I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 171: There is not much time left for us.

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"Thirty percent is definitely impossible," Eric leaned forward slightly, staring at Robert Shea, shaking his head gently. Without waiting for Robert Shea to refute, Eric continued: "If it's just a merger. If a distribution company has to pay 30% of the shares, then I don’t have to do this at all. This is not enough for the fireflies. I can use this stock to cooperate with several major film companies to get the current momentum of fireflies. I believe that none of the current seven major film companies will refuse to cooperate with me. I can even use this 30% stake to replace 10% of the shares from the most vulnerable MGM in the seven major film companies. ""

When Eric finished, Robert Shee immediately retorted: "In fact, Eric, you won't do it. Once the firefly becomes a vassal of the movie giant, it basically loses its development into other giants. The possibility of keeping abreast of the film companies. Controlling the second and third tier companies through acquisitions to prevent them from growing to a certain size and threatening their status is already a trick used by these big companies. I have seen this in Hollywood for more than 20 years. It’s too much.”

"Of course I won't do this. I just said that one possibility. If I have to pay 30% of the shares, then I would rather cross-share with the giants. So, I also have my bottom line, Robert, I am the most. Take out 10% of the shares for you. Of course, this is not all. I can compensate for some of the cash.” Eric also opened his own price, 10%, which he thought for a long time. Concession, he feels that this is already a lot, and the fireflies will definitely introduce some collaborators in the future.

“Ten percent is too little,” said Robert Shea. “The new line has been in my hands for more than 20 years. He is like my child. If I merge with your firefly, I think it’s 100%. Thirty is not too much. Less than this number, I will never agree."

Eric almost laughed and said: "Thunderbolt was established earlier, and now it has disappeared. Lianmei was established very early, but unfortunately it has become a subsidiary of MGM. Robert, time does not explain too much. In 1981, Lianmei was merged into MGM because of the huge loss of "The Gate of Heaven". Hollywood has only six major film companies, Warner, Universal, Paramount, MGM and Fox, but now, since 1984 Michael Ace was included in the main Disney, only five years, and the six became the seventh."

Robert Shea’s face is a bit red, and some of Eric’s words mean comparing him to Michael Eisner. Although he admits that he is not as capable as Michael Eisner, he is younger than himself. The old guy said it in person, his face still couldn’t be hanged, and he blurted out in a hurry: “Whatever you say, Eric, I insist on 30% of the shares anyway.”

Eric saw that Robert Shea was anxious and quickly pacified: "If you don't, Robert, since we both have this intention, then we will have a detailed discussion."

“No,” Robert Shee refused. “If you don’t agree, we don’t have to talk about specific cooperation.”

Eric’s heart was slightly annoyed, and his fingers habitually tapped on the table a few times. Because of the tablecloth, there was no such usual whisper.

"Robert, you have to understand that the time left for us is not too much."

Robert Shea heard Eric's inexplicable words, slightly curious, but afraid to suddenly weaken his momentum, so he resisted not asking.

Eric also did not go around the corner and continued: "Because of the vigorous development of videotapes, cable TV and other surrounding channels, the film has already gone out of the small circle that can only be profitable through the cinema more than ten years ago. This also makes the film in the media. The industry is getting more and more attention. I believe that in the next decade, most of the Hollywood giants will be acquired by the media group and become a part of their huge industrial chain. Once this trend is formed, they will have the media resources of the media group and Backed by financial resources, Hollywood Film Company will not only worry about bankruptcy because of investment failure, but also completely consolidate its position through the advantages of huge media resources. Then, when the second and third line film companies do not have the opposite Luck, it is no longer difficult to shake the status of the big film companies backed by the media giants, their fate is either acquired by the big film company, as you just said, completely lost the opportunity to become a giant, or only silently from the big After the film company has divided the market, it will take some leftovers."

Robert Shea’s surprise in his heart, not showing up on his face, retorted: “Even if you say... there are some reasons, it will take many years, I believe the new line still has a chance, as long as... ..."

"No, you don't have a chance," Eric interrupted Robert Shea's words: "In fact, from the acquisition of Twentieth Century Fox by News Corp. a few years ago, this megatrend has begun. This year Sony bought Columbia. The Seventh Goes to the Second, and I also saw in the newspaper that Warner intends to cooperate with Turner Broadcasting Company, which has an independent television network, to set up a media group. Once it becomes a reality, the Seven Goes to Three, you think, the remaining four How long can a film company last?"

Robert Shea was silent.

Eric did not stop lobbying, and then continued: "Robert, this is the last chance for the rise of our second and third-line film companies, leaving us no more than ten years, or even only five years. Once you miss, wait until the industry map After the planning is completed, even if you say it, in the future, because of luck and long-term accumulation, the new line will be operated as a first-class, and the profit will surpass those of the old giants. Then you are destined to be in the second line because those movie giants have already Incorporating with the media group, pure film companies simply cannot compete with them."

Having said that, Eric remembered the previous Lions Film Festival. With the two series of "Hunger Games" and "Twilight", Lions Gate has surpassed two veteran movie companies in profitability, but that At that time, the remaining six major film companies have merged with the media group. Lionsgate is only an independent film company. In terms of comprehensive strength, it wants to compete with the two giants that are surpassed.

"What you said... All this is just a hypothesis, isn't it?" Robert Shea couldn't help but refute.

Eric can see that Robert Shea’s heart has completely loosened, and the tone has slowed down: “Robert, although it is a hypothesis, but with your experience in Hollywood for more than 20 years, you can definitely distinguish this hypothesis. Possibility, right?"

Robert Shea bowed his head and looked at the coffee that was left in the cup in front of him: "But 10% is still too little..."

"Michael Eisner now has less than 10% of Disney's shares, and he doesn't have much more than you, but he ranks in the top three on the Hollywood power list. He is more than 90% of Hollywood. The envy and look up. Robert, you didn’t say it, money is not too tempting for us. Think about it, after the firefly acquires the new line, you can get the location of the firefly CEO. I believe that you will not doubt the profitability of the films I make. I believe that in a few years, we will be among the movie giants. At that time, we will definitely have time to occupy our own place in the future media group integration. By then, if you have a 10% stake, you may be worth more than a billion dollars. If you continue to operate the new line independently, how long will it take for the new line to reach a market value of more than one billion dollars?"

"Twenty percent, Eric, 20%, can't be less," Robert Shea was completely impressed by the prospects portrayed by Eric, and made a big concession.

Eric’s mouth reveals a smug smile. Since Robert Shea has no longer stubbornly insisted on the so-called 30% bottom line, then he can continue to talk, so he greeted him with a scream. Ying Sheng, handed over the credit card to the past, only to Robert Shea said: "Robert, we must not discuss any results now, and the time is a bit late, so choose a more formal occasion for specific consultation. ""

Robert Shea’s remarks when he said 20 percent concession, he found himself being fooled by a teenager who was a few decades younger than himself, and couldn’t slap on his face, though I decided to give in, but it was too inappropriate to say it at this time. It seems that he has made several mistakes this evening, which makes Robert Shay no longer dare to despise Eric. When I made up my mind to formally negotiate, I absolutely did not confront Eric. Maybe, it was not bad to find an agent who was good at negotiation. I saw that Eric did not take the opportunity to continue to suppress the price, and quickly nodded along the steps: Ok, it’s too late, I should go back.”

After a few people said goodbye at the restaurant door, Anniston suddenly quietly grabbed Eric’s arm and smiled at his toes: “Wow, Eric, you’re so handsome, Robert is yours. The momentum is all over, huh, huh."

Eric put out the other hand and gave the girl a long hair scattered in front of her forehead. She smiled and said, "Where are you, do you suddenly want to kneel down and kiss my shoes?" (My novel "I "Hollywood" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign "Add a friend" in the upper right, search for the public number "qdread" And pay attention, the speed is fast!)

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