between the ages of 20 and 24. At this time, they began to appear. After ten years, the actors will not have obvious age marks in the lens.

The reason why the past "Friends" ended in the tenth season, although the actor salary is part of the reason, but the most important thing is that the age of the actor is no longer suitable for this classic to continue, in the tenth season, playing Phoebe's Li Shake Kudrow is already forty-one years old and has already played the role of a mother on the big screen. It is very illegal to sell like a young man in this movie.

Of course, the six people who gathered in the past are already destined to think about it. Matthew Perry, who played the young thief in "The Little Devil" by Aniston, is now a frontline movie actor, you make a Hollywood A The superstars come to sitcoming, which is simply an idiot.

As for the other people, Eric’s memory does store some of their movies, but before this year, Eric’s impression could only find Courtney Cox playing a small role in The Capricorn. Others now have no shadows. They want to find a needle in a haystack. In this case, Eric can only patiently start picking the replacement of five other friends among the applicants.

On May 10th, Sunday, the filming of "Dark War" has come to an end. In the next week's working day, as long as there is not too much accident, it will be able to seal the mirror smoothly.

Therefore, today Eric can take time to conduct the final audition of the "Friends" actor, which is also the final round of screening, because Eric's previous request, the first work of the crew is the audition of the actor, therefore, only use For ten days, the scenery in the two studios rented by Fox was still in its infancy, and the screening of the actors entered the final round.

In Eric's plan, during the late period of Mid-May to mid-June, the classic shots of "Friends" were inserted into the film, and the official shooting of this TV series must at least After the release of "Dark War" in July, according to the plan given by Fox, the reaction of the TV series will be in early September, just after the end of the summer movie, the fall of the American drama begins.

Moreover, Eric is expected to spend only two weeks to personally film the first two episodes of the TV series. After completing this incident, he will need to continue the preparation of the two films in the second half of the year, and also need to work for the other three. The release of the film is basically worrying that there will be no leisure time in the second half of the year.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Eric walked into the company and saw many men and women waiting in the hallway. These people obviously know Eric. After Eric’s appearance, they all greeted Eric. Several young girls unabashedly throw Eyrek’s eyes with deep thoughts. Erik is facing everyone. Nodded and walked into the audition room.

He hasn't seen the last round of actors before, and because all the actors have no clue, Eric must also conduct interviews personally, instead of casting a selection of "Small Island" and "Scent of Women" I circled things like that.

"Jeffrey, John, good morning." Into the audition room, seeing that Jeffrey and John Aniston had been waiting here, the two talked about each other in an orthogonal manner, and saw Eric appear before they stood. Get up and say hello to Eric.

"Good morning, Eric."

"Eric, early."

Eric walked behind the long table and sat down. A blonde female assistant took the initiative to get in front of Eric, put a stack of information in front of Eric, and bent over to introduce Eric: "William. Mr. Si, this is the full list of interview actors today, and the order has been marked above."

When the girl spoke, she didn't know whether it was intentional or not. The chest just faced Eric, and the top button of the white shirt was not fastened. Eric easily saw the beautiful scenery of the girl's chest.

D**, yes, it looks like you can't hold it. Eric thought so thoughtfully, and glanced at the side, how John Aniston couldn't notice the scene, and the face would certainly not be too good.

The crew of "Friends" was built by his own network in the TV circle. The blonde is also a more experienced staff he has found. Now the girl is in front of him, and her boyfriend is hooked. How is John Aniston happy, Eric wants to estimate how long the girl can't stay in the crew.

However, perhaps the girl’s relationship with John Aniston and Eric is not too well understood, or understood but not taken care of, so I made Eric in front of John’s face. Eric is now a young man with a billionaire status. Hollywood has a few ambitious women who will rush to try it out. Eric is not the first time he has encountered such a slogan.

"Well, I understand," Eric said, after eating the girl, Eric also ate enough of the small tofu that was delivered to the door, and nodded.

"So, my name is Linda Grant, Mr. Williams, you can call me Linda." The girl straightened up and consciously or unconsciously showed her wonderful body wrapped in a professional suit.

"Thank you, Miss Linda," Eric smiled and looked at the girl and thanked him.

The voice of John Aniston finally rang: "Linda, let the young people waiting for the interview prepare, let's get started."

"Okay, Mr. Aniston." The girl nodded and twisted her beautiful buttocks wrapped in a dark skirt out of the audition room.

"Cough, Eric, Linda... is married, his husband is the sound engineer of the crew." John Aniston didn't know what to think. When the girl went out, she whispered at Eric. Such a sentence.

Eric shrugged innocently: "John, I can't do anything."

"Eric, although it's inevitable that things are going on in Hollywood, you'd better be careful not to hurt Jane. She's actually a very simple little girl."

Eric’s guilty nod should be: “Reassured, John, I will pay attention.”

John Aniston shook his head: "In fact, I hope that you can take the initiative to break up with Jane."

Eric immediately refused: "Unless Jane takes the initiative to leave me, I will not break up with Jane."

Eric finished, and secretly added a sentence, even if she wants to leave me, I will try to get the little girl back, of course, this kind of words can not be said, otherwise John Aniston will not do it. What happened?

Of course, John Aniston could not guess Eric's psychological activities, patted him on his shoulder and started the audition work.

Eric has the opportunity to look down at the list of auditors.

Sure enough, at first glance, there are no famous movie stars of the later generations. Eric’s past American dramas are not many, so I don’t know the people in these American drama circles. In the past, after all, there are young people in their twenties. There are very few who can make a comeback. When the American drama becomes more sophisticated and can even challenge the status of the film more than ten years later, these people are already thirty or forty years old. Even in the American drama, they are all insignificant supporting roles.

The long list of auditions turned over and did not find a familiar name. Bored to the last page, this page is the list of actresses who asked Phoebe Buffy. Eric finally found a familiar name and was very familiar with it: Nicole Kidman, This made Eric a little surprised, how could Nicole Kidman come to apply for a TV series?

Eric carefully checked the spelling and decided that the name was completely correct. So he waved to Linda Glan, who was coming in again. The blonde immediately joined in with diligence: "Mr. Williams, is there something? ?"

"Where is the detailed actor information, I have to look at the information of the audition actors in the afternoon."

"Please wait."

Linda responded and went out. After a few moments, she came in with a few folders: "Mr. Williams, they are here."

"Thank you, call me Eric," Eric said with a thank you. Regardless of the curiosity of Jeffrey and John Aniston, he began to rummage and quickly found Nicole Kidman. Data file.

Just a look, Eric recognized the woman in the photo on the information, brown wavy hair, round face, blue glasses, **** nose, thin lips.

After a quick look, the girl's resume stayed on an Australian TV series called "Innocent", and also participated in several TV series and movies.

That is to say, the "Aviation Horizon" that allowed Nicole Kidman to enter Hollywood is gone. Is this also the butterfly effect brought by himself?

Eric Moss thought about the corners of the paper, and finally had to admit that the facts must have been this, since he published Jurassic Park last year and began his journey to Hollywood through a "return to seventeen". Everything in this world has changed. This reminds Eric of the dominoes that he saw in previous lives. As soon as the first domino is pushed, it will cause thousands of dominoes to fall. This is the most vivid interpretation of the butterfly effect.

According to the time in memory, Nicole Kidman should have participated in "Aviation Horizon" before coming to Hollywood, and then quickly hooked up Tom Cruise through Thunder, and stirred the original Yellow Cruise. The family became Mrs. Cruise, and she has since become a top vase in Hollywood by a silent vase actor. After more than ten years, she also won the Oscar for Best Actress.

Thinking of these trivial materials, Eric can only come to a conclusion, this is a very powerful woman.

Among the women in front of and behind Cruise, she was the best of her development. Even after divorcing from Cruise, the cause was not affected, but she went up to the next level and quickly entered 2000. 10,000 paid clubs, and successfully won the Oscar best actress Xiaojinren.

Other first-time wives, such as Cruise, did not leave any impression at all. The last wife, Katie Holmes, did not get any benefit from Cruise. After the divorce, because of his predecessor, Crewe. Mrs. Si’s identity, even no man is willing or willing to date her.

Throughout the morning interview, Eric wanted to be more interested in this woman. At the noon break, Eric gave a look to the female assistant who had been trying to seduce herself and came to the end of the corridor. Stairwell.

"Eric, is there something?" Linda was curious and nervously looking at Eric. She felt that she had no preparations yet. This little director would not have to do anything here.

"It's like this, Linda," Eric took out a page: "This Miss Nicole Kidman, after she finished the interview in the afternoon, you took her to my office to let her wait there. I, I want to talk to her alone."

Linda took the information and looked at Nicole Kidman's photo. She found that the woman was much more beautiful than herself. She was somewhat lost but nodded. "Okay, Eric, I will tell her, you. ... Is there anything else?"

Eric shook his head honestly: "Nothing."

"Oh," Linda lowered her head. The high-heeled toes rubbed a few times on the concrete floor. I just had the courage to look up and say something, but I found that there was no one in front of me.

"This incomprehensible little guy is really... too irritating." The girl slammed her feet and turned and walked back in disappointment.

After an afternoon audition, the remaining five characters have been initially determined. Eric also encountered Nicole Kidman, who participated in the audition at about 4 pm. The girl’s performance was completely free of any problems, but with the memory of Li Comparing the image of Shah Kudrow, Nicole Kidman is too beautiful.

Monica Geller’s role has identified a brunette beauty, similar to Courteney Cox. If Phoebe Buffy chooses a big beauty, then this sitcom will definitely have some distortion. So Eric and John and others basically did not consider Nicole Kidman, but chose another girl who looks more ordinary.

At five o'clock, the audition was all over. Eric and John Aniston and others in the conference room had been negotiating the filming plan for Friends at 7:00 pm, and all the talents left.

Eric’s thoughts turned around in a mess, almost forgot about the female assistant’s previous experience. When she walked out of the company’s office building, she thought about it and quickly turned back. Now that the sky is dark, Eric is not sure if Nicole Kidman will leave early, but this possibility is not great. With this woman’s intelligence, it is impossible to leave early, it is estimated that Eric Even if it doesn't appear this evening, this woman will patiently keep her office.

Pushing open the door of the office, I saw a woman sitting on the sofa. Only the desk lamp on the desk was opened in the office. It was very dark. Eric recognized the other person at a glance and saw Eric open the door. Come in, the girl also stood up.

Eric closed the door and turned the office lights on, saying, "Hello, Miss Kidman."

"Mr. Williams, hello." There was no impatient look on the girl's face. She took a faint smile and took the first two steps. She took the initiative to reach out and held a grip with Eric. Eric glanced at it inadvertently. I found that the girl was barefoot and the high heels were placed next to it.

It’s a careful woman, and I can notice the details like height. Eric is only one meter away, and Nicole Kidman is probably the height. The girl may feel that if she wears high heels, it is higher than Eric, which may make him unhappy.

Eric sighed and returned to his position to sit down: "Sorry, Miss Kidman, I have been waiting for you, I have been in the meeting."

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Williams, you can call me Nicole."

"Okay, Nicole, too, just call me Eric." Eric said, leaning his body against the leather seat, no longer talking, and carefully looking at the woman in front of him.

Nicole Kidman didn't bother to ask Eric to let him wait for the intention here. Maybe she didn't even have to ask, this kind of thing is obvious, isn't it?

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