I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 145: buy

"How are you still here?" Eric turned his head and accidentally looked at the girl who was leaning on the piano.

"I, sorry, I will go out," Nicole carefully put the score back in place and walked to the door, but was stopped by Eric: "Nic."

"Well," the girl stayed at the door, grabbed a hand on the doorknob, turned her body, and asked with an eye.

Eric turned around in the office chair and reached out and stroked the entire study: "This is not your cleaning range. Although it is a little messy, I am used to the placement of many documents, so you understand? ”

"Yes, I know, I won't come in without your permission." The girl nodded and her figure still stopped at the door, seemingly with some expectation: "Eric, is there anything else?"

Eric shook his head: "It's okay, you should rest early, good night."

"Good night," Nicole replied, watching Eric turn around again, again focusing on the monitor, slightly falling out of the study and gently taking the door.

In the next few days, the girl's life seemed calm. I got up every morning, made breakfast for Eric, sent the other person out of the door, and then spent a few hours cleaning it. If it wasn't for her clothes, she always reminded her. In terms of identity, the girl must have the illusion of a housewife.

This feeling is actually pretty good, at least not like the original girl imagined, will do a few months of **** dolls in Eric's villa, suffering from all kinds of unbearable abuse and teasing, although she has been With this kind of psychological preparation, but this did not happen, Eric dressed her as a beautiful look in her imagination, and then rarely pay attention to her, this girl began to doubt her female charm, one day still secretly The ground was stuffed with two layers of pads on the chest, and walked in front of him. The man just smiled with great interest, ignored it, made the girl feel very embarrassed, and later dared not do this kind of thing again. The role of the small maid is played by the land.

Every day, in addition to my own work, there is a lot of leisure time. When I am bored, I read newspapers, watch TV, and repeatedly read the script of "Sleepless in Seattle". I also commissioned Eric to buy her a lot of magazines. She was very obedient and didn't sneak out. Since the reality is much better than she thought, she is willing to be a well-behaved canary.

She knows that Eric is busy in the late stage of a movie called "The Dark War", and it is not every day at home, sometimes he spends his night at his girlfriend's house. It is a lucky girl. She has seen Annes. The photo of Dunton is very envious of the girl’s luck. In late May, Eric also went to the UK and left her alone in the villa. It was said to be visiting the class, but after two days, she hurried back.

At the end of May, the girl saw in the newspaper that the "Little Ghosts" North American box office broke through the official downgrade of 300 million US dollars. This news occupied the entire newspaper's layout in the next week. Various comments will praise Eric. The Colombian company’s stock has therefore risen a lot.

The focus of the girl's attention is Eric's upcoming news of up to $120 million.

120 million US dollars seems to be an astronomical figure in Nicole. The reason why she came to Hollywood is because of her desire for money and fame and fortune. She wants to be the top Hollywood actress like Julia Roberts, but according to Ereli. Ke and her mention of Julia Roberts's $6 million paid offer, to make 20 movies to earn so much money, even if a star has always maintained a high popularity, shooting two movies a year, also need Ten years, not to mention that everyone knows that this is impossible. Most of the star's peak status can only last for about ten years. In the past ten years, the pay will also rise and fall according to the performance of the film.

Thinking of this, the girl's already calm mind has become more and more eager to move. If she can become the hostess of this luxury house, then she can directly get what she wants. The girl even pondered some self-reported shackles, but unfortunately, these cautious thoughts have not yet had time to implement.

Because the summer vacation is over, the grinding fairy is back.

The time is more than four in the afternoon. The girl just mowed the lawn in the yard and heard the sound of the door being opened. She knew that Eric would not normally come back this time, so she went forward to investigate and saw the Drew bag. The luggage was moved into the yard and the door was closed.

Nicole greeted her warmly and wanted to help with her luggage. It was a very important part of her plan to have a good relationship with Drew.

But what was unexpected was that after the girl saw her appearance, her eyes were wide, an incredible expression, and her eyes were unconcealed, and she turned around for a few laps before she asked a question. Crash: "Did-he-FUCK-you?"

Seeing the girl who was in a messy state on the spot, Drew showed a satisfied and somewhat relaxed expression: "No, right? But you can also imagine that your chest is so small," said the girl, suddenly reaching out and grabbing on Nicole's chest. A hand, snorted: "It's pitiful, even A+ has not reached."

"You..." After being attacked by Drew, Nicole finally reacted and protected the small claws that could stop Drew from reaching again. He couldn't help but swear: "You are not big."

"I am only 14 years old, I can still develop for many years, madam, are you thirty this year?"

"I am too lazy to care about you," Nicole also noticed Drew's hostility, so he also cut off the idea of ​​having a good relationship with the little girl in front of him. He returned to the lawn and opened the lawn mower to continue trimming.

Drew used to listen to Eric and said that he liked the Japanese maid costume. He thought that the other party was joking. I didn’t expect that a tall beauty wearing a **** maid costume appeared in the villa today, which made her instinctively resist and hostile. She didn't want Eric to have another woman. Aniston's little fat girl hadn't squeezed away yet, and one more, how busy it would be to go out one by one.

"Hey, you, help me carry my luggage in?" Although I've already determined Eric's 'bad heart', Drew hasn't thought about it anymore, I really think of Nicole as a maid hired by Eric. .

"Sorry, Miss Barrymore, I am not your servant, so I am not obliged to do this." The girl continued to push the lawn mower in a cold, and her head did not return.

Shantou suddenly became furious: "I... I told Eric, I will fire you today!"

Nicole also understood that Drew regarded her as a real servant, so she did not care to throw a sentence: "just."

Drew angrily slammed his feet and moved a pile of luggage back to the villa one by one. After several suitcases were finished, Nicole also finished the lawn, returned to the villa, and began to prepare dinner.

Drew looked at Nicole's figure and became more and more angry. He thought about picking up the cordless phone and dialing Eric's number.

The beeping sounded several times, and the opposite person was picked up.

The girl plunged on the sofa in the living room, holding a pillow, and the voice became soft and greasy: "Eric, I love you."

In Fox's studio, several major scenes of Friends have been arranged. Today, just shooting a few shots that need to be inserted into the "Dark War", Eric took Motorola's microTAC for advertising and quietly. In the corner, it’s inexplicable to hear Drew’s words: “Drew, isn’t it a holiday today, is it home?”

"Eric, I love you." The girl's soft voice came from the phone.

"Okay, don't make trouble, there is something to say, I am busy, I have to go home later." Eric said that he would hold the mobile phone around his neck, lift his hand and open the sleeve to look at the watch: "Not yet At five o'clock, I will go back at about six o'clock."

"Eric, I love you." The spoiled voice rang again.

Eric was silent for a moment before he opened his mouth: "Buy, I want to say it straight!"

"Amount, Eric, you are really hateful," Drew turned over in the villa sofa, and he was dissatisfied with the pillow: "The people said that I love you so many times, you don't give a response."

"I will hang up without saying anything," Eric threatened.

"Okay, okay, Eric, we fired the maid," Droutt said, raising the voice. The girl with the tomato in the kitchen heard the words and rolled her eyes.

"You mean Nicole, she is not hired, just to help."

"But I don't like her."

"Nike's food tastes good. You will like it when you taste it at night. I am obedient. I hang up." Eric said that he hangs up directly.

In the villa, Drew gasked and waved his little hand. He wanted to throw the microphone out of his hand and looked up. He saw Nicole smugly leaning against the kitchen door, holding a glass bowl in his hand and stirring the eggs inside. With a slight smile: "How, little guy?"

"You are not allowed to call me a little guy, you are a poor breasted woman."

Although Nicole had some inferiority in her heart, in the face of Drew’s provocation, she shrugged indifferently: “Maybe someone likes this type.”

"He didn't like it," Shantou couldn't help but retorted.

"The taste of people will change," Nicole said, leaving a word in the ground, turned back to the kitchen, leaving the discouraged Drew.

"Hey, I definitely will never let you succeed." Shantou waved a small fist and said.

On May 24th, with the release of Spielberg’s blockbuster "The Adventures of the Raiders of the Lost Ark", the announcement of the summer of this year's film, Eric has been busy with the late stages of the "Dark War". Work, but still very concerned about this film, the film received a $46 million box office on more than 2,300 screens in the first week, and the second and third week box office declines remained between 20% and 30%. In mid-June, the box office of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" broke through 100 million in three weeks.

The late work of "Dark War" was also completed in mid-June. Although Eric was willing to spend money in many places, he only used the $34 million production budget. After all, the crew’s finances were from Colombia. The film doesn't have much of a big picture of spending money, and it doesn't have any special effects. However, after seeing the film of "Dark War", the Colombian high-level officials readily agreed to put the remaining $6 million in the budget. .

At the same time, the first summer-time blockbuster "Ghostbusters 2", which was highly anticipated by Colombia, was also released on 2,400 screens.

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