I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 185: seed

"Hey, Eric," Elizabeth brought Julia to her face, and Verginia looked at the two people who had suddenly arrived. She got up and left, and Elizabeth was unceremonious. Ya pressed on the sofa and sat down with it.

"Liz, why didn't you leave?" Eric asked strangely.

Elizabeth glanced at Eric with dissatisfaction: "Why should I leave, don't you welcome me?"

"Of course not," Eric denied. "It’s just that, relative to the identity of Miss Murdoch’s second wife, such a small party must not be right for you, right?"

Miss Murdoch's second house?

When Julia heard Eric's words, she curiously looked at the girl next to her. Eric noticed Julia's confused expression and offered to the girl: "Julia, Liz didn't introduce you. Say, she is the second daughter of Mr. Rupert Murdoch, the owner of the twentieth-century Fox's owner of the News Group."

"Hey, Eric, are you arguing about my relationship with Julia? Julia is right, you are a jerk." Elizabeth angrily hammered Eric's shoulder, and it was Elizabeth Murdoch concealed her identity and she was a bit guilty. Julia heard the other half of the sentence and directly embarrassed her face.

God, how can she say that sentence?

Eric squatted and then laughed: "Julia is finally willing to say what she is saying."

"No, Eric, I don't have..." The girl waved her face and wanted to distinguish a few words. But nothing can be said.

After the words blurted out, Elizabeth felt that she had lost her word, and she showed a look of apology to Julia. The girl began to shift the topic without a trace: "Eric, has that woman been your affection?"

"Yeah," Eric nodded.

"The amount...you are really justified," Eric admitted without hesitation, but instead let Elizabeth be stole: "What about Julia?"

Julia once wanted to hold this unobstructed girl, but since the other party had already asked, Julia knew that it was too late to do anything extra. Instead, I looked at Eric and didn't know what the other person would answer.

"What does this have to do with Julia?" Eric asked strangely.

"I... I don't listen to you nonsense." Hear Eric's words. When Julia felt a liberation, she felt a strong loss in her heart, dropped a sentence, and stood up like a bunny chased by a hound.

Looking at the back of Julia's hurried departure. Elizabeth turned to Eric with a blank eye: "You can't really understand it, Mr. Williams."

Eric shrugged and didn't care about the change in the girl's name: "Liz, you don't know something, so don't make a conclusion."

"Oh, I am more and more curious about you, Eric, how can I have time to eat, I hope to talk to you more."

"No interest." Eric drank the drink in the cup and stood up, intending to entertain other people.

"Hey. How can you do this?" Elizabeth was very unfairly glaring at Eric's clothes: "I can't wait for you to eat."

Because I didn't know the conversation between Elizabeth and Calta, there was no information about the girl in the memory, so Eric gave Elizabeth a self-centered Missy type label in her brief communication with the girl, although The girl is distinguished. However, with Eric's current status, there is absolutely no need to condescend to welcome such a young lady.

I pulled it a few times and grabbed the corner from the girl's hand. Looking at the rumpled shirt hem that was caught, Eric screamed helplessly, noting that the girl’s face was unremarkable. Eric suddenly smiled and leaned over and deceived the girl: “Liz There is one thing I need to remind you..."

Elizabeth looked at the aggressive eyelids in front of her, and couldn’t help but lean back. The hands were involuntarily guarded in front of her, stammering and asking, "What...what?"

As the girl retreated, Eric continued to step forward, sniffing the faint perfume smell of the girl, and stretched out an index finger in front of the girl: "I want to remind you, don't be too afraid of a man. Interested, otherwise, you will easily fall in love with each other."

"Ah..." Elizabeth opened her mouth and made a syllable. When I saw Eric dropped this sentence, she turned decisively and turned away. The girl recovered from the panic and slammed her feet: "Hey, the ghost Will fall in love with you, bastard, change the embarrassment, arrogant madness..." A series of derogatory words from the mouth of Miss Jiao continued to circulate, venting the anger of the heart, the girl was shocked to the surrounding, found no one When I noticed myself, I let out a sigh of relief, stood up and sorted my bottoms, raised my chin slightly, and the girl returned to the look of the proud, and walked into the crowd with red wine.

Lu Xun said that there is no road in the world, and there are more people to go, and it will become a road. In fact, this sentence can make a lot of extensions. For example, some things will not happen, but an unscrupulous guy has unintentionally buried a suggestive seed. After a long time, it will come true.

"Mr. Williams, can I respect you for a glass of wine?" Eric shuttled through the crowd and chatted with everyone. A little loli, led by her mother, came to Eric with a glass of juice, 睁Looking at Eric with a beautiful big eyes looking up.

"Of course, Sarah," Eric smiled and bent over, gently touching the little girl's cup, and then drunk the remaining red wine.

The little girl followed up with a big sip of juice and watched Eric drink the glass of wine. "Mr. Williams, thank you for giving me the role of Anne Stewart."

"It's nothing, your performance is very good," Eric looked at the little girl in front of him. Sarah Michelle Galla was only 12 years old, but the development of the little girl was far behind the madness. Drew, perhaps a family problem, Eric heard that the mother and daughter's life situation is not very good, so Sarah at this time is only about one meter two, compared with their peers, some short, round face With a cute baby fat, the girl in memory finally has only one meter six.

"So, Mr. Williams, can I participate in the movie you personally directed?" The little girl suddenly asked, the tone was filled with the childishness of the little girl, and her eyes were full of hope.

Eric looked at Sarah’s mother and looked at the little girl. She couldn’t tell the difference that the girl’s mother taught her, or the child’s child’s words.

In fact, if it is not a collision with "Small Island Cry", Jonah's little girlfriend Jessica's role in "Seattle Sleepless" is very suitable for Sarah, but since the girl has appeared in "Small Island", This role can no longer be given to the other party, otherwise it will make the audience of the same little girl in the two different styles of movies at the same time feel a sense of violation.

"If there is a chance, I think it will be." For a little Lori, who is hopeful, Eric is hard to say what he refused, so he replied. (To be continued)

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