I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 182: All kinds of thoughts

After the sad funeral, life will continue. Shelby’s son, Little Jackson, grows up day by day under the favor of everyone, and pregnant Annai tells Shelby’s mother, Maureen, that she hopes her child will be born. Both men and women are called 'Shelby' to commemorate the steadfast but thin little woman who died, and Maureen agreed with tears.

Another year of Easter, a vibrant suburb in the spring, a happy picnic, Annai, who has a big belly, suddenly felt severe abdominal pain. Everyone was busy with the car on the off-road vehicle. The crowd, through the market, through the bridge, and the melodious harmonica, the picture is fixed on a river surrounded by green trees.

Subtitles slowly rise...

"Tomorrow-is-another-day," Elizabeth Murdoch, who sat next to Julia, couldn't help but say the ending in "Gone with the Wind", although the life experiences of several women in "Stem Wood Orchid" Far less than the sorrowful and sorrowful life experience of "Shang Piao" in Scarlett, even the women in "Steel Magnolia" have never had a violent emotional outburst, and the strongest feelings are also contained in the silent overflow. Among the tears, but the emotions contained in the plain and trivial are not at all much less than the vicissitudes of life experienced by Scarlett. The jeep that is gradually disappearing is a symbol of hope and hope for the future.

The lights lit up, no one took the lead, and everyone in the screening room consciously applauded.

"Julia, this film is really great. I think Shelby's role is even more full than Vivian in "The Beauty of the Wind"." Elizabeth clenched her hands and leaned into Julia. Said sincerely.

"Thank you, this... miss," Julia patted her palm, and once again looked at the beautiful girl next to her in the light.

Elizabeth remembered that she hadn’t introduced herself yet, and quickly extended a small hand: "Sorry, Julia, my name is Elizabeth Murdoch, you can call me Liz."

"Hello, Liz," Julia politely grabbed her hand with the other hand, and her expression didn't change much. Obviously, Julia didn't know what Murdoch's surname meant.

Elizabeth didn't mind, continued to whisper: "Julia, why did you just say that Eric Williams is a jerk?"

"Ah! I... I didn't say it to Ai... Mr. Williams, it was just a coincidence. Mr. Williams is a very good person. Without him, I am still a little unknown actor. "Julia tries to calm down her performance, but the twinkling eyes are selling the girl."

Elizabeth’s mouth twitched a touch of laughter and didn’t continue to ask the topic that made the girl swear: “Julia, can you tell me about Eric Williams, I’m going to take him a few The success of the film is the subject of my graduation thesis."

"Liz, you may have to ask him personally about this kind of thing. I don't know much about it." Although Julia didn't realize the other's family from the girl's surname, she understood it from the other side's words. This girl seems to Not very familiar with Eric, plus Elizabeth's familiar and cheerful personality, Julia gradually released her heart to Elizabeth.

"Nothing, let me know what you know." Elizabeth felt Julia's subtle change in her emotions, so she began to make persistent efforts and asked about topics of interest.

At the same time, the top seven film company executives who read "Steel Wood Orchid" also have their own concerns.

Although Michael Eisner expressed his appreciation to Eric for the first time after the film was broadcast, it was more of a politeness. In fact, some of them were disapproving.

"Steel Magnolia" is really unremarkable, although there are many bright spots, but there is almost no ups and downs in the plot, which does not meet his taste. As Barry Diller’s former assistant to the theory of 'high concept film', Michael Eisner’s step in Barry Diller’s hand saw the rise of Paramount under the guidance of this theory, and therefore Naturally, it became a loyal fan of the 'high concept movie' theory. Disney's rapid rise under the control of Michael Eisner has a lot to do with the film theory he insisted on.

"Steel Wood Orchid" is completely incompatible with high-concept movies. If you use the type of article to compare, the high-concept movie theme is like a fun novel, and "Steel Wood Orchid" is a long-lasting prose. Herbert Rose, who has more than 20 years of experience in film production, is undoubtedly a ‘prose’, but this subject is also bound to have no big market.

Although not optimistic, this does not prevent Michael Eisner from winning the film distribution rights. Otherwise, he will not come here personally today. Because he valued it: the film is optimistic about Eric Williams, and the reason for the amazing results of Eric's previous films is enough.

Sitting on the other side of Eric, Paramount's president, Nad Tarn, is similar to Michael Eisner in the film. However, after the rest of the movie, the old guy kept on to Eric. In the words, I hope to hear the specific box office expectations for this movie from Eric, so that Paramount can make a more accurate split into quotes.

After Paramount left Barry Diller for five years, this year's performance has begun to decline significantly. Although "Raiders of the Lost Ark" has received 200 million box office in North America, the global box office has more than 400 million stunning box office results, but because of Lucas Shadow The strength of the industry and Steven Spielberg, the share of profits that Paramount got from it, even less than the dividend that Colombia received from the "Little Devils" after being barred on the gambling contract. Therefore, Paramount is very concerned about Eric's two films. If it is not for the current CEO of Paramount, Frank Mancuso, he can't take time. It is definitely him, not the second-hander Nader Tarn.

Although not optimistic about "Steel Magnolia", but this is after all the movie Eric Williams fancy. Of the movies Eric is currently involved in, none of the box office is under $100 million.

After watching the movie, Nader Tarn experienced his career and combined the box office appeals and schedule issues of Julia, Sally Field and Shirley McLean, and quickly estimated the film. Out of the box office of 30-500 million US dollars, although Julia now has a strong box office appeal in the world with "Wind Beauty", but Nader Tarn has not much overseas box office for this movie. I am looking forward to the fact that the film's Native American atmosphere is too strong, and it is a small miracle that the global box office can get 30 million.

If, as I expected, the film, except for the cost of production and distribution, has a profit of at least $10 million, which is totally worthless compared to the profits of other Eric movies.

Nader Tarn believes that Eric will not make a big move just for the $10 million profit in this area. But no matter how Nader Tarn inquired about Eric, this young man will give a plausible answer to the plaque, a look of your own judgment.

In fact, the reason why Eric did not disclose his judgment was mainly due to cautious reasons. Although he was very optimistic about the film, but how many box office he could get, Eric could not be 100% sure. He estimated that the North American box office is about 100 million US dollars. After all, the previous movie also got more than 80 million US dollars at the box office, and it was before Julia filmed "Fengyue", now, the girl can also pull 20 million US dollars. Box office gains.

But this estimate is definitely not clear. Once it is said, in the event that the box office will not be as expected in the past, then Eric will be equal to his own reputation. Not to mention that there is nothing, even if the movie is not as explosive as the previous life, there is not much to do with Eric. Fireflies are only investors, and Eric is not only stuffed into a Julia, what Did not intervene.

Amy Pascal, who is separated from Eric by a position, is one of the seven people who liked the film. Amy Pascal is a typical feminist and therefore likes female-themed movies. In the past life, she has supported a series of female films, the most famous of which is the "Jiaojiaowa" series. Coupled with the sensibility of the woman's character, she was completely attracted by the joys and sorrows of several women in the film, and even had an immediate vacation to the southern town to live a quiet and trivial life.

But Amy Pascal also knows that he and Fox's representative, Calta Hunt, are destined to just go through the game today. Fox already has the rights to distribute Eric's two films at the end of the year, in the consideration of marketing resources, Firefly is definitely Will not give Fox movies, and Colombia will soon sign a final contract with the Japanese, in the future, the Japanese business strategy is difficult to predict, in order to avoid risks, fireflies will certainly not let the Colombian agent issue.

Among the representatives of the seven major movie companies, Warner's representative is the most calm, because Warner's performance this year is very good, although Warner will not be too much money, but will only open a share price that he thinks is appropriate, and is blinded. That is luck, if you can't get it, you won't feel too sorry.

The situation in Universal Pictures is turbulent. You are coming to me at the helm. There is no intention to fight for distribution rights, and MGM has been completely disabled by the casino tycoon Kirk Kirkline. Cork will only When I want to sell MGM again, I will pay attention to the business performance of this giant in order to sell a good price. Therefore, MGM's high-level executives also have the heart to kill the thief, unable to return to the sky, the MGM representative sitting in the front seat is talking with Warner's executives, and the words seem to be ready to change jobs.

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