I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 169: Winding around

Aniston, who was sitting quietly beside Eric, was a little confused. When she came, Eric did not conceal her from the purpose of inviting Robert Shea. However, now that dinner has already eaten more than half, the two have not talked about the acquisition of the film company. Instead of looking for a marginal discussion of various industry insider, MGM's "The Gate of Heaven" is a huge loss. In 1939, Robert Shea was born at the box office miracle of "Gone with the Wind", why did Disney rise so fast? Ah, the truth about the bankruptcy of Thunderbolt, anyway, there is nothing about the acquisition of the film company, at least the little girl who is not very smart in her head has not found any signs of this.

At the beginning, Aniston still listened with gusto. Later, she gradually lost interest, but she did not want to be rude to make her boyfriend have no face. Xiao Yan Niu could only sit in a serious listening situation, although her mind had already flown to the horizon.

Until the waiter removed the cutlery and changed the coffee for a few people, Eric and Robert Shea’s ‘go chat’ was not over.

"... The latest issue of "variety" magazine published a data article. Statistics show that from next year, the video tape revenue and TV broadcast rights revenue will exceed the movie box office, and the development of various peripheral copyrights of the movie will be more The more diversified, the role of distribution channels will become more and more important in the film industry chain, and it will be difficult for pure movie content providers to survive in the future."

"So it's a bit sloppy. If there is no good work, then the expansion of the distribution channel will not be discussed. Hollywood is relying on one after another high-quality film to open up the territory in overseas markets. Invincible, if our movie is as incomprehensible as a European movie, it will definitely be like a European movie. It can only be entertained in a small circle. The highway is important, but if there is no car, There is no value in the highway. Moreover, the Hollywood movie star’s pay has increased more than ten times compared to ten years ago, and even has begun to share the movie’s profit share. This is the most intuitive content of the film market. "Eric is finished." After he finished speaking, he took a sip of coffee and glanced at Robert Shea. Shortly after the dinner began, the two men tore each other and whispered, and they unconsciously began to secretly Confrontation, although no one mentioned any issues related to company acquisitions, but the two have been more focused on the content and distribution of the film. And to debate.

The discussion on this topic was picked up by Robert Shea, but from that moment on, Robert Shea was already at a disadvantage. Because the other side has provoked this topic, Eric understands that Robert Shea’s suggestion for Firefly to acquire a new line is very exciting. If the other party is not willing to sell a new line, they will not want to raise this topic.

Sitting in the opposite of Robert Shea’s heart, he also suffered a little bit. He found that he still far underestimated the eyes and insights of the young people sitting opposite.

As an old man who has been in Hollywood for more than 20 years, how can he not understand that once he provokes the topic, he is likely to let the other person discover his intentions.

But Robert Shea originally thought that Eric was only 19 years old, even if he had some talents in film production, but other aspects must be known, and he is thirty years older than him. It can be said that it is much more. Thirty years of experience, plus Robert feels that his eloquence is not bad, so at first he is confident that he can hold Eric, once in the heart of Eric buried a 'distribution channel is the key' The seeds, in the future negotiations, Robert can take the initiative.

Several films produced by Eric in succession created miracles at the box office. Therefore, when Eric made an invitation to him and revealed some news, Robert Shea’s mind became alive, and the firefly acquired The new line, this is for sure, Robert Shea has not considered the possibility of reversal, but although Robert Shea is 50 years old, he is still very ambitious. He does not value the huge amount of money that Firefly has acquired in the new line. , but hope to achieve the merger of the two companies, and get as much as possible to get the shares of the combined company.

The new line has now developed into a bottleneck. In the second-line film company, the new line is already a leader. It has a well-received film series and has established a good distribution channel in the US. There is also a fixed cooperation in overseas distribution. What is more commendable is that the new line has developed to the present and has not been attached to any movie giant, and it has remained completely independent. But compared to the six major film companies, the gap between the new lines is still very large. The main reason for this gap is that the new line lacks a box-selling movie, or not at all. So far, the new line of the best "Ghost Street" series, the highest box office is only 40 million, and the film is considered a big sale, the North American box office to reach about 100 million US dollars is considered qualified. There are no movies sold at the box office, and the new line is also destined to be among the giants.

The 28th law in the Hollywood box office market is particularly evident, with 20% of movies per year accounting for more than 80% of box office receipts. The top ten movies on the annual box office list have always been monopolized by the six major film companies, which means that more than 80% of the box office revenues are in the hands of the six major film companies. The proportion has been reduced, because the vigorous development of various channels has given the film company a lot of room for development. Therefore, the six major film companies account for only 85% of the total box office each year, leaving 15% of other Hollywood film companies. The proportion seems to be small, but compared with more than a decade ago, this ratio is already very large. More than a decade ago, the six major film companies basically scraped all the box office of each year, leaving it to the small film company. The share is only a poor 1%.

If the new line wants to rank among the giants to share more than 80% of the profits, before they meet Eric, there are only two ways to go, or concentrate all the power to make a big investment in the production of big investment movies. It is possible to achieve a big sale at the box office, but the risk of doing so is enormous. Once it fails, the new line has only one bankruptcy. Either it is slowly squatting down. Perhaps one day, a small production film invested by the company suddenly got the box office of the anti-sky, and quickly accumulated huge financial strength for it. Together with the company’s leaders’ eyes, the follow-up investment movie. Can also be sold, to achieve a virtuous cycle, it is possible to quickly accumulate strength, one day into the ranks of large companies. The lion door film industry in parallel time and space is such a rise by luck. The Lions Gate, which was established in 1997, is far less qualified and powerful than the new line and Milamax, but because of the year 2004. The low-cost documentary "Fahrenheit 911", which was issued under the pressure of huge political pressure, was lucky enough to get a 224 million US dollars at the box office, and quickly accumulated enough capital, and then developed a super sale with these capitals. The Twilight Series and The Hunger Games series once put Universal and MGM in the box office, followed by Warner, Disney, Columbia and Fox, ranking fifth.

After Eric’s intention to buy, Robert Shee saw another road that would allow the new line to neither take risks nor wait for good luck to come, so that it can enter the movie smoothly and steadily. The ranks of the giants, all the major movies of Eric’s previous films have proved that he has the strength to do this. Since the six giants have a giant giant such as MGM-Lianmei, there will definitely be another new line. Fireflies, okay, fireflies - the new line.

With one or two cups of coffee, Robert Shea has no patience to consume with Eric. The patience of this young man is amazing. Although he does not want to admit, Robert Shea still has to face this confrontation. In fact, I have already failed. And no longer raise the topic, perhaps Eric will really treat this meeting as a chat, then get up and say goodbye, then meeting again may only be at the negotiating table.

"Eric, I heard that Fireflies are ready to expand their own distribution channels?" Robert Shea asked casually if the waiter continued to stir the coffee with a spoon.

Eric’s mouth showed a smile and finally couldn’t help it. The meal had been eating for two hours. Eric almost didn’t have the patience to consume it with Robert Shee. Come over and a few charming little eyes suggest that he wants to leave. Eric intends to drink the coffee in front of him, and the other party will not ask for it. Then he will go back and hold Aniston to roll the sheets. The rest is the firefly officially new to the new The line issued an invitation to acquire.

The reason why there is such a meal, Eric is to explore the style of Robert Shea, to see if the other party intends to sell the new line, because in memory, Robert Shea’s desire to control is very strong, past life new Although the line was recruited by Warner, Robert Shea still firmly controlled the new line. It seems that almost twenty years later, until the "Golden Compass" suffered a huge loss, Robert Shea was forced to step down with great pressure.

The topic that Robert Shee started to raise and the dispute with Eric for a long time has already indicated his attitude, so there is not much need to talk about it or not. Anyway, even if a preliminary intention is reached, the specific terms are still Long-term negotiations are needed. Sony’s acquisition of Colombia has now taken more than half a year, plus the previous plan, which took at least a year. Although the firefly's acquisition of the new line will not be so troublesome, it will not be completed in a month or two.


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