I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 184: Anti-war

With more and more people at the party, Michael Eisner, who had only been waiting for more than ten minutes, took the lead in giving up on things that needed to be dealt with. Eric certainly had to personally send it.

"Eric, I heard that "The Island Cry" was shortlisted for the main competition in Venice?" Waiting for the elevator, Michael Eisner suddenly asked.

Eric nodded. "Yes, but this is a horror film after all. The hope of winning the prize is not great. Sending it to Venice is just a matter of knowing the popularity and contributing to the European issue."

"I think this movie is likely to win the prize, as long as the propaganda direction is correct," Michael Eisner said, the elevator door opened and the two walked in together.

“Publicity direction?” Eric pressed the elevator button and asked in confusion.

“Well,” said Michael Eisner. “Although the Isle of Man is a horror film, I think that this film can have more in-depth connotations, such as people’s love for life and The fear of death, and the mother’s sincere love for the two children. The most important thing is that the background of this movie is after the Second World War, then you can use the anti-war banner to promote this horror. The film guides the evils of war on human nature. It is the shadow of war that has long suppressed the hostess’s body and mind, and it has allowed Grace to make a crazy move of suffocating two children. Now the situation in Europe is very turbulent, a little careless. If the conflict may erupt again, then if the "Small Island" is propaganda in the direction of the anti-war and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the Venice Film Festival jury will not let the film go empty-handed, you know, Movies and politics have always been inseparable."

Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy. Eric sighed in his heart. He had been trapped in a horror film that was not popular with the judges of the festival. He did not think about it in other ways: "Thank you for your reminder, Mr. Eisner, I will let you as soon as possible. People do this."

"The Sound of the Isles" is only a finalist and an award, and the treatment in the hearts of fans will be completely different in the future. Just like Oscar, everyone will pay special attention to Oscar-winning films. But for those shortlisted films, although the quality will not be much worse than the winning film. But there are still very few people to pay attention.

The elevator reached the parking lot underneath, and the two went to Michael Eisner's car, and Michael's assistant and driver were waiting there.

Michael got into the car but didn't leave. Instead, he waved that Eric also sat in it.

When Eric sat down, Michael Eisner said: "How about Eric, working with Disney next year?"

Eric squatted. He thought that Michael Eisner would say something about the two movies today. I didn't expect the other party to jump directly to next year.

"Mr. Eisner, I can't give you an answer right away. My cooperation with Fox is still very pleasant." Eric shook his head and said.

Michael Eisner can see that Eric is somewhat insincere, and the cooperation between the two companies has always been based on interests. Doping personal feelings in it, because it affects factors such as interests, will eventually only break the relationship between the two sides. Several contacts. Michael Eisner believes that Eric will not be an emotional person.

"This is not anxious, Eric, you can slowly consider, for today's two films, Disney's share price will fully reflect our sincerity." Michael Eisner finished, paused. Then I said: "I also heard that Firefly intends to acquire a new line to establish its own distribution channel, but how to say it. I have seen it several times by Robert Shea. This person has a strong desire to control but has no matching talent. And the management method is too subjective and not rational enough, let him help you take care of the company, I think it is not a good choice."

Looking at the Bentley car slowly, Eric thought about Michael Eisner's words and contacted some memories about the new line. Michael Eisner's evaluation of Robert Shea was very pertinent.

Formerly the new line because of the success of the "Lord of the Rings" series, some of the fluttering of Robert Shea has been forced to launch the "Golden Compass" project, resulting in huge losses, but also caused the new line to lose its independence, was incorporated into the parent company Warner . However, Eric is not worried about this now. If he can successfully acquire the new line, he will only let Robert Sheayi be responsible for the release of the film. As for film production, this part of the power Eric will definitely Hold firmly in your hands and prevent Robert Shea from getting mad.

The representatives of other major film companies have been sent away in succession. Of course, some separate exchanges are inevitable. However, Eric has not made any commitments to the executives who are interested in the two films. . After sending away the last Amy Pascal, I returned to the banquet hall again. The party was basically a self-person. The two crews of "Small Island" and "Steel Wood Orchid" failed to participate in the test film. The actors were also seen at the party. There are other people who are closely related to fireflies. This kind of party is definitely a fake Poli. Drew is a party creature. I used to like to go to nightclubs. But since I was entangled with Eric, I also had a gimmick. I quit this 'bad habit', but all kinds of parties are participating one after another.

In the crowd, Drew, wearing a magenta dress, knocked on the head of Xiao Nizi to warn that he was not allowed to drink, and Eric went to two other people, Quentin Tarantino and Lawrence Bender. .

"Eric, good evening," two people saw Eric coming and cheered together.

Eric smiled at each other: "How is the preparation for "Water Dog"?"

When I heard Eric’s inquiry, Quentin’s tone was a little excited: “It’s very smooth, Mr. Hansen has provided us with a lot of convenience, and the role has been determined. If it is successful, it will start up in September.”

"Well, come with me, I will bring you to see Mr. King," Eric pointed in one direction and took two people to go.

"Eric," seeing Eric coming closer, Virginia couldn't help but step forward, but it quickly stopped. It was a public place after all, although her relationship with Eric was well known. It is not suitable for performance too close.

Eric looked at Virginia with a cautious look, smiled and hugged the girl, and kissed the girl's cheek gently until the girl couldn't help but shy and refused. Eric put it. The petite body in his arms turned to the tall man next to the girl.

"Hello, Mike," Eric reached out to Michael Madsen.

"Hello, Eric," I don't like Eric in my heart, so Michael Madsen's tone is a bit cold. This reaction makes Virginia feel anxious. If it isn't for Eric, the girl will definitely be there. My brother is a slap in the face. However, Eric did not care too much about Michael's reaction and still enthusiastically introduced the other to Quentin and Lawrence.

"This is Michael Madsen. I think he is very suitable for playing Mr. King in "The Dog in the Water". Michael, these two are Quentin Tarantino and Lawrence Bender, the specific thing, you can talk alone. ”

Since I know that the people recommended by Eric can't refuse it, Quentin and Lawrence are very enthusiastic to say hello to Michael, at least to have a good relationship with each other, and there will be no gaps in the future shooting.

Looking at the three people who had already chatted, Eric took Viking to leave.

"Vigie, I heard that you received some recent appointments?" Eric took a glass of wine from the waiter and sat down on the sofa in the corner.

Virginia was also sitting next to Eric: "Yes, Kapoor recommended, there are several scripts that I look good, but I haven’t made up my mind yet, I was going to ask first. your opinion."

Eric waved his hand: "I pushed it all, at least after the release of "Small Island", and then decided to make the film. It is estimated that the movie will be released at the end of the year. If the box office is not good, it will definitely affect the "Small Island". The word of mouth brought to you, and the pay is definitely not too high."

"Well, I listen to you," the girl nodded in a nod. "Eric, Michael is not very good at you, you... I hope you don't mind too much."

"Of course not," Eric said with a smile. "If someone dominates my sister, I won't have a good look for him."

"Oh..." The girl chuckled and took the initiative to defend the man next to her: "You have not occupied me."

"Of course not, Vicky, I just occupied you, you are mys."

"Well," the girl's cheeks raised a faint blush and gently lowered her head: "Eric, have you been to me tonight? You haven't been there for a long time."

“No problem,” Eric said with a slight smile. “Or, let's leave now?”

The girl shook her head quickly: "Eric, you should go to socialize with others, don't always stay by my side."

"No hurry, I just sent away a group of people, I am tired, take a break for a while."

On the other side of the party, Elizabeth was chatting with Julia with a glass of red wine, only to find that the girl was always absent-minded, until Julia couldn’t help but sneak in one direction again, and Elizabeth followed Julia’s gaze. I lived in the shadow of the squatting on the sofa, and there was a woman wearing a black tube top evening dress next to him, the heroine of "The Sound of the Island".

"Julia, do you like him?" Elizabeth asked in the ear of Julia and asked softly.

"Ah, this...no," Julia responded to Elizabeth's gaze and said what the girl said was "he". The first reaction in the panic was to deny it, but perhaps it was because it had been suppressed for too long. She was very familiar with Elizabeth's communicative wrists in a short period of time. Julia had already treated Elizabeth as a girlfriend. After a brief panic, Julia whispered: "Actually, I... I don't know what it feels like to him. He is a very complicated person."

"Follow me, let's talk to Mr. Williams," Elizabeth looked at the girl's tangled appearance, directly pulling Julia's arm and walking toward Eric in the opponent's resistance. (To be continued)

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