I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 147: Another way

Eric had always kept looking down at the documents in front of him. In fact, he was slightly distracted. He also thought about Batman. Although the first "Batman" was a great success, the memory of Warner also began. The long road to the Batman series.

In the next ten years, Warner has produced several Batman sequels in succession, with an average investment of more than 100 million US dollars, but the box office in North America is only more than 100 million. It is estimated that the global box office and the surrounding area, Warner can only maintain the balance of payments. For a big production that invests hundreds of millions of dollars, to achieve a balance of payments, even if it is a small profit, it is actually a loss, because even if it is deposited in a bank, it will be able to reap a large amount of interest in a few years. It may even double on other projects.

It wasn't until Amy poked his arm with a pen, and Eric found that he had become the focus of everyone in the conference room, and many people still had obvious dissatisfaction.

Although the "Dark War" project was taken over by Fox from Colombia, it does not mean that Eric will be loved and welcomed by Colombian executives. In fact, there are not a few executives in the entire office. Eric, even Amy Pascal, who has always had a good relationship with Eric, has a somewhat complex sense of Erik's senses.

This is mainly because of "Little Ghosts", after the end of May, the box office of "Little Ghosts" has begun to settle, and Eric will receive a share of about $120 million, which is well known to conference rooms. Colombia Can only take more than 40 million profits, overseas distribution rights were also snatched by Fox for various reasons. Therefore, Eric took most of the profits, which means that all the executives at the end of the year will have less dividends.

Coupled with the "Shadows" split agreement, regardless of the outcome of the box office of this movie, Eric is actually the biggest profit-maker, this project does not have Eric's penny investment, but the other party can get high The proportion of the box office is divided. It’s for sure that the executives are upset. Although many shareholders will also benefit from the "dark war" pushing up the stock price in Colombia, most of the executives in the conference room do not have Colombian stock in their hands.

Under such a complicated mood, it is not difficult to understand that the people intentionally or unconsciously ignore the existence of Eric at the meeting.

Eric’s previous propaganda paper submitted by him did not receive a response. He had already predicted this situation today. Although he had prepared some rhetoric before coming, because of the cold reception at the meeting, Ai Rick is too lazy to take the initiative to jump out and be repugnant.

Anyway, according to the original agreement, after the film is released, regardless of the outcome, he is the biggest beneficiary, just the difference between earning more and earning less. There is no possibility of loss for fireflies that have no investment in penny. Sex. Originally Eric did have some concerns about the box office prospects of the film. After all, this was a new work that was completely overhead and that did not exist in Hollywood.

However, after a series of internal auditions and film critics have received good reviews, Eric also let go of his heart.

The internal preview can basically determine the commercial value of a movie, although sometimes mistakes will occur, but in most cases, the professional filmmakers who have been immersed in Hollywood for decades will not be wrong, and the film review The result of the screening of the people also indicates the reputation of the movie fans after the release of the movie. Before the Internet era, the establishment of movie word-of-mouth was mainly through various kinds of film reviews in the media. Many fans have read the newspapers. After the film review, it will decide whether to watch a movie.

Now that both have a basic guarantee, Eric will no longer worry that this movie will become his Waterloo. As for the unfortunate attack on Batman, it can only be said that the fortunes are not good, not the crime of war.

Amy Pascal saw that Eric had some stunned eyes after he looked up and had to come over and whisper a few words in his ear.

"Sorry, everyone, I just got a little distracted." After Amy reminded, Eric shouted aloud and said: "Actually, my propaganda advice has been sent to Colombia by document. The distribution department may be because I am more amateur in this regard, the content of that document is not reflected in the "Dark War" propaganda strategy I have seen."

In the conference room, there was a loud discussion. Most people didn’t even know that Eric had submitted such a document, and the director of the propaganda department had some guilty conscience. He was originally raised by Blount Cohen, although Brown Te Cohen has left, but he has always maintained a good relationship with the other side.

Similarly, because of Blount Cohen's sake, he wouldn't have much affection for Eric. After the secretary sent Eric's document, he laughed and left the document aside without even watching it. He didn't want Eric to intervene in the propaganda of "Dark War", nor did he think that Eric could make any new ideas.

In the face of everyone's gaze, the supervisor can only stammer and argue: "I... I don't think Mr. Williams' plan is... there is nothing surprising, so I don't care too much, just... on……"

"Forget it, don't say it anymore," the current president of Colombia, who sat in the top, waved and interrupted the other's defense. So many people have already seen that he is lying, and then arguing can only make people laugh: "Ere Gram, everyone is here, simply explain your... well, plan."

"Well, that's it," Eric said, standing up to the board in front of the conference room, picking up a black pen and writing a vocabulary on the whiteboard: "I called my plan." 'Topic marketing', of course, this is just a more appropriate vocabulary that I came up with temporarily. If there is no such concept in the orthodox marketing theory, please don't mind." The concept of topic marketing in memory after the emergence of online blogs Only gradually developed and matured. Before this, although there were some similar marketing behaviors such as hype, but when this concept appeared, Eric did not know.

"The propaganda before "The Dark War" has reached the maximum, so we can't do anything else in the orthodox propaganda technique, so if you want to make a breakthrough, you can only choose a topic that seems to have little to do with the movie. Propaganda, in fact, I think that some movies have attracted the attention of fans by speculating the way the heroes and heroes gossip, and they can be classified as the topic marketing I said."

After Eric finished, it seems that everyone’s reaction has been followed: “The focus of everyone’s debate before is whether the “Dark War” should be delayed for a week. I think that my plan can just do the best of both worlds. There is no delay, and if done properly, the box office in the second week will have unexpected results, which can make up for the loss caused by Batman's squeeze at the box office in the first week."

In the curious eyes of everyone in the conference room, Eric wrote the words 'implanted ads' and 'television' on the whiteboard.

"Everyone knows that there are a lot of implant ads in "Dark War", so there have been some small disputes between us," Eric pointed at the 'implanted ad' smile, the executives in the conference room I also laughed with the cooperation, because Eric had previously received a $6 million advertising fee with a large number of implanted advertisements in "The Dark War". After learning the situation, Colombia still wants to take a share of it. After all, $6 million can be used. Not a small money, you can make a movie. However, Eric converted the advertising fee into his personal income through a specific contract, rather than the income of the movie "The Dark War". As a result, Colombia did not get a penny.

When everyone laughed and fell, Eric went on to say: "My plan is centered on the topic of the advertisement and the TV series I am going to make. I am confident that the implantation of these advertisements is still very clever, so Even the film critics who participated in the screening didn't find anything wrong, and they didn't notice the TV series that appeared three times before and after the movie. Even these film critics didn't notice, I believe the audience is even less likely. I’m concerned that they’re more immersed in the story of the movie. The topic marketing I’m talking about is that after the film is released, we artificially create the topic and guide the audience to notice this, if it succeeds in causing the fans to In the end, in the second week of the movie, a large part of the audience’s resurgence and repeated viewing will be seen in the number of advertisements and the curiosity of the three TV dramas that flashed.

Speaking of this, an senior executive from the audience interjected: "Eric, you can try the topic of your TV series, but I remember that you specifically explained it before, and don't mention any advertisements when advertising. Isn't the topic to prevent fans from being disgusted?"

Eric explained: "Of course, so, I just said that after the film was released, it was revealed. After the film’s first three days of the first weekend, the word of "Dark War" must have been confirmed. I believe everyone is right. The film's word of mouth is full of confidence. Since the fans have already determined that this is a good movie, then we will reveal that fans will not be disgusted, but will be treated as an interesting thing, just like We are always tolerant of the shortcomings of those who are outstanding. No one will criticize Napoleon’s height, Einstein’s indifference, or Mrs. Curie’s cough. Of course, this also needs to pass. The media is guided by public opinion. We must ensure that most of the media’s attitude towards this matter is based on ridicule rather than criticism. The specific plan has been written in the document I submitted, and of course Professionals make corrections. After all, I am only a layman in this area. Many things may not be considered."

After Eric finished, he walked back to his seat again. The president of Colombia turned his attention to the executive who was responsible for the promotion: "Ryan, is Eric’s document still there?"

Rene’s hand under the conference table licked his knees and was unsure. “Maybe... still, I let the assistant look for it.”

"You go in person, find a few copies and send them later, as soon as possible."

"Okay, I will go." The other stood up and hurriedly left the conference room. The meeting was also in a tentative state. Everyone talked eloquently about what Eric had just said, and Eric was no longer After being treated with a cold reception, I gathered around and circled people to discuss with him.

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