I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 176: Seven-color robber

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"Hello, Mr. Williams, I like your "Dark War" very much. This movie is not only very good, but also has a very good soundtrack, especially the "Moodless Love" when the bus is smashed. I heard that this piece was written by you personally. This is very surprising.” Eric’s affinity made Quentin open his voice very quickly and talked directly about the one that Eric is still showing. "Dark War", although admiring Eric's achievements in the film, but he did not feel much about Eric's previous films, except for the recent unique style of "The Dark War."

Eric smiled modestly: "In fact, the soundtracker also made a lot of effort, I just provided some inspiration."

"No, can't say that, for music, inspiration is the most important," Quentin immediately retorted.

Lawrence Bender next to him was a little anxious. He knew that there was only one hour of meeting. He looked at the staff around him. He knew that the other party could start working at any time. In this case, although he could talk about music, he could put it on. Almost, but can't waste too much time. However, he did not dare to interrupt the conversation between the two, only to gently look at Quentin.

Eric saw that Lawrence Bender had some eager appearance and did not talk to Quentin. He said directly: "Let's go to the lounge and chat, and take a work meal together, you haven't eaten yet."

"Of course, thank you, Mr. Williams."

"Call me Eric," Eric replied. He looked away from the distance: "The two wait." After a busy trip to Drew and Aniston, the two babies look like they want to It’s noisy, if you play it here, it’s big.

"Hey, Drew, Jane, what are you talking about?" After approaching, I looked at the two girls who looked at each other and seemed ready to start, Eric asked.

Xiao Shantou saw Eric walk in, immediately gave up the confrontation with Aniston, took the lead and slammed Eric's arm and sue: "It is her first thing to pick things up, Eric, I just follow She greeted her, then she was annoyed, really stingy."

"It's you..." Aniston showed a grievance and anger, and looked at Eric. Yes, it was Eric, not Drew. This made Eric somewhat inexplicable and asked: " Shantou, how do you say hello to Jane?"

Drew didn't seem to see Aniston's angry look, shrugged and said: "Nothing, she came out of the room, I just took a look at her **** and said, 'Hey, big fat girl, Your **** is round again, and she is in a hurry."

Eric’s mouth was pumped, and without seeing the little flame in Aniston’s eyes, he understood why the chick was angry. This sentence of Shantou is completely unintentional. It is estimated that it is just to ridicule Aniston and gain weight. However, it is an anecdote that the chick is most unwilling to mention. It is estimated that the chick thought he was following the anecdote. Drew said that it was Drew’s ridicule.

Thinking of this, Eric released his **** and hugged the chick, explaining in Aniston's ear: "Well, Jane, Drew is absolutely unintentional, don't be general with her."

"You promise?" Aniston blinked.

Eric patted the chick's back: "I swear, that...how is it possible, are you right?"

"Well..." After the chick understood that it was a coincidence, she pushed Eric: "The two guests are still waiting, you have to deal with them, I have dinner."

"I also went to eat, I don't know how the lunch is here," Shantou's big eyes turned and he turned and left.

"Here is the studio, don't bother you, don't bother." Eric did not hesitate to explain.


"I still use you to say!"

The two girls did not say back, and they left.

Eric saw the two girls go in different directions, and then walked to the lounge with Lawrence Bender and Quentin Tarantino, and the assistant sent three lunches.

"Drew has told me everything, so, can you let me see the script first?" Sitting at the simple table in the lounge, Eric said.

"Of course, no problem," Lawrence Bender took a thick script from the bag and pushed it to Eric.

Eric looked at the name of the script, neither "Dangshuigou" nor "Pulp Fiction", but the name "Seven-Colored Robber". When I saw this name, Eric couldn't help but pick it up. Open the script quietly.

Although with the name of this script, Eric understands that this play must have many similarities with "The Water Dog". The "Seven-Colored Robber" faintly robs the jewels with the six colors in the previous "Water Dog". The store's six robbers are similar. Eric also understands this situation. Many screenwriters actually wrote a script before. In fact, some thoughts have been rotated in their hearts for several years. However, the scripts written at different times will definitely be very different.

It is impossible for the average person to realize this difference. However, as a traverser, Eric has fortunately encountered such a thing, and it is quite interesting to think about it.

The assistant quickly sent three lunches and brought a few bottles of water.

"Quentin, Lawrence, you should eat it first, don't worry about me." Eric looked up and glanced at the two men who stared at them, shouting.

"Of course, thank you." Quentin and Lawrence quickly grabbed the cutlery, opened the lunch, and ate a few mouthfuls, but in this case, neither of them had any appetite, but instead looked like a student waiting for the test results. After Rick bowed his head and continued to read the script, the two people’s eating movements slowly stopped.

Eric also noticed the movements of the two people, but did not persuade, but turned a page of script.

The story of "The Seven-Colored Robber" is roughly the same as that of the "Luoshui Dog" seen by previous generations. It is still the story of the gangsters convening several unfamiliar people to rob the jewelry store and being ambushed by the police. However, as you can see from the name, the six robbers of the previous life have become seven.

As for the plot, from the beginning of the script, Quentin's words are unrecognizable. Immediately after the robbery failed, the two robbers drove to the bridge section of the meeting place.

Of course, in this script, Quentin is still like the previous life, imitating several bridge sections in the Hong Kong film "Dragon and Tiger", Eric remembers that there are rumors in previous lives, Quentin also went to Hong Kong specifically to "Dragon and Tiger" The director explained the matter, but in Eric's view, this is completely a report that the media tabloid posted gold on his face.

Because of the original version of the mind, Eric spent more than twenty minutes to read the nearly one hundred pages of the script.

After putting down the script, Eric looked at the two faces and nodded. "Not bad, let's eat first."

Quentin and Lawrence also breathed a sigh of relief. Since Eric said so, the possibility of investing in this movie is very great. In order to increase the success rate, Laurent is listed behind the script, the budget of the movie. One million dollars.

Both believe that this unique style of film should be able to arouse Eric's interest, and then list a budget of only $1 million. I believe that for Eric's current net worth, investing in this movie is completely fine. . In fact, if it is not for the right to personally direct the production of this film, the two people do not have to choose Eric.

Thinking about this, Quentin and Lawrence also had a relaxed lunch and waited for two hours outside the Fox studio. Both were already hungry.

After eating lunch, Eric picked up the script again: "Listen to Drew, do you both plan to make this film yourself?"

"Yes, Eric, I... We have had a film production experience before, so I think we have no problem with the two scripts running alone."

Eric nodded and nodded. He flipped a few pages and said: "Do you have your own film company right now?"

The two didn't understand why Eric suddenly asked this. When he looked at it, Lawrence Bender nodded. "Yes, the name is 'Band-Apart'. The name is Quentin. It is inspired by the film master. Godard’s early "other gang."

Eric knew that Godard had shot the famous King Lear, but he didn't know the movie "Another gang", so he didn't understand what the name of the film company meant. He didn't want to understand.

"This is the case, Lawrence, Quentin, are interested in joining fireflies?"


"Ah?" The two men simultaneously issued a confusing syllable.

Eric explained: "I mean, the two movie companies are just empty shells. Are you interested in joining my Firefly Film Company? You know, my company is growing and growing."

Quentin and Lawrence looked at each other and they still had a certain understanding of fireflies. Although the film company was founded by Eric, most of the films produced were only Eric’s personal films, but its strength. However, it should not be underestimated. If you can join, it is definitely a good thing. However, both of them are now just a nameless pawn. I don't understand why Eric will extend an olive branch to them. This is not true anyway. (The novel "I am Hollywood" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" in the top right to "Add a friend" to search the public. No. "qdread" and pay attention, speed is fast!)

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