I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 177: Rename

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Eric did not consider the thoughts of two people. Quentin and Lawrence did not immediately agree to it. He stopped talking about this topic. Anyway, as long as the cooperation is pleasant, then the fireflies must be the preferred partner of Quentin. After looking at the watch, Eric continued: "I have to put it down beforehand, time is running out, or talk about the script. I can invest in this movie, and the budget is not limited to one million dollars. You two can take pictures."

Quentin and Lawrence had some hesitation about Eric’s invitation to join the fireflies, but they saw the other party so easily and skipped it. Both of them lost at the same time, keenly felt that they missed a rare opportunity and regretted it. I just didn't agree immediately. This kind of emotion made it impossible for two people to immediately reflect what Eric said, until Eric finished, and looked up at two people, Lawrence took the lead to react, and confirmed with a smile: "Ai Rick, are you really talking?"

Quentin also reacted at this time, and looked at Eric with a look of surprise.

Eric nodded again: "Of course it is true, but I have several conditions."

The two suddenly showed such a look, and at the same time relieved, if Eric came up and recruited and promised investment, but there are no additional conditions, then it is a ghost. Two people only hope that Eric will not interfere too much with the production of the film.

"First of all, the actors of the film must all be selected from the UTA brokerage company. Do you know UTA?" In the end, Eric asked indefinitely that he rarely paid attention to the operation of UTA during this time, only occasionally with the card. A few phone calls from Poole Hidden, I only know that the situation of the brokerage company is good, and the others are not very clear. Because of his growing popularity, in order to avoid suspicion, he rarely intervenes in the management of UTA. It’s not that there is no media to take the UTA monopoly on this matter, but it has not turned up any storms. In fact, the anti-monopoly law in North America is not as strict as it is supposed to be. Just a few decades ago, because the film company that caused the Paramount Act could not operate the theater vertically, this decree is now There is not much binding on the big film companies. Although it can't be said to be ineffective, the North American cinemas are just plain, and the number of cinema screens owned by several major film companies has exceeded one-tenth of the total number of screens. The theaters selected by the big film companies are definitely the best. The one-tenth of the theaters are almost the best of all the theaters in North America, and the theaters controlled by the big movie companies are bigger. This is the result of the federal government's blind eyes, because the Paramount Act cut off the monopoly of the big studios, but it also caused a big blow to the Hollywood film industry. Nowadays, the development of Hollywood movies is booming, the scale of profits is getting bigger and bigger, and even the world has exerted tremendous influence. Under such a good situation, the big film companies will spread their hands and open the door. Without the tough force to intervene, the federal government also It’s not going to be stupid enough to make a big break.

Upon hearing Eric's enquiry, Lawrence Bender quickly nodded: "Of course, of course," said Lawrence and the buddies looked at one eye and said: "This condition is no problem."

"There is, the script needs to be modified too..." Eric said, Quentin immediately showed an unpleasant look, but did not dare to show it too clearly, Eric just smiled slightly: "Reassured I am very satisfied with the content, but the name of "The Seven Colors Robber" is too strange, I thought of another good name."

While Quentin breathed a sigh of relief, Lawrence was greatly relieved. If Eric wants to slash the script, Lawrence is worried that the buddies will jump out and oppose the cooperation. Eric is only It is not unacceptable to propose to modify the name of the film.

Eric lowered his head and picked up the pen and wrote two words directly on the script, handing it across.

Quentin and Lawrence put their heads together and read them in unison: "Rservoir-Dogs?"

"Yes, "Water Dog", Eric reveals a slightly sinister smile: "I think this name is very relevant to the plot. All the characters that appear in the story are water dogs in my opinion, aren't they?"

This time, Lawrence Bender looked at Quentin. Quentin stretched out his index finger and scratched his wide forehead. After a little tangling for a while, he barely nodded. "Well, let's call "Down Water Dog." In fact, I also feel that this name is much better than the original one. However, as the author of the script, the name of the movie is directly modified by the young man opposite, and it is quite depressed.

"There is one more point. I think there are a lot of seven robbers. Six are good. I watched the script. Three of them died directly, and therefore the story is more than a few paragraphs. I seem to have a little extra dialogue. Of course, I am just making a suggestion here, and I am willing to amend it to you." Eric said that this small suggestion is only for his temporary thoughts. It is entirely for the classic B-class film to be more in line with the previous version. The bad taste, if Quentin is not willing to modify, in fact, nothing, the highlight of this script lies in the nonlinear narrative structure.

If you straighten everything, it will be a very boring thing: a gangster rallied several robbers with the code name, robbed the jewelry store diamonds, and was sold out under the police by the undercover, and died a few in the shootout. The survivors fled into the warehouse, launched a series of confrontations, and finally guilty, everyone died.

That's it.

The advantage of the film is that it can present a mediocre to the most sophisticated company in a very interesting way.

"I will consider it." Quentin saw that Eric was only proposing, and he nodded. Although the first reaction in his heart was not changed, he did not explicitly refuse. As for the end, he decided to go back and discuss with the buddies. discuss.

"So, there is nothing wrong with me here." Eric leaned comfortably on the chair and looked at the two: "Do you have any questions?"

Quentin pulled the script over and asked him: "Eric, about... about film directors?"

Eric smiled and shrugged: "Since I promised to invest, I definitely agreed to your previous conditions. I will not intervene in the content of this film. You can let go and the final editing rights belong to you." He didn't expect anything from the box office. The movie was very famous in the memory, but he didn't get any amazing box office, but he won a few good actors. Eric's favorite is also It is precisely this point, as long as "Luoshuigou" is all actor of UTA, even if it only gets some fame and can not recover the cost, it is worthwhile for Eric. (The novel "I am Hollywood" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" in the top right to "Add a friend" to search the public. No. "qdread" and pay attention, speed is fast!)

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