I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 167: Hi

Although the two had a close relationship, Nicole did not stay in Eric's mansion for a day, and obediently moved into the apartment that Eric had found for her.

Time to enter August, for a film that went into the fourth week of the release time, the box office data of "Black War" more than 26 million US dollars can be said to be still strong, the total box office also exceeded 150 million US dollars, although it can be released in the next It takes a lot of luck to surpass Batman in time, but this movie has lost more than 200 million in the total box office in North America.

Moreover, the situation of "Dark War" in overseas markets is more popular than North America, although most overseas countries are released later than North America, and even many countries are not released, but in the released countries. "Dark War" won 12 first-week box office titles in one breath. In this case, it is certain that the overseas box office of "Dark War" must be much higher than the local.

Although Colombia originally did not intend to make a profit, it only invested in the film for the purpose of pushing up the stock price. But the fact is that the other party can not only recover the cost, but also earn money by box office. The next video tape revenue is also destined for Colombia. Take the big head, although the video tape recovery period is very long, but in the next few years, this part of the income can bring billions of dollars in profits to the Colombian film industry.

For Eric, the "Dark War" project is also a past tense, and he only needs to take equal parts to achieve good results.

According to Hollywood practice, the movie of "The Dark War" is so popular that it is necessary to repeatedly shoot the sequel. However, in order to be safe, Eric is not planning to participate in the production of the sequel. The first classic is hard to be surpassed. There is not much bright spot in the sequel to the previous World War.

If the script for the sequel is good in the future, Eric will only intend to involve the firefly in part of the investment. If the Japanese can make a good price, Eric can even sell the copyright of the half of the "Flame War" that belongs to the firefly to the other party. After all, without Cruise, Eric is missing, only Hanks alone, the sequel to "The Dark War" is difficult to create the first glory, and the investment practice of this film, The cost of the second part will definitely increase greatly, so it is not too easy to make money again.

In the past, Eric also started the intense work in the second half of the year. First, the first two episodes of "Friends" needed him to shoot himself. For this reason, Fox has already beat this gimmick because "The Dark War" For the sake of the lens implant, the public is also very much looking forward to this TV series. The other is "Seattle Night Sleep", this is the penultimate movie of this year, in fact, it is also the last one Eric wants to make. Although Fox values ​​"Little Ghosts", this movie can't consume Eric anyway, no matter how much he plans to use the second script of his previous life. It is even easier to shoot.

Although "Sleepless in Seattle" was only in the early stage of preparation, the preliminary propaganda work has already started, and the news of the starring is quickly revealed. After seeing the names of male and female stars have been fixed, many Hollywood want to follow Ereli. The actors who cooperated with each other were disappointed. Tom Hanks did not have much doubt as a actor. However, Nicole, who suddenly emerged, became the target of media chasing. With the announcement of the starring information, Nicole's profile was smashed by powerful paparazzi in just a few days.

Australian actress, won a performance award, debuted at the age of sixteen, and did not have any performing arts experience in Hollywood...

When the information was revealed, the girl quickly became a focus of controversy. The fact that Hollywood looks down on foreign actors seems to have spread to the media. Therefore, in addition to UTA's propaganda soft text for the girl, Nicole is basically not recognized by a few words, almost one-sided criticism, most media feel that Nicole does not deserve to get the heroine of Eric's new film. From the title of "Sleepless in Seattle", the media also speculated that Eric is likely to return to the romantic comedy film "Wind Beauty". As a result, the Hollywood media ignored Nicole's current image, but instead relished the rustic image of Nicole's films and TV shows in Australia, and criticized the girl for nothing.

Of course, this kind of criticism will also be countered. The most intense is the Australian media. Although Eric has only a few works, the rise time is not long, but in Australia, it has accumulated a very large reputation, no less than The big directors who have been famous for many years, so the Australian media are proud of their actresses who can participate in Eric's new film, and have also made a lot of counterattacks against the US media's criticism of Nicole.

At the center of the storm, Nicole did not feel any pressure at all. She understood that the more fun the media was, the more famous she was.

On August 2nd, in a huge studio on the Fox studio, Friends was quietly turned on.

Among the six stars, only Aniston is famous. Some other young people used to be unknown names. Eric chose them, in addition to acting, but also because of these people and memories. The images of several stars in "Friends" are very similar. In addition, as a newcomer, the pay of these actors is also very low, only need five thousand dollars per episode. Eric originally wanted to secretly give Aniston a higher level of information. The information on the remuneration is confidential. As long as he does not go out, he will not be known by other members, and even if he is known by the other five, the other party will definitely not What to say, Aniston is not only bigger than their fame, but also the daughter of the producer, the director's girlfriend, they really take their own and Aniston than that is simply looking for no interest.

However, Eric’s kindly proposal was rejected by Xiao Yan’s righteousness, but like other people, he took a $5,000 episode of a newcomer. Eric was not a little girl, so she had to reveal the news and did not unexpectedly receive a good result. Like a past life, Xiao Yan Niu quickly became a true good friend with the other five stars. This result is very beneficial to the filming of "Friends". After all, in reality, it becomes a true friend, and there will definitely be a tacit understanding during the filming process.

"Everyone is ready, "Friends", the first act, Game 5, Action!"

With the sound of the record, several starring roles began to chat in the Central Park Cafe.

The scene is that Ross and the wife of the silky wife divorced, holding an umbrella and appearing in the coffee shop. In the original version, David Gilles played Rose Geller's first appearance, which made a lot of audiences 'stunning', just a simple '嗨' word, let the audience remember this dress in a big way. The skinny figure of the jacket.

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