I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 172: It’s just unfair

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Xiao Yan Niu was originally sorted by Eric and her hair was still a little warm. When I heard this sentence, I immediately picked up my mouth: "Oh, no, I think you are talking nonsense, I don’t understand how much." What resources, mergers and acquisitions, the layout is messy."

Eric made a sad heart and licked his chest: "You are really hurting my self-esteem. It seems that I have to learn from you."

"Well..." Aniston lowered his head and his face was reddish, suddenly and suddenly raised his head: "No more, or I will not finish with you."

"Well? What?" Eric was a bit confused for a while.

"You... you deliberately," Xiao Yan Niu smashed her foot and used Eric's expression as a stupid, and hurriedly let go of Eric's arm and walked a few steps forward.

Seeing that in front of Xiao Yan Niu was wrapped in a long skirt, Eric reacted, smirked in three or two steps to catch up, reached out and slap on the small buttocks of Xiao Yan Niu: " Ok, don't be angry, I just didn't really think about it."

"Ah..." The little girl who was raided jumped like a frightened bunny, and quickly squinted around her back. She found that there was no pedestrian enough to breathe a sigh of relief and glared at Eric. : "You... rogue."

Eric smiled and walked forward to reach out and put the little girl in her arms, pinching the soft meat on the girl's waist, and squatting on the face of Xiaoyan, and then she got to her ear. Whispered: "There is more rogue waiting."

"Hey!" Xiao Yan Niu wants to break away from Eric's arms again, but she has been slammed a few times by Eric. She has no strength to resist and obey Eric in her arms.

The doorman quickly drove Eric’s car over and tipped, and Eric and Aniston got into the car.

"Go to me?" Eric asked, whispering after Eric started the car.

"Of course," Eric turned the steering wheel and drove the car on the road. When he remembered the scene a few months ago, he couldn't help but smile: "Drew must have gone back now, or you want to go to me again, and talk to the girl." ?"

“Hey!” Xiao Yanyan turned her head angrily. After a while, she suddenly thought of what turned around: “Eric, how is your house in Malibu covered?”

"With the renovation, it will take another two or three months, but it will be good to live in at the end of the year. Maybe at Christmas time, we can have a party in the villa with sea view." Eric stared at the road ahead, replied to Mali. The cloth imitates the mansion of Iron Man Super Seaview Villa in memory. It has been built for half a year, but the construction efficiency of Americans is low, and there is no such thing as Eric’s tens of layers of buildings. It’s efficient, but it’s really a decade to get out the mansion, and Eric doesn’t dare to live. At the beginning, Eric will take the initiative to ask Frank Gehry about the progress of the project, but after two or three months, Eric will have little interest in questioning, only to regularly accept the progress of Frank Gehry. Reporting, at the same time, I can only comfort myself with excuses such as slow work and fine work.

When I heard Eric’s answer, Xiao Yanu asked in a low voice: “When... will Drew move in again?”

Eric’s thumb twirled twice on the steering wheel and said: “You know, Jane, Drew is only fourteen years old, still a child. If it’s legal or human, I can’t let her now. Living alone, at least you have to wait until you are sixteen years old to move out."

Aniston wrinkled his little nose and snorted unwillingly: "She is like a little girl!"

"Oh, it's not quite like, but a lot of things are like this. Drew is a public figure. The so-called child protection organizations will always pay more attention to her. If I let her move out now, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among those people. ""

"Hey, that little... why didn't the little girl be born in a slum, so that no one would care about it."

“Yeah,” Eric sighed. “The world is so unfair. The United States is generally an elite world. Education also implements elite education. This country can only guarantee the excellence of the top people. As for the bottom of society. What the children are, who cares, even if they drop out of school at the age of eleven, they will have children at the age of thirteen or four, and few people will pay attention. Drew is different, she has climbed the upper level of the pyramid. It is destined to enjoy the benefits that upper-level elites can enjoy, and the attention of child protection organizations is also a kind of welfare."

Xiao Yan Niu leaned against the window and yelled at Eric. "Well, congratulations, you have succeeded. You can always have a million ways to open the subject. Hey, don't think I can't find it. I am just too lazy to entangle you."

"This is the first time you open the subject," Eric laughed.

"It's you!"

"Okay, it's me." Eric didn't plan to argue with Xiao Yan, and then said: "Malibu's house is very big, Jane, you can move it when you arrive."

"I don't have her, she doesn't have me, you can do it!"

Eric patted the steering wheel: "That's it."

"Oh... you bastard, you are always so eccentric!" Xiao Yan Niu's eyes squinted at Eric, his eyes drifting away, seemingly trying to find a place to bite.

Eric glanced at the expression of Xiao Yan, and quickly warned: "Hey, don't make trouble, I drive this."

As he said, Eric suddenly felt that the Motorola mobile phone rang, and quickly parked the car on the side of the road, picked up the phone, and Drew passed the microphone with excitement, and Eric looked at it. The little girl, quickly pushed the door and got off the bus, and went to the streetlights to continue.

Aniston looked at Eric's cautious expression, and his heart was both angry and somewhat... well, he still cares about his feelings, Xiao Yan Niu so comforted himself.

A moment later, Eric returned to the car and pulled the door to start the car.

"What is it?" The car opened for a while, and Aniston still couldn't help but ask.

Eric shook his head: "I don't know, the little girl is stunned, I have to go back and say that there is any good news to tell me, forget it, no matter her, say it tomorrow, go to you first."

"Well..." Aniston pinched the skirt and said after a while: "Would you like... or you can go back and see, maybe there are any important things?" (My novel "I am Hollywood" "There will be more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there is also a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign "Add a friend" in the upper right, search for the public number "qdread" and follow The speed is fast!)

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