I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 150: Opening

The two just entered the auditorium, and Drew directly opened Nicole, ran to the position of the former crew members. Nicole only saw Drew swearing a few words to Tom Hanks, who was sitting next to Eric. Hanks smiled and got up and gave her the position.

Although very envious, but Nicole knows that she is not even qualified to sit in the front row, let alone let anyone in the front row give her a position, although some are not willing, but the girl is still looking in the middle of the theater. A seat sat down.

There are more and more people in the auditorium. Unconsciously, a 30-year-old man with glasses and gentle personality sat down beside the girl. The man seemed to unconsciously lick the girl’s eyes, revealing a just astonished look. As if I just found the glamorous girl around me, I greeted the initiative: "Hey, hello."

Although the man's tone is very casual, but the girl who often encounters similar situations realizes the other party's intentions when the man just sat next to her. Although the heart is somewhat resentful, but the other party politely greets, Nicole is not easy to ignore, tone. Plainly: "Hello."

The man doesn't care about Nicole's indifference. As a veteran of flowers, if you shrink back because of the coldness of the girl, you never want to make a woman: "Forgive my abruptness, Miss, but you are so beautiful. Especially, your hair style, with your facial contours, makes you look like a classic beauty of cool temperament. You know, many girls are used to ironing their hair into fluffy little wavy hair, but in my It seems that the hairstyle is like a bird's nest, it is so bad that it is so rare that there are so few girls like you."

Nicole heard the words of a man's compliment, the expression was not praised, but flashed a sly look, and some helplessly replied: "Thank you for your appreciation, sir."

"You're welcome," the man said with a smile. "My name is George North, a film critic of Premiere magazine."

"You can call me Nicole."

"Nike, is N-I-C-O-L-E? Wow, I suddenly found this name to be like it for you. In Greek, 'Nike' is used to describe the appearance. Beautiful and delicate, but strong and independent young woman."

George Nosson was about to say something. The lights in the auditorium were dark. I don’t know why. I remembered Eric’s coldness to her during this time. The girl was somewhat disgusted with the diligent partner and whispered. : "The film is starting, Mr. Northen."

"Of course, I understand." George Northson realized that he was too eager, quickly sat down and turned his eyes to the screen.

After the captain of the Statue of Liberty in Colombia, the little girl in a red hoodie flew the fireflies, drawn a string of beautiful characters and rushed to the sky, turning into the brightest of the stars. After that, the picture was short-lived. The darkness, the screaming footsteps rang, as if they were tapping on the hearts of the audience, but the film still did not appear immediately, and the list of the founders began to appear on the screen.

In the curious expectations of everyone, the picture finally lights up. In the dimly lit corridor, Tom Cruise with sunglasses climbs the stairs layer by layer, while singing with mysterious and sad male voice. It rang.

Nicole was staring at the screen, but behind the two girls whispered, the other should be a fan of Cruise.

"Oh, God, I suddenly found out that my little Tommy was so handsome when she walked, Mickey, I can't stand it anymore."

"Me too, me too, Erica, wait, we must go up and ask for a few signatures to Tommy."

In fact, Nicole also had the same feeling in her heart, although she did not know why.

Fortunately, there is a professional film critic next to him. George Northen also heard the emotions of two female fans in front of the camera. The girl approached and whispered and explained: "This is the result of the atmosphere rendering, the echo of the footsteps, the mysterious singing, the cool lens, And the silent protagonist, constitutes a very infectious picture, so it is not surprising that they produce that feeling. Erik Williams is not a genius, just a few simple shots, it highlights His first two films have completely different styles. If you adjust the picture to normal, remove the soundtrack and echo, even if you switch to other soundtracks, then these shots will not achieve the same effect, this kind of thing seems simple, But the ability to combine several elements together to form an irresistible appeal requires a high artistic attainment."

When picking up a girl, it is obviously not a sensible behavior to talk about other men in front of women, but George Northen regards Nicole as an ordinary movie fan. He does not think that the girl sitting here will have the opportunity to contact Eric. I don't think she will know Eric, so I don't deserve to praise Eric, and at the same time, I don't have any traces of my professionalism in film appreciation.

After coming to the rooftop, with the accompanying shots, the soundtrack style gradually became heavy. After the male protagonist crossed the edge of the roof, the picture began to switch between memories and reality, and Andrew played with Cruise. The dialogue between the doctors explained to the audience that Andy had only four weeks of life display.

"Hey, Tommy won't jump off the floor?" The girl's worries echoed behind her, which is actually the common voice of many fans in the theater.

Another girl immediately hugged her companion and comforted: "No, Erica, you see Tommy carrying a backpack. He must have other things. If a person wants to jump off the building, he still carries a bag."

"Miki, do you think Tommy will die?"

"Of course not. I have heard reports that many end-stage cancer patients have survived. Moreover, this is a movie. Any miracle in the movie will happen. Tommy never died in the previous movie. He will never dead."

"I hope so." Erica put her hands on her chest and made a praying look, while looking forward to the next move of Cruise standing on the Tiantai Mountain.

However, the film did not immediately reveal the answer to the audience. After playing the title of "Dark War", the screen was transferred to a restaurant. Hann’s Shaun’s sneak peek at the newspaper while eating breakfast, the camera quickly smashed into the restaurant. At the bar, Andy, who is equally calm, is also eating breakfast, while looking up at the sitcom on TV, with a hint of reluctance and nostalgia.

The two protagonists appeared at the same time, and the audience thought that the two would have a confrontation in this restaurant. After all, the name of the movie was called "Dark War", but the picture was quickly cut into other scenes again.

"I dare say that this scene of Cruise will definitely appear again and again. This is a time suggestion set by the director. Nicole, did you notice the look of Cruise? He only has four weeks of life, so, Whether it's eating, drinking, or watching TV, his look is full of concentration and nostalgia. He seems to want to use the remaining four weeks to engrave all the beauty of the world into the soul. I dare say Crewe Sis will definitely die in the ending." George Nosson next to him couldn't help but show off.

Nicole just nodded a little and said that she had heard the other person's words, her eyes still staring at the screen without squinting, and the girl began to slowly enter the story.

Inside the blockade, Sean got out of the car and hurried into a police car. He was wearing the inspector-level uniform played by Joe Percy, and the police chief Ian Speyer, who was wearing a bulletproof vest, said: Has the robber been in contact?"

Ian blinked: "Twenty minutes have been discussed."

Sean immediately raised his eyebrows and turned his head in surprise and looked at Ian. "You talked? You must say that you are the Los Angeles Central District Police Chief Ian Spey, and it is not right to surrender within three minutes?"

Ian swayed his head and realized that Sean is now his subordinate, not the famous police elite, so he stalked his neck and turned his eyes to the side. How can you take me? Look like it.

This performance of Joe Pesci is very happy both in language and in action expressions, and the audience has begun to smile.

Although Sean had some helplessness, he still played a negotiation recording.

When a hand pressed the play button, the special voice of Joe Pesce’s voice was suddenly heard.

"Hey, I am Ian Spey, the head of the Los Angeles Central District Police Department. You have been surrounded by me and have surrendered within three minutes."

Sean shook his head and revealed a look that was so ugly, and Ian turned his gaze to the window again.

During the recording, the robbers proposed a series of conditions. Ian heard the other side wanting a bulletproof car and couldn’t help but retort: ​​"How do you not helicopter?"

Hearing here, Shaun shook his head and slammed his head, and there was a helplessness in his tone: "Hey, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!"

The atmosphere that Hanks and Joe Percy had created for the audience also broke out at this moment. With Shawn’s madness, after hearing this line, the first laughter of the audience was heard in the theater. .

Sure enough, the robbers changed the conditions and changed the bulletproof car into a helicopter. Sean could only sigh again and again, and asked a walkie-talkie to enter the bank alone. After a series of verbal and psychological confrontation, Sean went smoothly. Solved the hostage crisis and forced the traitor to commit suicide. Although this section of Eric did not make any changes to the plot, but the lines, but consulted the real negotiating experts, it seems more reasonable and sharp, even if it is a professional, can not jump out of this paragraph of speech confrontation Come, of course, the plot time has been dragged down for a few minutes, but this is not a problem, the original movie is only 90 minutes, and in Hollywood, most of this big production is about two hours, plus The lines are very cleverly designed, and the audience will not feel the drag of this plot, but will be able to interpret the excellence of Sean's hero.

Leaving the bank, Sean walked to a snack bar, bought a Coke and a hamburger to eat. In the crowd, a thin-haired old man with a strange smile, holding the camera to Shawn this series of actions I took it.

The old man's expression is a bit stiff, but with the iconic mysterious male vocal scores that appear almost simultaneously, although most fans still have some doubts, the professional film critics present have guessed that the old man is likely to be Andy's pretending.

Sure enough, the picture cut into a room filled with high-tech crime props such as computers, camouflage equipment, etc. Andy will flush out the photos of Sean’s bank robbery scene on the wall. At the same time, there were other old photos on the wall, such as Sean's SWAT (Special Weapons and Combat Team), which was swept through the camera on the wall covered with photos and newspaper clippings. The audience finally understood Shane's identity.

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