I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 178: Alienation

Thinking of the actors, Eric suddenly remembered that Michael Madsen, who played the role of Mr. Kim in the past, is the brother of Virginia. Although he has been acquainted with Virginia for more than half a year, Eric has never changed. After the other party, he only learned that the relationship between Virginia and her brother was very good in the chat with the girl. The memory of Michael Madsen, although a rough look, seems to be a natural fit for the villain, but in Virginia. In the narrative, Eric knows that Michael Madsen is a very versatile person. He has been a magician, likes photography, and loves to write poetry. Compared to the actor, it is more like a sideline for subsistence.

Although I have never seen each other before, but since Virginia is his own woman, Michael Madsen is also his own person. It is the consistent principle of Eric.

From Quentin, the script was coming to confirm the color of one side. Eric said directly: "This way, Quentin, the role of Mr. Jin, I just have a good candidate to recommend to you, I believe you will be satisfied."

Looking at Eric's face as if he was dissatisfied and nothing, Quentin Tarantino knew that even if he was not satisfied, he would be satisfied.

However, Eric has just opened the conditions for not making the film content production. Quentin has been overjoyed. There is nothing unacceptable to insert directly into a person. According to the rules, Eric as an investor, even if all the actors are selected. There is no problem.

"No problem, Eric, I believe that the person you recommend is definitely good," Quentin replied with a smile. Several people are about to continue talking. Someone knocked on the door of the lounge, and a staff member came in: "Director Williams, time is up."

Eric looked at his watch and stood up: "That's it."

Quentin and Lawrence also quickly got up and shook hands with Eric again, but then they were overwhelmed. What happened next?

Eric, who was about to leave in a hurry, saw the two of them look and smacked their heads with a smile: "Sorry, I’m too busy recently, some are lost, come with me."

Called assistant Alan to explain, Eric was only two people: "This is Allen, my assistant, he will take you to see Mr. Jeffrey Hansen, you can discuss specific matters with him. ""

Sending two people away, Eric is planning to come back to work, and the little girl suddenly came out and came to him.

Eric was a little surprised: "How have you left?"

Drew seemed to be somewhat unhappy. Hearing Eric said, he was even more angry. The little hand akimbo retorted: "Why should I go, I just don't leave!"

Eric shrugged. Anyway, Xiao Nizi was very disciplined when he was on the "Dark War" studio some time ago: "Well, let's not mess with you."

"Well, Eric, I don't think they like me very much," Shantou stepped forward to hold Eric's arm to the studio's work area, and whispered in his ear. In the "Dark War" crew, she was treated like a little princess, Eric was below, she couldn't tell. But the staff here can not only not know her, but also some alienation from her, although she is polite, but maintains a kind of distance.

Eric greeted him and asked the crew to start preparing, only to smash the little head of the hoe, and smiled and explained: "You don't understand this? Jane's father is the producer of this TV series, everyone here. It’s all John’s. Here Jane is the princess. She doesn’t like you. Of course, these people will alienate you.”

"Oh, it’s really snobbery!" The girl licked her mouth.

"It’s just a natural reaction to people’s avoidance and avoidance. Even the office politics is not good. If they are too close to you, they may be inexplicably wearing small shoes,” Eric said with a smile and sat down in the director’s chair. The person who walked around to do the preparation for the filming took the shooting log handed over by the assistant.

In fact, Drew’s estrangement here is mainly because Aniston is too popular in the crew. Although Xiao Yan Niu has personal likes and dislikes, she is very good at making friends, not only with other stars, but also the drama group. Some people like her very much, plus some of the reasons for the filmmaker's father, the "Friends" crew alienated Drew, Aniston's potential 'love rivals' is not unusual.

In comparison, Drew is very good at communication, but there is a bit more arrogance in his character. Before Eric appeared, the self-knowledge gimmick usually showed the incompetence and strength of this character, but now With Eric's support, Xiao Nizi seems to be no longer so convergent. When the "Dark War" crew visited the class, it behaved like a spoiled little princess. In the process of his intense filming, the six-figure camera of the crew was swaying everywhere, and only the gimmick could do it, and it was not bombarded.

But Eric is not worried at all that this favor will make Shantou out of control. He knows that Drew actually understands what he is doing. Shantou is just too young to lack the favor he deserves. Once he gets it from Eric. These things have become somewhat 'greedy', always wanting to squat when you can still be spoiled, and when you are not legally adult, you can get more and make up for it.

"Forget it, I will go back," Shantou stood up with Eric's body. Since she was not popular here, Shantou didn't want to change her mind: "Eric, you promised me last night." Is things done?"

"What?" Aniston, who was holding the script, came over and heard Drew's words, and looked at Eric with a slight disappointment.

"On the desk of the study, you can go and see it yourself. I have written a lot on the spot. You just pick one yourself to do it." Eric said, and made a look at the little girl who waited to explain it to you. .

Drew smiled sweetly, and suddenly leaned down in the face of Aniston, and kissed Eric's face, leaving a striking lipstick mark, and then twisted his little **** and turned away.

"Women wear so little, like the street **** the side of the road at night," said Xiao Yan, looking at the back of Drew’s departure. The tone is sour, and the girl’s head is already one meter and six, not only slim, but also There are milky white skin that many women are envious of. In this respect, Aniston has a deep skin tone.

What seemed to be felt, Drew, who was walking to the door of the studio, suddenly turned around, opened the small parasol in his hand, took heart-shaped sunglasses, and smashed his tiptoes, and then turned back to Anne. Ston smirked and spit out a pink tongue.

This kind of situation makes Xiao Yan Niang anxious, but also let many members of the crew who saw this situation are a glimpse. The people present in the film and television circle have seen Kubrick’s Lolita. There are a few people, Xiao Nizi is wearing T-shirt hot pants, revealing pink arms and white legs, plus the magic of the black nail polish on the toes, the move between the woman The style and the naughty of the girl made all the men with normal hormones jump in their hearts.

"It’s really enough," Xiao Yanyan depressed her face, and said to Eric: "You are sure to send her to a Catholic school, isn't it somewhere else?"

Eric smiled and grabbed Aniston's little hand: "Well, Jane, don't be angry, Drew's temper is like this, you haven't seen it before, right, what's the matter with me?"

Aniston pointed to Eric's cheek: "You have to wipe the lipstick on your face first."

Eric sneered at the paper towel and wiped his face, so that Xiao Yan Niu confirmed one side. Aniston reluctantly discussed the script with Eric. She felt that she had some good ideas.

In the following days, the filming of Friends was always in order, during which Eric and the Weinstein brothers of Miramax had a meal and talked about the acquisition. However, because the Weinstein brothers just happened to have Steven Soderberg’s "Sex, Lies and Videotapes" at the Cannes Film Festival Golden Palm Awards, and they got a good box office score, so they opened The price tag far exceeds Eric's expectations.

Coupled with the fact that the fireflies have begun to make contact with Robert Shea's new line for acquisitions, Eric has temporarily put down the idea of ​​annexing Miramax. The reason why Miramax’s past life was unique in the independent film circle was recruited by Disney. Except for Soderberg’s “Sex, Lies and Videotapes”, which was famous for Miramax, the biggest hero was Kun. Ting's "Water Dog", "Pulp Fiction" and other works, and the latter is obviously more important. In the past, because Quentin's "Pulp Fiction" was unexpectedly successful, independent films quickly received the attention of major film companies, and as one of them The leader, Miramax was able to develop rapidly.

But now, Quentin has already gone to Eric here. Since the two sides have cooperated, Eric will definitely not push Quentin out.

Well, now that Quentin has lost, Milamax’s prospects for the future are hard to say. Although the opponent can still say that he has the Soderberg card, Soderberg has become famous since "Sex, Lies and Videotapes". After getting the Golden Palm of Cannes with the youngest qualifications, there was no work that had been done for ten years, and the box office was even more confusing until the new century. In this case, it is difficult for Miramax to follow the original trajectory.

Eric’s original reason for acquiring the new line was to win Miramax. The most important thing is that the brothers have the talents in various awards. The former Weinstein brothers have the title of Oscar gold pusher. Therefore, Eric decided to take two people into his arm. As for the other people's praises, the advantages of Eric are even bigger. In his mind, he has a lot of classic films that he has seen in the past.

I haven't taken Miramax for a while, and Eric is not in a hurry. Anyway, the trajectory of history has changed. Perhaps with the talent of the Weinstein brothers, you can still live in the independent film circle, but want to live. It is as dazzling as the past life, because of the existence of Eric, this is unlikely. The development track of the other side is at most like the new line, and it grows step by step. Then even if the other party develops for another ten years, Eric will have the opportunity to collect the other party and honestly publicize the Oscar for himself.

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