I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 151: Temperament change

Andy walked into a finance company with a backpack, and the financial company manager took out a stack of Marvel's superhero comics from the portfolio and pulled out a pistol. The two men's ‘black war’ officially began.

"You are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Andy blocked himself with the body of the financial company manager and warmly greeted Shawn on the roof.

"Sorry, traffic jam," Sean replied with a smile. There is no sense of unfamiliarity in the tone. This is the most basic quality of negotiating experts close to criminals. No matter how hard they hate each other, they want to throw the other person into jail or send an electric chair. However, on the surface, it is also necessary to maintain a state of sorrowful old friends with criminals. Only when they are close to criminals, it is possible to find out the flaws of the other party.

"You can call me Sean, can you help me? Many people have their own purposes, some people want money, cars, planes, others want to see a wife, do you have a girlfriend?" After Di allowed, Sean slowly walked up and began to set up.

Andy didn't answer, but he came out from the cover of the finance company manager. When Sean wanted to let the body sniper aim at the opposite building, it was stopped by Andy.

"Is it very smart?" Looking at the helpless Sean, Andy laughed.

"Yeah, what do you call it?"

"Check it out."

"what on earth do you want?"

“It’s very simple, I want to play a 72-hour game with you.”

"You want to play with me, no problem, the hostage is innocent, you let him go, I will replace it."


The dull gunshots sounded and there was a burst of exclamation in the auditorium. No one would have thought that Cruise, who had always been very positive in the movie, would not hesitate to shoot at an innocent person, among the fans who were invited in the screening hall. More than half are fans of Cruise.

The two girls behind Nicole also exclaimed.

"Ah, how could this be, Miki, how can Tommy do this, he wouldn't really be a bad guy?"

"Definitely not, Erica, you look at the manager's wretched look, I think he must have something to die." The girl named Mickey said this, but the tone is full of uncertainty.

"It seems that Cruise's role has been a big breakthrough," George Nosson said. Although the voice was not loud, it was enough to be heard by Nicole, but glanced at the indifferent girl and found her. Not interested in this topic, had to stop a series of analysis of the upcoming export.

Because of the discretion and embarrassment of the police chief Ian Spey, played by Joe Percy, Andy escaped from the vents into the building. In a mess, the finance company manager with red ketchup climbed from the ground: "Help, I am not dead."

"Ha..." The reaction sounded like a screaming scream of fans who were somewhat worried.

Then, Ian's stupidity and Sean were reappeared in a funny and maddening situation. When Shaun reluctantly put a good-time chocolate box disguised as a bomb in front of Ian, the theater rang again with joy.

"Good chocolate," someone in the dark learned Shaun's tone and repeated the line with great interest. If the confectionery company's executives heard this here, they would be glad that the $500,000 advertisement. Good value for money.

Andy, who escaped from the building, was negligently seated in a taxi driven by Sean, and the two started the first positive contest.

"Take me to the police station, even if you win." Andy said, putting the pistol out of the window and not hesitating to drive the flight.

The faint guns with the silencer sounded, the sparks on the lampposts sparked, the balloons in the hands of the children suddenly burst, and the cardboard boxes in the hands of the porters burst into pieces...

With one hand on Sean's shoulder, Andy's indifferent voice sounded: "I shot at three times."


Sean turned to look at the direction pointed by Andy's muzzle, wanting to gamble on the other side will not shoot, but see the pregnant woman in front of the road, the pregnant woman, the woman holding the child, the student carrying the bag, Sean at the end I stepped on the gas pedal for a moment.

He didn't dare to gamble.

But it is too late.


"Hey!" Sean shouted in horror, nervously looking at the pedestrians ahead.

Everyone was safe and sound, turned his head, and the rear door opened, and Andy had disappeared.

"Hey, hey, Mickey, you see no, in fact, Tommy’s last shot was played up," the girl’s voice, which seemed a little bit screaming, rang again.

"Yeah, this character is actually a good person." The girl named Mickey also followed the road.

"It’s just right and wrong, I started to fall in love with this role. Eric Williams is really amazing. I have never seen this role in other movies."

Mickey smiled: "The key is still so young. I heard that he is less than 19 years old and is smaller than both of us."

"Ha... little boy, then, I still like Tommy a little more."

"Oh," I heard the companion's voice, and the other girl laughed.

Nicole, who was sitting in front of the quiet voice, couldn’t help but reveal a smile. After more than a month of getting along, the savvy girl already had a deep understanding of Eric, and she secretly Means, if you take the shots of these two girls, it is estimated that the opponent will not be able to turn around and get confused, and what Tom Cruise will be left behind. But the girl soon remembered her own experience and became a bit stunned. He really... As Drew said, can't you look at yourself?

As if to set off the feeling of the loss of Nicole in the darkness, the ethereal and sad music of "The Silent Love" came out in the auditorium.

Sitting in the bus, Andy met the police's card check and looked up and sat down to the right front of a girl.

The appearance of Brooke Shields is still amazing, but at the suggestion of Eric, through the elaborate carving of the makeup artist, the girl's original thick eyebrows are slightly modified, and no lip gloss is applied to the lips. There is only a layer of light makeup on the face.

This change has changed the temperament of the girl. When many people saw Brooke Shield in the magazine, it would naturally produce words like ‘Goddess’.

But at this time, the girl's appearance made her whole person's temperament a lot more feminine, and faded away the kind of depressing goddess temperament, turned into a woman who is easy to make people close and care.

In the front row of the theater, Brooke Shield, who was sitting in the seat, saw her appearing, and her mood suddenly became awkward. She was still worried about her temperamental change. The girl looked back at it because she looked back because The brightness of the screen, she can clearly see the facial expressions of the audience in the last few rows, the visibility is visible, many men are staring at the big screen, many people have an obsessive look on their faces, and their mouths are slightly open. Obviously, she was attracted by her appearance. Seeing these, Brooke Shields put a little bit of heart down and turned his head and turned his head.

As long as the audience's reaction is good, as for the film critic, after several times of golden plum, she has no hope of being recognized in her acting skills. As long as she can get popular among the audience, there is a lot of popularity in Hollywood anyway. A big star with a high performance but a bad acting.

In the picture, Yoyo, played by Brooke Shields, curiously glanced at the strange man who suddenly appeared beside him. He accidentally found the handle in the open collar of the other, but his face was faint but did not dare to attack. fear.

"It’s okay to not talk," Andy whispered softly, taking the sunglasses off and putting them on the girl, blocking the other person's gaze because of fear, taking off one of the other headphones and putting them on, and finally overbearing. The girl is letting the other person lean on her shoulder.

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