I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 170: Bottom line

"Yes, Robert, this is why I invited you today, isn't it?" Since the other party spoke first, Eric also quickly picked up the topic.

Robert Shea laughed and concealed the embarrassment in his expression. In this secret confrontation, he clearly decided to admit defeat, but he had to circumvent it again. He was said by Eric that he once again had a The illusion of the wind.

After drinking a bitter coffee, he calmed down. Robert said: "Well, Eric, actually I am very interested in the cooperation between us. Can you talk about your conditions first?"

"You know, Robert, I value the distribution channel of the new line. Therefore, I intend to acquire the new line in full. The initial price is 150 million US dollars. Of course, this price can be discussed again. Moreover, after the completion of the acquisition, I You can also give you the position of the Firefly CEO after the integration. You are only 50 years old and you don't want to retire, right?"

"I have been a boss for more than 20 years, and I have fallen into a wage earner, even if the CEO is not very attractive," Robert Shea laughed and spread his hand and continued: "Maybe we can merge, Just like MGM-Lianmei, the new line has distribution channels, and the fireflies have excellent movie content. If we merge, maybe in the next few years, Hollywood will have another movie giant named Firefly-New Line. Say?"

"Then, how do you think the equity should be distributed after the merger?" Eric heard the words of Robert Shea, and he smiled. The firefly-new line is very interesting, but the firefly is a firefly. He does not intend to drag one behind. Small tail, the new line of the label will certainly be retained, but it can only be used as a subsidiary of fireflies.

Upon hearing this question, Robert Shee glanced at Eric and picked up the coffee cup and sank it. In fact, he had already started thinking about it when he received the invitation from Eric. The firefly was only established for more than half a year. The distribution ability is zero, and the accumulation of the film library can be neglected. The original value is not worth a few dollars, but the reality is that the firefly's profitability is really terrible.

Even if "Little Ghosts" is not a firefly's work, it can be excluded, but "Feng Yue Qiaojia" has a profit of more than 100 million US dollars in a movie, if the "black war" local box office 200 million, overseas box office even if With the same 200 million words, the fireflies can get at least 80 million dollars in the box office, not to mention, Robert Shea also learned that Eric will also work with Fox on two films, and also made Three movies, of which "Little Ghosts 2" is a must- earn, "Seattle is not sleeping" has Eric personally directed, Tom Hanks joined, and certainly can not lose, the other three movies are said to be no more than one The low-cost investment of 10 million US dollars, with the reputation of Eric, will certainly make a small profit, then all these statistics, fireflies this year, if you simply calculate the profit at the box office, may be worth at least two movie giants The sum of box office profits has reached an alarming $400 million.

The market value of a company is about ten times the annual profit of the company. For example, if the year is good, the annual profit is about 200 million US dollars, and its market value is generally 2 billion US dollars. Colombia’s soaring market value is completely blown up. Before the Sony acquisition, the market value of Colombia was 2 billion. For the new line, only one of the six films produced last year, "Ghost Street 4" achieved more than 10 million US dollars in profits, and several other films combined with only a few million profits, plus video tapes and other peripherals. Divided into, the new line last year's profit is about 30 million US dollars, that is to say, so the new line's market value is about 300 million US dollars.

Of course, such a calculation method is only a rough impression on the layman.

In fact, the market value of a company must not be counted. The new line achieved a profit of 30 million US dollars last year. That is because the good year is good. "Ghost Street 4" is also fortunately sold, and the "Ghost Street" Both the second and the third have only 20 million in the box office, and after the division, the cost is removed. The two basically do not make any money. Therefore, in the information obtained by Eric, the formal financial auditing company only valued the new line with 150 million US dollars, but also counted the assets of the new line of film libraries, series of film copyrights and distribution channels, and the very unstable year. Profit is only a small reference.

However, fireflies are very troublesome. Eric spent less than $10 million on renting office space and purchasing equipment, plus the copyright of "Little Ghost", "Fengyue" copyright and "Dark War." Half of the copyright and several other movie copyrights, you can say it is worth $100 million, or $1 billion.

So, when Eric asked Robert how many plans to get the company's shares, although he had considered it for several days, Robert could not answer it at one time.

After thinking for five minutes, Robert only took the coffee cup to his mouth with his left hand, while his right hand was lifted up on the table, and obviously three fingers were unconfidently extended.

“Three percent?” Eric leaned forward and asked curiously.


Robert Shea’s coffee didn’t hold back, but fortunately he turned in time, not all of it sprayed onto the table and the opposite Eric, but because of the direction of the head, some drops of water splashed on the Aniston dress. On the chest.

Originally, some of the absent-minded Xiao Yan Niu did not expect this to appear. Even the dodge did not have time, until she felt the chest slightly moist, only exclaimed to grab the napkin to wipe the water stains on the chest, and glanced at Ereli at dissatisfaction. Ke, she didn't understand what happened. She only knew that Eric had said something like 'three percent', and then her skirt was paralyzed.

The service of the restaurant was still in place. When I saw the situation here, a waiter quickly sent paper towels and helped clean the table and floor.

There was a waiter who packed everything up and quietly retreated not far away.

"I’m sorry,” Robert Shea said with a napkin on her mouth and chest. She expressed an apology to Aniston and turned to Eric. Her expression was filled with strong dissatisfaction: "Eric, I am working hard. Has the company for 20 years been worth only 3 percent of your shares? If so, what else can we talk about?"

"Well, I understand, you mean... 30%?" Eric confirmed again.

Robert Shea nodded. "I have accumulated some net worth during the years of operation, so I am not inclined to cash acquisitions. I hope the two companies can merge, and I want to take 30% of the shares. It is my bottom line."


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