I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 152: Half caterpillar

As the music continued, Yoyo, leaning against Andy’s shoulder, was unconsciously, and the look turned from horror to calmness. Perhaps, in day-to-day boring life, come to such a stimulating 'In fact, it is not bad, she thought so, gradually, the corner of the mouth has been hung up a faint happy smile.

Because of the girl's tacit understanding, Andy successfully passed the inspection, and returned the headset to the girl's ear and got off the bus. The responding Yoyo quickly shouted the driver to stop and followed.

He put his hand in his pocket and walked lazily on the sidewalk. She lowered her head and carefully followed him. She looked up from time to time and took a look at his back with a cozy look.

Andy finally couldn't help but turned around and scared the girl.

"What are you doing with me?"

"I... I live here." She explained in a panic like a little girl who was caught in a bad thing.

Andy watched the girl pull out the key to open the security door, turned and prepared to leave, she reacted, shouted and chased it up, and put the pair of sunglasses back into Andy's hands.

Nicole didn't know that the movie was copied by Eric from her own mind, so she saw this episode and involuntarily turned her thoughts to herself and Eric. He seemed to be such an attitude towards himself, but he was overbearing. Also alienated.

After the high tide of the first paragraph, the plot of the movie once again entered a gentle period.

In the police station, Sean chattered with his colleagues about his doubts. Some careful Ian looked at Sean’s enthusiasm and thought about mediocrity. He felt that his position might be threatened, so he was decisive. The use of elementary school students' deadly magic weapon - complaints. But it was blocked by the boss who had a good relationship with Sean, and he could only go forward and look for Shaun’s trouble.

But looking for a slap, but it made Shawn the key to the matter.

At the unintentional prompt of Ian, Sean hammered the table: "Stupid, I am so stupid, I forgot the most important clue, finance company, hey, we can check it out..."

Ian, who is marrying for others, is even more depressed. He can only helplessly use the words to smack the identity of Sean’s logistics supervisor: “The light pipes in the corridor are flashing, and people are changing.”

The investigation of Shaun’s singularity has not been coordinated by anyone. The manager of the financial company with ghosts in his heart is not willing to cooperate with the police’s guarded villains. Sean can only return to the office again and receive it. The screw that Andy sent.

At night, the old man who had cheated the front desk, Shaun successfully entered the building where the finance company was located, and used the milk powder to open the password lock to enter the finance company. The second confrontation with Andy opened.

The rapid footsteps on the stairs, the alarms of the security door, the roar of the car engine, the fierce friction between the tires and the ground, and the fierce gun battles that lasted for a few minutes, combined with the intense percussion, lasted for more than 20 minutes. Without an extra lens, the whole process grips the audience's eyes tightly.

Finally, the two got rid of the chasing of the villain, and the car was driving on a quiet street in Los Angeles night.

"Hah, this situation seems to be turned around. The gun is in my hand. Do you know where the police station is?" Sean raised his eyebrows and took a pistol and patted Andy's shoulder. His expression was smug.

Andy smiled and sighed with ungratefulness, and said: "Old rules, to the police station, you win."

The car suddenly accelerated.

At the same time, the heart that the audience just relaxed was once again hoisted, and everyone was curious about how Andy would escape again.

In the screams of many girls in the auditorium, Andy stepped on the gas pedal and did not hesitate to hit the cement fence on the roadside.


A loud bang, the windshield broke, the airbag came out, and Shaun in the back seat was shaken, and in a small lens that was not too eye-catching, Andy was placed next to the window because of the cracking of the front window glass. A small pill bottle popped out and bounced on the concrete road for a few times.

The picture slowly settled in the crisp sound of the pill bottle and the concrete, and then fell into the dark.

Here, Eric made a big change to the original version, and removed the episode in which the two men swayed and grabbed the gem box. Eric felt that this paragraph was completely superfluous and did not make much sense. It also affected the film. Rhythm. If the original 20-minute fierce confrontation gives people the feeling of eating a bowl of spicy hot noodle soup with a sweaty sweat, the paragraph that grabs the box is more like the last stir chopsticks, picking out from the noodle soup. Half a caterpillar.

Eric thought about it, and only thought that the purpose of this shot was to let Andy lose the small bottle containing the terminal cancer painkiller to cause Ian's misunderstanding. So Eric only used a small pop-up lens to clean the clues.

I don't know how long I struggled in the darkness. Sean suddenly opened her eyes and found that she was in the hospital ward. Under the doctor's introduction, Sean knew that she had no serious problems, squatting on her suit and hanging her neck at random. I walked out of the ward.

Ian’s face was heavily blocked by Sean, and the two started a funny conversation with a licking lip.

"Hey, don't lie to me again."

Sean argued: "It is like this. I have a friend to eat, on the way..."

Ian interrupted Sean's shivering nonsense: "We found your car, which was covered with bullet holes."

"Someone is looking for revenge. I can't do anything. Our police always have a lot of enemies."

"You still lie to me," Ian excitedly pulled Sean aside and raised the small pill bottle in his hand: "What is this, found in the place where you loaded the car, I asked the doctor, he said this Pain medications are given to patients with terminal cancer."

Sean took a breath and seemed to understand something, thinking thoughtfully against the wall.

Ian was stunned and grabbed his shoulder: "Oh, it's a pity, so young."

Sean raised his eyebrows and looked at the other side, but Ian continued. "I am not right. I have always been biased against you, but you are also. Why do you always hit me? How can I say that it is also the Secretary, bigger than you?" Well."

Sean quickly understood that Ian had misunderstood the incident, but he couldn’t help but nod his head. It seemed that it was a good thing to misunderstand this somewhat careful boss.

As for the future, it may be dismantled... the future will be said in the future.

Thinking about this, Shaun slammed the boat and lifted the small medicine bottle: "Western medicine, it is very angry."

Ian once again grabbed Sean's shoulder and said sorry for his previously careful behavior. Shawn was a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Sigourney Weaver’s guest appearance of the Interpol executives made Shawn get rid of it. Through Andy's information, Sean understood the meaning of the teacup that the stranger left with the number 13.

On May 13th, it was still the small restaurant. After some verbal confrontation, Sean agreed to cooperate with Andy’s plan to arrest the big villains and the bald monks.

In the bowling alley, when Cruise appeared in a pretty women's dress, not only was Sean in the shot scared, but the audience also heard the voice of the audience.

When the bowling ball was broken and the financial company’s stolen diamonds were scattered all over the place, the big villains who had always been impenetrable were finally arrested. According to the clues that Eric had previously buried, as long as the bald monk could be brought into the police station, then Interpol will cooperate to provide a series of evidence, and the other party will not want to go out of the door again in this life.

In the midst of chaos, Sean found that Andy disappeared in the crowd, so he quickly chased it out.

In the parking lot, the helpless Andy took the initiative to take his own roadster, because this time, not only in the hands of Shawn, but also the steering wheel in the hands of the other party.

The Lamborghini hooded ghosts rushed through the streets, followed by a large police car.

"Not yet?" After several police blockades, Shawn opened.

Andy leaned his head against the back of the chair: "The things that have been done have already been done."

"But I don't have it. If I can't send you to the police station, I will be a little sorry in my life."

"If you have regrets, you will remember me." Andy was ridiculed for Shaun.

Sean was silent for a moment: "Reassured, I will not forget you."

Andy shook his head with a smile, coughing a few times, blood pouring into the cavity, sprayed on the windshield.

Sean’s hand holding the steering wheel tightened, and Andy said sorry, opened the black cloth covering the bomb and took out a remote control.

Sean glanced at him: "Is this trick again?"

"Do not believe you try it."

When Shaun raised his hand, he pressed the control machine, and a soft bang sounded. The bomb started counting down for a minute.

"This time will not be true?"

Andy smiled and said: "You pressed it and said to me, when it is not important to die, the key is not to die in the police."

Through the walkie-talkie, Sean informed the followers of the bombs, then stepped on the gas pedal, and quickly passed through the last police blockade, and walked down the sports car in the last ten seconds of countdown.

Although the two only met each other for a few days, Sean had fully understood Andy's style of acting, and he did not believe that the bomb was true. Therefore, making such a deliberate release of criminals is a great pressure on his professional ethics.

So when I got off the bus, Sean’s face was a bit heavy, but gradually, he seemed to figure out what he was doing, and his mouth gradually smiled and walked easily toward his colleagues.

After doing things, always very hungry, it is time to find something to eat.

I don't know if the small restaurant was closed. He thought so, waving his hand to Ian who complained to him and left.

No surprise, the countdown is over, Lamborghini's engine is automatically turned on, and Andy escapes smoothly again.

A few weeks later, in the small restaurant, Sean widened his eyes and saw a message in the corner of the newspaper. Someone donated a large sum of money to the Children’s Cancer Foundation in his own name. So he swallowed food and picked it up. I picked it up and seemed to want to laugh, but I couldn’t laugh.

Holding a bucket of popcorn and holding a newspaper through the bustling crowd, Sean Ghost made a difference on the bus.

Just sitting down, Yu Guangli saw a familiar thing.

"Miss, your necklace is very beautiful, where did you buy it?" Sean couldn't help but ask.

Yoyo took it and looked at it with a faint smile on her face: "Friends sent it, it's cheap."


Yoyo hesitated, didn't answer, just said faintly: "I haven't seen him for a long time, and he hasn't appeared since I gave it to me."

Shaun turned around sullenly: "Keep it well, although it is fake, but it is also very fake. Maybe he will appear in front of you again someday, oh, scare you."

Yoyo smiled, but didn't answer again, his eyes turned to the window.

Soon, the girl got out of the car. In the fast and slow lens, the expressions of Shaun and Yoyo appeared in the camera.

Putting a popcorn into his mouth, Sean remembered Andy again.

Dude, all this is your scam. It’s like a fake pistol, a fake bomb, your illness is fake, just to defraud my sympathy and let me let you go.

I don't mind if you hide in the corner and laugh at my stupidity, really!

He finally thought so, his face was blank.

It seems to be some kind of inheritance. Originally, only Andy played the chanting that sounded, and it appeared again when Yoyo walked the street with the jewel.

Like some kind of reincarnation.

Ethereal, mysterious, and far away...

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