I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 155: a serious nonsense

On July 10th, the first week of the "Dark War" box office was officially released. Although the question of George Nosson caused a wave of doubts among the public, the reputation of the "Dark War" movie itself has not been affected much. More than 70% of the film reviews have praised the film. Therefore, the first week of "Dark War" is still under the pressure of "Batman", and still won more than $27 million for the weekend three-day box office. For this data, Colombia is mixed.

Happiness is because the box office on the summer file week will occupy 40% to 50% of the entire week's box office. The box office of the first day of the "Dark War" seven days still has the opportunity to hit the $40 million mark, although because of "Batman", I am sure I can't keep up with the amazing results of the first week of "Ghosts 2" 45 million, but this figure has already made a good night's sleep for the senior officials of the Colombian box office who have been worried about the "Black War" box office. The first week has reached 40 million, then the total box office There is still a good chance to break through 200 million US dollars.

Worrying is because of the predecessor of "Ghost Hunting 2", Colombia is very worried that this film will follow the footsteps of "Ghost 2", which will drop more than 50% of the box office in the next week, although it will not appear again afterwards. The blockbuster movie like Batman, but just after the box office curve of "Ghosts 2", it is inevitable that Colombia has such fears. Movies are like gambling, no one knows what will happen next.

Therefore, when the turmoil caused by George Northen’s questioning article has just arisen, Colombia will soon convene all the executives to discuss countermeasures. The consequences of such a thing are hard to predict, perhaps people read After that, I forgot to chat a few words. But Colombia also found that many people do not want this argument to be easily overlooked by people. In just a few days, many media have begun to help.

They will never allow the "war", which was originally in good momentum, to be affected by this question. What's more, Colombia has already identified Eric's suggestion of 'topic marketing', the placement of ads in the movie and the Eric TV series. Fragments as a hype topic to push up the second week of the box office, but this plan wants to implement smoothly, you must first clarify this wave of doubts, otherwise topic marketing will be difficult to predict the effect, it is likely because of the previous Questioning and superimposing a worse situation.

When a group of executives had some troubles about how to clarify that "Dark War" was not a gunman's work, the small box of video that Eric moved into the conference room made everyone shine, after playing a few videotapes. The people quickly discussed the countermeasures.

CBS Television is located in the branch office building in Los Angeles. Eric is making a final preparation with a female host named Sophia Temple, and then recording a program called "Sofia Talk Show." If you want to clarify your query as soon as possible, what better way to play a videotape on the spot than a multi-million spectator on a talk show?

When an executive made this suggestion, Eric first thought of the famous "Oprah talk show", after all, this program is really famous, but unfortunately his idea was quickly dispelled. Because the play time of the "Oprah talk show" is from September of each year to May of the following year, it is just in the stoppage period of this talk show. Moreover, even if the Oprah talk show is not stopped now, it is not possible to arrange the schedule in just a few days.

Secondly, Colombia quickly arranged another program called "Sofia Talk Show" through the well-connected CBS TV station. This talk show is obviously imitating the "Oprah talk show", but unfortunately Rick’s past life has not heard of it.

Sophia Temple is a very temperamental white woman, dressed in a sleek burgundy professional suit, dark blue hair, nose and nose, Eric feels the other side and the past, "Friends" in Courtney Cox The appearance is a bit similar, but she is a little more booky than Courtney Cox.

After the exchange, Eric also understands why this talk show will be unknown in the past. It is estimated that this trend will not last long.

Because Sophia Temple's character is very literary, and the conversation is quite satisfactory, Eric guesses that the other party must have been born into a wealthy family and has received a full set of elite education. Although this woman is very talented, her personality is somewhat conservative. Therefore, Eric thinks that she is more suitable for a more serious high-end talk show, interviewing entrepreneurs, scientists or senior government officials, and is not suitable for this talk show that needs to interact with the guests and mobilize the audience atmosphere.

In contrast, Oprah, who is born at the bottom, is different. The other party’s influence on the hype can be a self-destructive experience of being intimately invaded in childhood. You can make a lot of funny moves on the spot, and you can burst into laughter on the spot. And Eric can be sure that the conservative Sofia Templer certainly can't do this.

"Ms. Temple, Mr. Williams, the scene is ready, can start recording." A staff member pushed the door into the rest room and said to Eric and Sofia, who are communicating details.

Eric and Sophia left the lounge side by side and walked to the studio.

"Speaking of the director, the first impression that many people have in mind is definitely the old man with a big beard, a mess, and an eccentric character. But since last year, there has been an alternative in the Hollywood director circle. He is not only young and handsome. And even more brilliant, even more surprisingly, the teenager has got a jaw-dropping box office score for several consecutive movies. Oh, I think everyone already knows who he is, then, please have our on-site guests today. Mr. Eric Williams."

After a skilled opening remark, under the instructions of Sofia, Eric walked in with the small box again. The program group also suggested that the box with the video tape should be placed directly on the scene, but Eric refused. The main reason for this program is to clarify the gunner rumors, of course, the deeper the impression on the audience, the better.

In the scream of the girl under the stage, Eric smiled and waved at the camera before sat down with Sophia.

"Eric, is this a gift for you, do you want me to give it to everyone?" Sophia smiled and pointed to the box that Eric had brought up.

Not waiting for Eric to answer, the girls in the audience shouted excited again, and several girls couldn’t help but stand up and look at the things in the box.

Eric pressed his hands slightly and gestured to everyone to be quiet. He explained: "Sorry, everyone, I am too rushed to get a gift today. As for these, just some videotapes. As for the content, I will keep it for the time being. Wait a minute to give everyone a surprise."

Although many people on the scene gave a disappointing sigh, they were all quiet.

Sophia and Eric started the standard process of talk talks, and they were close to each other, recalling their childhood, looking back, savoring the present, looking to the future...

Most of the questions were discussed in advance. In this respect, Sophia is as conservative as Eric’s previous evaluation, even if there are occasional minor attacks, it does not make Eric feel uncomfortable.

After chatting about more than ten minutes of Eric's past, two people began to turn the topic into the focus of this interview.

"Eric, many people say that compared to your first few movies, the style of "Dark War" has changed too much. What do you personally think about these people?"

Eric stared at Sophia's good face and began to talk nonsense: "Actually, to be honest, there are great accidental factors in the appearance of my first few films. At that time my father died suddenly, I had to drop out of school. Working in a small restaurant, but that is not the life I want. I was very interested in movies since I was a child. So I have the script "Returning to Seventeen" and "Returning to Seventeen" is for me. I want to enter Hollywood and prepare for myself; "Little Ghosts" is the inspiration that I had when I chatted with Stoudemire. The little guy came to my house one night, when I was filming "Returning to Seventeen", small Stu asks me, can he also go to make a movie, I said yes, so "Little Ghosts" appeared. And the script of "Fengyue Beauty" also has a lot of contingency. So, "The Dark War "I was a movie that I really wanted to shoot completely. I had the idea of ​​making this movie a long time ago. For this reason, I even went to "Fengyue" before shooting. Mr. Tim Hanks invitation. "

"Oh, then, your first few movies are your ticket. If you are heard by many Hollywood directors, many people will be heartbroken." Sophia asked some narrowly. The audience once again rang the laughter of the audience. If Eric really made a few box-office movies at random, it is estimated that many directors who have struggled for many years in Hollywood have to hit the wall.

Eric quickly smiled and denied: "Of course not. For every movie I have done, I am trying hard to do it. I think that one person wants to achieve some achievements. It is very important that even if you have some things. Not very interested, but also try to get it done."

Sophia nodded thoughtfully: "Eric, although you are still so young, but with your achievements, you will definitely not get too many constraints and restrictions when making movies. Does it mean you? Will the future movies be the style of "Dark War"?"

"No, I prefer to try new things, so my future movies will definitely be diverse. I don't want to be labeled as a film director at a young age."

"But, I have heard such a point in the past few days that even the best film masters will definitely have similar factors in their films. But some newspapers have analyzed that the movie "The Dark War" Your first few movies have nothing in common, just like... it’s like two people shooting.” Sophia stared at Eric and raised this sharp topic.

The audience at the scene immediately became breathless. In fact, many people have already guessed the reason why Eric came to participate in this talk show, so it is very curious how Eric will defend himself.

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