I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 156: Videotape

"Actually, I am very helpless about this kind of questioning, because my age is really a bad injury. There are very few directors under the age of 30 in Hollywood, let alone I am less than twenty years old." Kelly said: "I didn't have to respond to this kind of questioning. After all, reality is the best counter-attack weapon, but with the expansion of this view, I feel that even if I ignore those irresponsible catchers, The media, I should also give an account to the fans who have always supported my film. Just because of some accidental factors, some images in the filming of "Dark War" were preserved. Hey, these are the videotapes."

Eric said, taking more than a dozen videotapes out of the small box and stacking it between himself and Sofia.

"Wow, these are... shooting footage?" Sophia asked.

Eric shook his head: "No, if it's a tidbit, I definitely won't appear in the camera. These are some trivialities that I recorded with an extra camera during the "Dark War" studio."

"You mean, documented by the third-party perspective of the "Dark War" production process, is this allowed during the filmmaking process?"

Eric laughed: "Under normal circumstances, this situation is not allowed, because the content of the film needs to be absolutely confidential, but the identity of the person who shoots these videos is quite special. I believe she will not disclose the content. I was tossed by the other party. It was because of my initial connivance that I now have the opportunity to prove my innocence."

Eric said that the audience under the stage had stretched their necks and widened their eyes. Several fans also whispered to urge Eric and Sophia to play the video content.

"Well, then everyone can't wait, let's take a look at it." Sophia did not sway the appetite of the audience too much, seemingly randomly picking out a videotape and stuffing it into the already prepared projector.

Later, the two people began to appear some swaying pictures on the big screen. It seems that the people who operate the camera are still very unskilled. After a while, the picture is slowly stabilized, and a girl’s slightly sloppy sound is drawn from the picture. Outside sounds: "Allen, lift the radio, if I shoot no sound, I will find you when I get there."

The other one sounded with a touch of helplessness: "Okay, Princess Royal Highness."

The audience followed and laughed. Many people heard it. The girl’s voice should come from Drew Barrymore, who has a close relationship with Eric. I remembered what Eric had just said, and indeed only this girl can be unscrupulously The studio is so noisy, if other people dare to play in a movie studio, they will definitely be blasted out.

On the big screen, the picture began to move. Many people recognized that this should be a large studio. Looking at the full-scale street and house model in the picture, the audience gave a faint exclaim, but now it’s not more than ten. In the era of developed networks after the year, many things can find pictures or videos on the Internet. Although Americans often watch movies, they don't know much about the specific process of film production. The large-scale studio of this full-scale model has never seen it before, so it is not surprising.

Accompanied by some noise, the person who took the camera quickly entered a room. Eric, wearing a military green director's vest, appeared in front of the camera. In the picture, Eric gave a hand to Hanks to explain what he saw. In the past, Eric stopped the conversation with Hanks, smiled and reached over the camera, seeming to knock on someone's head, while the girl's painful screams and the laughter of some people around him rang.

"Hey, Shantou, this Sony professional camera is worth $128,000. If you accidentally broke it, I can only pay you to Colombia for debt." Eric knocked on Drew's head and said.

The camera swayed for a short time, and Drew’s screaming sound sounded: “Wow, I hate it, how many times I’ve said it, don’t knock my head.”

Eric waved his hand at the camera like a cat and a puppy: "Go and go a little further, start shooting."

As the camera retreated, Eric directed the crew to start shooting, and many of the staff in the camera began to move. Hanks also began to bury with other actors. One of the reporters went forward and was expected to Play the game board.

At this point, Sophia pressed the stop button in time and explained to the audience: "Sorry, the screen will involve the content of the movie, so we have to stop."

Although it was only a minute or two, the audience watched it with relish. When Sofia stopped playing, many people sighed with regret.

"Eric, I started to be more curious about a problem. I believe that the audience in front of the TV is also very curious about this problem." Sophia did not immediately start playing other videotapes, but instead asked the public to ask many people's doubts: "Although just a few minutes of the lens, we all see your love for Miss Barrymore. The camera with more than $100,000 can let her play like a toy. What is your relationship with Drew? ?"

Eric hesitated for a moment, sorted out the language, and said: "How do I say that I was with Drew when I was filming "Returning to Seventeen" and I soon fell in love with this little girl."

When I saw someone on the scene ready to squat, Eric quickly waved his hand and stopped: "Don't misunderstand, it's definitely not the kind of imagination you imagined. I just think of Drew as my sister. At that time, Drew got some Bad... Habits, although I have been to a few treatment clinics, but the effect is not very good, her mother is helpless, I can't bear the fact that a girl with a potential of Drew is gradually sinking, under the impulse Just talk to her mother and let Shantou move to live with me. Maybe I can supervise her to get rid of these bad habits. Ms. Aidike agreed after she thought about it, so there is the situation that everyone is seeing now. Perhaps I compared it with Drew. In short, she still listened to me. Therefore, she has completely changed the bad habits. She is currently attending a girls’ school. I hope she can graduate from high school smoothly. After she is an adult, she is free to choose her own path."

Eric has no psychological pressure on this nonsense. As an insider, he has long understood that these so-called interviews are a kind of show, as long as they achieve their goals. After the interviews with the stars of the past life, Xiu En’s divorce show is responsible for all kinds of broken things. If you take a serious attitude to treat such programs, you will hear the stars talk about their inspirational stories or It’s silly that a love experience is full of blood or tears.

Of course, although I don’t think so in my heart, Eric is still doing a full set of dramas. When I say this, I’m really embarrassed and very inflammatory, as if he was the angel sent by God to save the lost girl.

And Sophia also showed a moving look, as to whether Eric did not know.

"So, let's hope that Miss Barrymore will once again be on the big screen and bring us excellent works. Now, let's take a look at some of the other videos." Sophia said, and selected the pre-determined A cassette of video is placed in the player.

The camera is still a little shaken. This scene is no longer a studio, but a blocked street. There are many police cars parked around it. There are also a lot of camera booms and tracks. But the staff in the picture have three. Five groups are chatting, some are drinking water on their heads, and others are leaning on the door of the car to hold the wind in their hands. It is estimated that the crew is temporarily resting.

The voice-over sounded again: "Hello everyone, I am Drew Barrymore, a journalist on ABC. I heard that there was a bank robbery here. Let us interview Mr. Eric Williams, the on-site commander."

The camera slowly approached Eric, who was not far from the sunglasses and baseball cap. The girl seemed to say something, and then a furry extra-large radio microphone reluctantly appeared in the camera and slowly explored Ereli. In front of Ke, I accidentally poked Eric's nose. It looked funny. A grievous male voice rang: "Director, I am forced, don't blame me."

Eric and Sophia, who saw this picture, laughed, and the audience at the scene laughed.

In the picture, Eric took off his sunglasses and looked helplessly at the lens, a look you want to do.

"Mr. Williams, I heard that there was a bank robbery here. How is the situation now, can you introduce it to everyone?" Shantou asked seriously.

"Well," Eric pushed the radio microphone away from his face, and said lazily: "We have taken control of the situation. Miss reporter, you see, there are two robbers there and the special team. The players played poker, the atmosphere was peaceful and harmonious, and the negotiator Hanks was not really chatting with the plainclothes policeman. He was actually testing the other side. We have already learned that the plainclothes are a ghost and are ready to wait. After the arrest, the police chief, Mr. Joe Percy, left the emergency in an emergency and could not come back in an hour. I am sure that the hostages are still alive..."

Eric’s funny words once again sneered at the audience. After playing this section, Sophia smiled and picked up a few videotapes for a short play, during which there was a conversation between two people and interaction with the audience. Unconsciously, because some plots require multiple recordings, it took only 40 minutes for the talk show to take more than two hours to record.

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