I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 168: Freddy's little house

When Chandler and others were chatting, Rose suddenly appeared behind the coffee shop sofa like a ghost. He held an umbrella in his hand. The child bowed his fingers like a ghost and greeted weakly: "Hey... ..."

The atmosphere that was still quite happy quickly dissipated, and the expressions of several people in Chandler followed.

"Scorpio, when he opens, I have an impulse to commit suicide." Chandler, sitting in the chair next to him, just shouted the card when he finished the line.

"No, Ross, your little action is very good, but the emotions contained in the lines are still not in place. You have to swear some more and brew it. I told you before the scene, this shot is for you. It’s important, I hope that the audience will laugh when they hear the first sentence, and keep you in mind.” Eric patiently told the actor who played Ross in the field, even the title. They all used the role name instead, and everyone didn't feel anything wrong. They quietly watched Eric to let the other party play, even wearing a wedding dress waiting for Aniston to look at the serious worship of her boyfriend. . Although Eric is young, as a big director who has accumulated more than one billion box office in the world, he ran to direct the TV series, enough to make everyone in the field perform with respect.

"Well, all the staff is ready, we will come back again," Eric finished speaking, waving his hand to the crowd and sitting in the director's chair again.

Because of the strict requirements of Ross's appearance, this small lens was shot more than ten times. Even in the end, the actors who played Rose obviously became jealous, but they finally passed.

"Jane, it's up to you," and then a few more shots, Eric said to Aniston, who had been waiting for him. Xiao Yan Niu quickly mentioned the skirt of the wedding dress and went to the Central Park Cafe. Outside the door.

Because it was the first day of work, the crew did not shoot many shots, mainly used to match the actor's tacit understanding, and because of the sitcom, although there was no canned laughter on the scene, the atmosphere of the studio was generally very pleasant. Originally, because Eric personally directed the film, most of the people on the set seemed to be trembled, but as time spent getting together, everyone became more aware of Eric, and they would no longer be embarrassed, even with Ereli. Ke opened the innocuous little joke.

After a few days of running-in, the filming progress of "Friends" has gradually accelerated. Eric has only prepared two weeks for the first two episodes of personal directors. This is already very loose. After all, with the subsequent changes Basically, the crew needs to make two episodes a week.

"Eric, can we go to dinner together at night?" After the day's shooting, Aniston, who replaced the costume, glared at Eric's arm. Anyway, everyone around him knew the relationship between the two. There is nothing in the girl who wants to hide.

"I just made a date. If you don't mind, you can go together." Eric wrote and painted on a document and replied casually.

Aniston frowned slightly, still couldn't help but ask: "Men's woman?"

"The amount...is of course male."

"I will know," Xiao Yan Niu still grinned dissatisfiedly: "If you are a woman, you will definitely not take me."

"It seems that in addition to you, I haven't crossed any woman to eat," Eric put his pen on the folder and shook his little girl's face.

Aniston dissatisfiedly opened Eric's hand: "I believe you are strange, who knows what you have done in private, what happened to Nicole Kidman?"

"What is going on?" Eric pretended to be uncomfortable.

"You..." Aniston was like asking Eric if he had to go to bed with the other person, but he swallowed it back and asked what he was doing. Even if he didn't go to bed now, Xiao Yan Niu felt Eric. In the future, I might get the other person into bed. If I have already gone to bed, how can I break up with him?

Eric hurriedly read a document and handed it to assistant Allen to hold the waist of Xiao Yan Niu: "Okay, let's go, go back and prepare, I am with the other party." At the hour, there are still two hours. How about going to me, Drew is thinking of you."

"Hey, I miss her very much," I heard Drew’s name, and Xiao Yan Niu immediately grinds her little white teeth. After the last two girls had a conflict on Eric’s bed, they never saw each other. However, Aniston has never been to Eric’s house in the past few months. Eric has usually taken the initiative to go to Aniston for the night. It is precisely because of this that Xiaoyan has not found Nicole’s business from beginning to end. When the news of the new heroine of Eric was published in the newspaper, Aniston knew that Nicole was such a woman.

After saying goodbye to the crew, Eric drove Aniston back to the Beverly Hills mansion. Although he said something in the mouth, Eric was relieved to see that the little girl was not at home. After Nicole went to bed, Shantou only played a cold war with Eric during the day. After Nicole left, Xiao Nizi sneered into Eric’s bed at night and slept with a humanoid big pillow. It’s up.

Although it was the second time to come to the Eric mansion, the first experience was a little too bad. Aniston basically had no impression of the Eric family. After discovering that Drew was not at home, Xiao Yan was like a hostess. The mansion was turned up and down in and out of the mansion, and he ran to Eric’s big bed and thumped twice.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?" Eric's bedroom, a little girl holding a pillow, looked up and just saw Eric staring at her own playful eyes and asked dissatisfied.

Eric shook his head: "Nothing, I am curious about what you are doing, declaring the territory?"

"Hey," Xiao Yan Niu seems to have been poked, and turned around and turned her back to Eric.

Eric shrugged and walked straight in, opening the closet and picking up the clothes. Aniston just wore a long dress today, it looks like a dress, and the little girl is born with beauty, so there is no problem to go to the feast without changing clothes.

"Okay, let's go," Eric changed his clothes and turned to the little girl who was still in bed.

"Well," Aniston responded, but didn't get up immediately, but squatted and pulled a long hair from the sheets and waved at Eric. Do you want to explain it to me? Small appearance.

Eric shrugged: "This is definitely what you just lost."

"..." Xiao Yan Niu was stunned and threw her hair on Eric. She rolled over and squatted on the bed and buried her head in the pillow.

Eric walked over and slapped a slap on the little **** of the little girl: "Okay, don't make a small temper, let's go."

"Uh huh..." Xiao Yan Niang swayed and didn't move. Eric's mouth showed a smirk and suddenly said: "Jane, there may be Drew's saliva on that pillow."

"Oh...wow, hey, it’s disgusting." Aniston heard Eric’s words and immediately jumped up like a spring, but the pillow slammed into Eric and quickly rushed into the bathroom.

"Okay, don't be angry." After getting off the bus, Eric handed the key to the doorman and said to the girl holding his arm: "I said it, absolutely no, it is my pillow, even if there is It’s also my saliva.”

"Oh, your saliva is even more disgusting," Xiao Yan Niu couldn't help but touch her lips and said with a white eye.

The two walked into the restaurant together, and led by the waiter, came to a dining table where a middle-aged man was waiting there. When I saw Eric, the middle-aged man smiled and stood up and reached out to Eric in the first two steps.

"Hello, Mr. Shea," Eric shook hands with the other and said: "This is my girlfriend, Jennifer Aniston."

Xiao Yan Niu was very charming and shook her hand with the other side, quietly sitting down next to Eric.

"Eric, just call me Robert," said the middle-aged man as he sat down.

Eric didn’t see too much information from the other’s expression, and didn’t care. Anyway, it’s impossible to finalize it because of this meal. Eric understands that this is just a temptation between the two. It is difficult to reach any consensus. After the meal, Eric and Robert Shee chatted casually.

"Ghost Street" is indeed a classic in horror movies. The setting of dream killing is very novel. Moreover, as a master of horror film, Wes Craven has a unique understanding in the creation of a terror atmosphere. To be honest, Firefly also had a horror movie just finished making. When I chose the director, I thought about Mr. Craven. Unfortunately, for various reasons, I couldn’t cooperate.” Chatting, I naturally talked about the new line. The series "The Ghost Street" series of films, although the new line began independent production in 79 years, but until the first success of the "Ghost Street" in 1984, the new line's strength rose to a new level. Therefore, due to the importance of the "Ghost Street" series on the new line, the new line even got a nickname for 'Fleida's small house', which is the protagonist of "Ghost Street".

I heard Eric’s faint compliment, and Robert Shea’s face was somewhat proud: “Although it’s not like your “Little Ghosts”, I’ve heard that the cost of “Little Ghosts” is only one million. The world has received a box office of 500 million US dollars, and the box office has exceeded the cost by 500 times. This kind of investment return ratio may not be able to match the film in the future."

"There will definitely be," Eric laughed, remembering the "Witch Blair" of the previous life. Although the film's success was strongly contingent, it could not deny the miracle created by the film.

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