I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 180: Miss Murdoch

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In another room near the two crew lounges, Eric was chatting with the big guys who had already arrived at other companies.

Although these executives are their own owners, in fact, many people are very familiar with each other, and there is no sense of alienation when chatting, because the executives of the seven major film companies are moving very frequently.

For example, Barry Diller, who was not present, was in charge of Paramount 84 years ago and is now the CEO of Fox, while Michael Eisner and Jeffrey Kasenberg, who were originally in Paramount, were Barry at the time. Diller's deputy, the two are now the CEO of Disney, and the other is the president of Disney. If history does not change, Jeffrey Kasenberg will be the CEO of DreamWorks a few years later. Before the entry of Amy Pascal of Colombia, he was a Fox executive. It is with these complicated interpersonal relationships that several major film companies ensure that they compete with each other and that they have full cooperation with each other.

"Eric, how many box office do you want to circle in this two movies, let me talk about it, let us have a reference when we quote?" Michael Eisner asked in front of others, though A casual appearance, nothing but a look of inexplicable look.

Eric put down the coffee cup and smiled: "Mr. Eisner, really, I can only guarantee that the quality of these two films is very good. As for how many box office can get, it depends on the audience and the market. reaction."

"This can't be done, you are young, you become so sleek, young people have to be a bit dare to say the daring." Paramount's president Nader Tarn said, the other is a 60-year-old The old man, with a white hair full of smiles, looks amiable, and this sentence is also like the elders who motivate the younger generation, which will naturally create a sense of intimacy.

Eric smiled and showed a modest and docile appearance. In fact, his heart was in the belly. These old guys were more sleek than themselves. If they really listened to their opinions, they would wait for the pits to replace the number of people.

Speaking of it, Paramount has been hurt by Barry Diller and Michael Eisner after leaving a large number of executives. The current film performance is a mess. This year, only one "Raiders of the Lost Ark" can take it. The hand, but the producers and directors of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" are the famous George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, both of whom are very savvy filmmakers, Paramount estimates Most of the benefits that can be earned from the point of earning are definitely separated by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.

In the previous analysis, Eric felt that Paramount might be the one with the highest bid price. This test film will adopt the method of dark mark. After watching the film, each of them will open their own conditions, and the fireflies will be based on The conditions for the separation of several film companies determine which side to cooperate with. However, the appearance of Michael Eisner suddenly made the expected results become confusing, because the attention of Michael Eisner is likely to arouse the competition of other major film companies. After all, he only uses In just five years, Disney's performance has skyrocketed, and now the status of 'the rivers and lakes' in Hollywood has even faintly overwhelmed the momentum of the old boss Barry Diller.

Alan Fisman gently pushed the door open and walked lightly to Eric, trying not to highlight his presence, bending over Eric: "Mr. Williams, Fox The people are coming."

Eric nodded and smiled at Michael Eisner and others: "Sorry, please wait a moment, I will pick up the individual."

Out of the room, Eric walked with Allen toward the elevator, and it is estimated that the other party is coming up now. Allen only said this time: "Mike, who was downstairs, said that Fox had two people, except for Calta Hunt, and a woman."

Eric squatted and asked: "Who is the other person recognized?"

Alan shook his head: "I don't know, Mike said that the girl is about twenty years old, very young, but Calta Hunter is very respectful to her."

Calta Hunter is in charge of Fox's film distribution. The level is also at the vice president level. It can keep him respected. It is estimated that only Barry Diller and so on. There will be no one in this. About the age of the girl.

I don't understand, Eric will no longer think about it. When I come to the elevator, the special elevator just makes a bang, and a man and a woman walked out.

"Kalta, hello," Eric laughed and walked forward, gently hugged with Calta Hunt, and glanced at the side of Calta, looking forward to his blonde. The girl looks like twenty years old, one meter seven tall, not long blond hair just covering the ear, very beautiful, awl face, eyebrows slender, wearing black and white plaid shirt and light yellow casual trousers, feet on Black flats.

This should be a standard career woman, and Eric had a thought in mind, because she was very similar to Amy Pascal in the lounge.

Say hello to Calta, the other party is about to help introduce, but the girl took the initiative to reach out: "Hello, Mr. Williams, my name is Elizabeth Murdoch."

Eric's eyebrows slightly picked, the Murdoch family, with Calta Hunt's attitude towards the girl, Eric felt that the other should be the immediate family of Rupert Murdoch.

"Hello, Miss Murdoch, you can call me Eric."

The girl let go of Eric’s hand and asked in a serious way: “Why don’t you call me Elizabeth?”

The aggressive woman, Eric thought, not rushing: "Because we just met, without permission, it is not appropriate to call a girl's name."

Elizabeth Murdoch raised her chin slightly and confronted Eric: "Well, Eric, I will allow you to call me Elizabeth."


Calta Hunter saw Eric's sly look and quickly hit the round: "Eric, Elizabeth is the second daughter of Mr. Rupert Murdoch, and recently worked at Fox, she is very good at you... Interested, so I just want to take a look, I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not," Eric said with a smile. "Let's go to the lounge. The test will start at two o'clock and wait a little longer."

Several people walked together to the lounge at the end of the corridor, and Elizabeth Murdoch took the initiative to join Eric, and Allen stepped back and followed the three. (The novel "I am Hollywood" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" in the top right to "Add a friend" to search the public. No. "qdread" and pay attention, speed is fast!)

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