I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 181: He is a jerk

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"Hey, Eric, I have seen all your movies, but apart from "The Dark War," I think it's just normal."

"Thank you for your appreciation, Elizabeth."

"I am not complimenting you," the girl said angrily. "I am just curious. Why did your movies make such amazing box office results? This is a very interesting topic. I intend to use it as my graduation. paper."

"You are learning...the media?" Asked the other person's family, Eric asked speculatively.

"Of course, I am studying at Vassar College in New York and will graduate next year."

Eric just nodded and didn't express any opinion. Although he occupied this body and inherited most of his memory, he now has a list of Ivy League schools, not to mention Wasser College. .

The girl was somewhat dissatisfied with Eric's understatement: "Have you ever heard of Vassar College?"

Eric's spreader: "Elizabeth, in fact, I just graduated from high school, and I don't even remember the list of Ivy League schools, so..."

"Well," the girl shrugged helplessly, and her heart was more interested in Eric. A young man who didn't even graduate from college could achieve such a great achievement in such a short period of time. It was... strange. .

The two executives from Universal and MGM arrived on the line at two o'clock. After the arrival, the staff led the crowd to a luxurious theater in the Sunset Hotel.

Eric just nodded with Virginia and others and sat down in the first row. On both sides, Michael Eisner and Paramount's president, Nader Tarn, were separated by the other five top executives, and the first row arranged just eight.

The unsolicited Elizabeth Murdoch did not make the workers difficult, and took the initiative to sit in the back row of "Small Island" and "Steel Magnolia" crew members, but also joined the Julia side.

Julia looked at the strange girl who suddenly appeared around her. She felt strange in her heart. She didn't know who the woman was, but she thought of Eric's heart, she naturally classified the girl to Among the similar identities of Virginia, there is some faint hostility towards Elizabeth Murdoch.

Although Julia has made up her mind that she no longer has too much emotional and carnal involvement with Eric, Eric is destined to leave a deep mark on the girl's heart. This branding even leads to When Julia interacts with other men, she will unconsciously compare the other with Eric, and then... it will be difficult to have it again.

In the "Steel Magnolia", Diller McDermott, who played Julia's husband, had pursued the pursuit of Julia during the filming. The other side was tall and handsome, and graduated from the New York Private Fordham University School of Drama. Talented, gentle and considerate, not as arrogant as Eric. Therefore, Julia also tried to get along with each other. As a result, "Steel Wood Orchid" was filmed, and Julia had not been able to wipe out the sparks with the shadow of the heart. Finally, everything went to nothing.

Therefore, during this time, Julia has always hated Eric. She thinks that Eric has influenced her private life. In order to avoid this kind of influence, "Steel Magnolia" was completed during this time, Julie Although he was in Los Angeles, he did not meet Eric once.

The staff was ready to show the gap, Elizabeth Murdoch and Julia greeted each other. After receiving a response, they asked softly and eagerly: "Miss Julia, you think Eric Williams is a What kind of person?"

"He's a jerk!" Julia was inexplicably immersed in some kind of emotion because of Elizabeth's approach, and she didn't want to blurt out.

"..." Elizabeth looked at Julia without words and strangely.

Julia's voice is very small, plus the other people's soft chats in the screening room, so only two or three people around her hear the girl's words, sitting on the other side of the girl, Sally Field can't help She laughed and laughed. As a person who came over, she heard some rumors of Julia and Eric, and of course heard the sour emotions of some women in Julia's sentence that were not satisfied.

After Julia reacted, she immediately became red-faced and almost ran away. Fortunately, at this time, the lights in the auditorium were dark, and Julia was relieved.

Elizabeth Murdoch sat in the body and couldn't help but lick a few girls around her eyes before she focused on the screen.

As the most important part of Eric’s three films, Essex Cry was put to the finale of the second half, first of all, Herbert Rose’s Steel Magnolia.

The story of "Steel Magnolia" looks very trivial, mainly based on the daily life of six women, with the important dates of the Ionton family's wedding, Easter, Christmas, New Year, funeral, etc., although Herbert Ross also added some comedy elements, but in the medium term, this is still a feature film.

The film begins with the wedding of Shelby Einton, played by Julia. Through the tens of minutes of narrative, a few trivial series, the six heroines with different personalities are presented to the audience.

After Shelby’s wedding, the New Year’s Day arrived. The hairdresser Annai, who was originally shy and inferior because of certain things, gradually became open. She met the waiter at Shelby’s wedding. The two fell in love and soon lived together. Together. Annai felt that she was so hard to live this happiness. She began to indulge in Christ and always prayed. Shelby suffers from hyperinsulinemia, which is the opposite of diabetics who lack insulin. This condition causes malignant hypoglycemia. Once the disease is broken, it will faint when the blood sugar is lowered. Therefore, at the doctor's suggestion, thank you. Erby is not suitable for having children.

But after marriage, because Shelby’s medical diagnosis led her to fail to adopt a child, Shelby took her parents and insisted on pregnancy.

Bit by bit life slowly passed, Shelby’s child was born, but another bad news came to the whole family.

Shelby died of severe kidney damage because she had a baby. In this case, her mother, who had always been strict with her, secretly stood up and gave her a kidney to her daughter.

The operation was very successful, Shelby seems to have returned to normal life, but life is not good, the son grows up slowly, and Shelby continues to devote herself to the profession she loves. But one day, when Shelby was taking care of her children at home, she fainted on the floor.

When I was sent to the hospital, the poor woman had to rely on the life-sustaining device to maintain her vital signs. Her mother stayed next to Shelby every day and night, but she still couldn’t wake her up. In the end, her husband signed tears on certain documents. The word, the hospital pulled out the life support. (The novel "I am Hollywood" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" in the top right to "Add a friend" to search the public. No. "qdread" and pay attention, speed is fast!)

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