I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 179: Impossible reality

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“Vivi, is the Sunset Tower Hotel opposite the Andaz?” On the driver's seat, it looks like a rough white man in his 30s looks at the road ahead.

"Of course, is there two Sunset Tower hotels on Sunset Boulevard?" Vignia on the co-pilot answered, taking a small mirror from the handbag, looking at the makeup on his face, and taking out a lipstick. Carefully smeared a few lips, this move somehow made the man in the driver's seat a little dissatisfied: "Vigie, I really don't understand, why are you involved with the hair boy, you two difference ten year old."

"All said, my personal affairs do not need you to control," Virginia said, and soon reacted, should not talk to her brother, the tone is softer: "Mike, I am very happy with him, he Although young, I am very considerate to me."

Michael Madsen still frowned. "That guy is destined to give you no promise, isn't it? He won't marry you."

When Vigania heard this, her eyes were a little dim and she whispered: "I didn't expect him to marry me."

"But you are already twenty-eight years old. I hope that you can find a reliable man to marry, instead of doing it now, give you a hairy kid to be a lover." Michael was slightly excited and said that the last big hand could not bear it. I took a picture on the steering wheel and turned to look at my sister: "I hope you are happy, Vicky."

"Can you be happy when you get married?" Virginia retracted her lipstick and small mirror: "Our mom and dad are not happy at all, and you, you have been married once."

Michael Madsen continued to persuade: "Because of this, I hope that you can find a good man. There must be a good man in the world. Even if you don't find the right one, try again a few times. Look, Although I am divorced, I am very happy with Qina now. In half a year, you may have a little nephew or a little niece."

"Okay, I know, Mike, can we not talk about this topic today?" Virginian began to shift the subject to the eyes of all the young women who were forced to marry, because the parents divorced and the mother was busy with her career. It is almost brought up by this older brother who is four years older than herself. Therefore, even if she is a parent, she can ignore it, but she values ​​the relationship with her brother.

"Well, you don't like it, I won't say it," Michael Madsen looked helplessly at the road ahead.

Michael stopped this topic and let Virginia breathe a sigh of relief. The two were quiet for a while, looked out the window and watched the sunset tower hotel. Virginia just said: "Mike, I know you don't. Like him, but don't be rude, I hope you can get the character he said."

Michael Madsen said: "Of course I will not be rude, but this time I just want to see your new movie, don't expect me to please him for a role."

Virginia is somewhat helpless. She knows the temper of this brother very well. She said that the good point is indifferent to fame and fortune. It is said that the ugly point is that it is not enterprising. The original intention of his acting as an actor is more than fame, and it is still the same.

The two said, they soon came to the Sunset Tower Hotel, and Virginia saw a lot of paparazzi with cameras attached to the outside of the hotel, and quickly took out the sunglasses, but even then, it did not stop the intuition. The paparazzi found her figure, a group of people rushing over to the window is a random shot, seeing these guys who are desperate for the news, Michael helplessly slowed down the speed, which made the paparazzi more excited, slamming the window Speaking to Virginia in the car.

However, even if the paparazzi screamed and screamed, they did not get any reply. The two brothers and sisters drove directly to the underground parking lot and entered the hotel inside the internal elevator.

"Another one, just Julia Roberts has come. I don't know what kind of ghosts the fireflies are going to do?" A group of paparazzi were stopped by the security guards and could only wait in disappointment outside the hotel. I hope the next visitor can reveal a little. Specific news.

"You have just arrived in less than ten minutes, Jike, and in the past half an hour, several Hollywood big guys have gone in."

"Oh, Kane, who else has already arrived?" asked the dog named Jike.

Kane leaned into Jake's ear and whispered: "Disney CEO, Michael Eisner, Warner's vice president of distribution, and Paramount's president Nader Tarn, Colombia's vice president Amy · Pascol, the current seven major film companies have come to four, look at it, I think the remaining three will definitely send people."

Jike fantasized about the picture in Kane's description, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "No, is there something big happening in Hollywood?"

Kane shook his head. "This is not clear, but it must be related to fireflies. I listened to an insider at the hotel and said that there was a party at night."

"Night?" Jike looked at his watch: "It’s only 1:35 now. It’s not that you made a mistake. If there is a party at night, how can these big men come over now?”

"This is definitely not wrong. My informants are doing things in the kitchen. The task they receive is to prepare food for the party at night."

Jike asked: "Kane, what do you think will be?"

"Maybe... well, this is too unusual, I can't think of it, but there is no news released during this time, saying that Firefly intends to acquire a new line of film companies, I don't know if it is related to this matter. The new line is already the top second-line movie company. If it is merged with fireflies, with the ability to sell movies and new lines of Eric Williams, maybe a few years later, Hollywood will have a new one. The giant."

Jike guessed: "Don't you say that this is the firefly's lead? Will it be the firefly's new films to pick the publishers, so the seven top executives will come over?"

After this sentence, Kane and several other paparazzi who listened to the conversation stunned and then laughed. A paparazzi taunted: "How is it possible that you may not value the firefly's appeal too much? The film directed by Eric Williams himself may also be able to make the top seven executives eagerly awaited. After all, he has fully confirmed his strength. But everyone knows that Eric’s distribution rights for the next two films are already Fox."

Jike also felt that his guess was somewhat unrealistic, and he scratched his head and replied softly: "Isn't it said that "Small Island Fright" and "Smell the Woman" are scripts written by Eric Williams himself?"

However, his sentence has not been valued by other paparazzi, a group of people continue to discuss the purpose of these people gathered, while looking forward to the arrival of others.

Many times, it seems ridiculous to guess, in fact, it is often true.

This event is really just an internal test film hosted by Fireflies for "The Island" and "Steel Magnolia".

When the invitation was issued, Eric thought that the six majors would probably only send one or two ordinary executives, but he soon received the first news. Disney’s Michael Eisner did not know what to think. Let the assistant contact the fireflies, indicating that they will be there to watch the film in person. It is only this response that Eric, who originally planned to hold a test session in the small auditorium of the Firefly headquarters, changed the test location to the Sunset Tower Hotel. In the luxurious auditorium, after all, the position of Michael Eisner is there, and then in the small showroom of the fireflies, it is very disrespectful to each other.

Next, other major movie companies may have heard the news that Michael Eisner will participate in the test film, and they all said that they would send important executives to participate.

However, only one of the seven majors, Michael Eisner, was at the helm of the CEO. Others, Paramount sent a president. Colombia came with Amy Pascal, who had a good relationship with Eric. The company is either a vice president or a heavyweight executive. Even so, this lineup is also a luxury. The presidents of the seven major film companies are together for the distribution rights of one or two movies. It is estimated that they have not happened in the last ten years.

The Virginia brothers and sisters took the elevator to the floor where the test film was held. Just after coming out, Virginia saw the Eric assistant Alan Fisman waiting for the elevator.

"Hello, Allen, Eric?" asked Virginia.

"Mr. Williams is very busy, can't pick you up, Miss Madsen, please come with me, I will take you to the lounge," Allen said politely.

Virginia was disappointed and nodded. Michael Madsen, who saw this scene, didn't know the specific situation. He directly thought that Eric was a little cold to his sister, and he was very angry. However, although it was very unscrupulous, it did not show up. The two men followed Alan to a lounge.

After entering, Virginia saw that there were already many people in the lounge. The director of the "Steel Magnolia" crew, Herbert Rose and starring Julia Roberts, Sally Field, Shirley McLean and others, but the "Island Cry" crew is only one of Jonathan Demi's solitary ones. It seems that the situation is a bit bleak. This situation is not difficult to understand. The two little actors of "Small Island" are not suitable for the afternoon. The test film meeting, so did not come, and the other actors are not famous, and are not starring, so they are not eligible to participate in this test session. The "Steel Magnolia" crew is different. Herbert Rose is the director. Needless to say, although "Steel Wood Orchid" is a group, but in addition to the famous Julia Roberts, Sally Field Shirley McLean can be accompanied by a series of Oscar awards, qualifications and fame even more than Julia, the other three female stars are also famous actresses for a long time.

Seeing the appearance of Virginia, Jonathan Demi finally showed his comrade-like expression and stood up and greeted Virginia. Members of the "Steel Magnolia" crew also stood up and greeted the girl. (The novel "I am Hollywood" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" in the top right to "Add a friend" to search the public. No. "qdread" and pay attention, speed is fast!)

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