I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 146: dilemma

Compared to the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" series, which has a strong box office appeal on a global scale, the series of "Ghostbusters" has no advantage, because this movie type is comedy, comedy movies are not easy to accumulate After all, after everyone laughed and laughed, there was nothing left.

And the shooting time between the two parts of the series is five years apart. For a comedy, the loss of popularity is even greater. If it weren’t for Colombia, there would be no other series of movies to support this vital summer file. It will not start this project.

However, Colombia’s efforts to spare no effort in this film have made up for most of the disadvantages. Although it’s worse than the frenzied propaganda of “The Dark War”, compared to the summer production of other film companies, Colombia’s propaganda is completely Going to the goal of not being able to make money as long as the box office, their true goal is indeed the case.

Negotiations with Sony's acquisition have entered the final stage. The Japanese are ironically trying to make a fat sheep. In this case, the ultimate goal of all business operations in Colombia is to raise the stock price. For listed studios, box office data is one of the most influential factors in stock prices.

"Ghostbusters 2" was released on June 16th. After the first week of the box office, the $45 million data made the Colombian executives ecstatic, knowing that the first week of the "Raiders of the Lost Ark 3" was only 46 million. This also means that "Ghostbusters 2" is likely to be like the "Raiders of the Lost Ark 3", according to the evaluation agency's expectations, get nearly 200 million US dollars in the North American box office.

However, this excitement only lasted for a week. In the second week, the box office of "Ghostbusters 2" dipped directly, with a drop of 55%, and only got more than 19 million next week at the box office.

The box office appraisal agency quickly lowered the box office estimate of Ghostbusters 2, and the box office valuation of 200 million US dollars was reduced to 110 million US dollars. The Colombian share price that had been rising rapidly did not fall due to this news, but The rising momentum has also become slow. After all, as one of the six giants, the summer file is the main film, and it is really no bright spot to get a box office of about 100 million.

The reason for this situation, in addition to the film after the release of the film reputation is not as good as the first, the most important thing, because the film fortunately hit the "Batman."

"Batman" started from the first serialization in 1939, and now it is just half a century. For the first superhero in the history of North American comics without super power, Warner is not very optimistic about opening this series. On the budget.

Compared to the large-scale production budget of nearly $50 million, "Warner" has only provided $35 million in production costs for Batman, which is comparable to the size of the blockbuster, even the Ghostbusters and Dark. War is not the same, although "Dark War" only spent 34 million, but Colombia first provided a budget of 40 million US dollars, and "Ghostbusters 2" budget is also 40 million US dollars.

Because Warner was not optimistic about Batman, and Colombia did not put it in the eye, so he put "Ghostbusters 2" in the week before "Batman" was released.

But everyone is far underestimating the influence of this half-century superhero in the minds of Americans. On June 24th, "Batman" was released. A week later, this comic real movie was no. The rivals swept the $68 million box office, occupying 45% of the total box office in a week, and smashing the box office of many other movies.

The biggest impact was Columbia’s Ghostbusters 2, and after a 55% decline in the box office, the dream of the 200 million box office of Ghostbusters 2 was completely broken. After all, after the box office crash, there was a possibility of a fall. Little sex.

Therefore, Colombia can only pin its hopes on Eric's "Dark War". After all, the film has been internally audited, and the film critics have been screened and consistently optimistic.

However, after the box office of "Batman" was released in the second week, it was buried in the top of all the people who were expecting the "Dark War", because "Batman" dropped only 23% at the box office in the second week. It got a box office of $52 million, which is much higher than the box office of the first week of many large-scale paintings.

Although the weekly box office total will have about 150 million US dollars in the summer, but this $150 million will be distributed to more than a dozen movies in the summer, it will not appear too much, and the cannon can be taken in the summer file, or cannon fodder. Or it is a good movie that is highly anticipated, and the proportion of the latter is still larger. In this case, a movie of "Batman" accounts for one-third of the total, and if there is no large-scale box office decline next week, The box office pressure of "Dark War" can be imagined.

In the conference room of the Colombian headquarters, a number of high-level executives were nervously discussing the response plan. Coca-Cola also came to a vice president to attend the meeting. Eric sat next to Amy Pascal and patiently listened to everyone’s comments. .

Although it is the director of this film, Eric has not much voice in the film distribution. He appears here only because he is the director of "The Dark War". The film production process is completely complete in Colombia. Decentralization was given to him, but he was almost not involved in the distribution. Eric had previously submitted a paper on his own ideas about film propaganda, but he did not receive a response from Colombia.

"I think that the "Dark War" should be postponed, at least one week later. The momentum of "Batman" is too fierce. It is a very unwise act to stubbornly set the schedule on July 7. We I have lost a Ghostbuster 2, and if the box office of "Dark War" cannot meet expectations because of "Batman," then we have completely squandered the plan to push up the stock price with two blockbusters." The executives of the department expressed their opinions.

The other party just finished, another executive asked: "Bob, according to your plan, what should I do with the agreement with the theater?"

"Coordinating with the other party and properly compensating for the loss of the cinema line, we can take a few temporary tops from the produced movie. In short, we are sure that the box office of "Dark War" is the first."

The management of the data analysis department intervened: "Batman has now lost more than 100 million at the box office. This momentum is unlikely to continue, and the commentary's evaluation of the film is not too high. I think the third week. The box office should have a normal decline of more than 40%."

"According to your statement, the film should have a normal decline in the second week, but the fact is that this did not happen. In the second week, only 23% fell slightly," some people retorted.

"The media has begun to ridicule our schedule for the two films. If we do not follow the confirmed schedule, it will definitely give a signal that there is no confidence in the quality of the "Dark War". This is very dangerous because once If the fans have such misunderstandings, they will prevail that the "Dark War" is a bad film. The blow to the film is the most deadly. In comparison, it is the safest way to release it according to the original plan. It is not that we do not want to. Deferred, but in accordance with the current situation, we must not postpone it."

"I also agree with Ritter that we don't want to postpone, but we can't postpone it. Once we postpone it, we are telling everyone that we have no confidence in the "Dark War". We are afraid. "The Dark War" actually does not have us. The promotion is so good."

"But once Batman has seen a slight drop of around 20% in the third week, it will still get around 40 million box office. Can you imagine the pressure of the "Dark War" box office in this case?"

The crowd discussed it for an hour. Coca-Cola’s vice president was always in the process of listening. When the people paused a little, he sat down straight, his eyes turned and ignored, and he listened as silently as himself. Eric: "Mr. Williams, I saw that you have not spoken, why not talk about your opinion?"

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