I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 189: Knocked out again

The sudden rise of Eric, in the history of Hollywood for more than half a century, is definitely a unique difference. It doesn't mean how great Eric's movies are. In fact, Eric's several films, including "The Little Devil", "The Wind and the Pretty Woman" and "The Dark War", are carefully studied and are artistically There aren't too many flash points, and there are no refreshing innovations.

But after Eric’s consecutive films have achieved amazing box office results, in addition to those media that have relished and analyzed how Eric’s films have achieved great commercial success, attracting eyeballs to increase sales or ratings. Several major film companies have gathered professionals to conduct a detailed analysis of Eric's films. Many of the analysis results will gradually be reflected in the Hollywood film market in the next two years. The live-action movies such as children will definitely increase, Cinderella. The number of love movies will also increase, and the wits of the wits will also usher in a wave of high sorghum.

In the research of Eric movies, Disney is certainly not an exception, but after Michael Eisner saw various analysis reports on Eric movies, he quickly understood that Eric’s movies are all Being able to get the miracle at the box office is not the analysis in the document. It just caters to the needs of the children's market. It captures the reasons why young women are cynical love. The most important thing is Eric. .

The reason for this conclusion is that all the films Eric is currently involved in have nothing in common in terms of subject matter. There is no law at all. "Returning to the age of seventeen" is a youth campus film, "Little Ghosts" is a children's funny film. "Fengyue" is a romance film, and "Dark War" has become a police film. Movies that are not related to each other have been successful. If you want to find the biggest common denominator, then Eric is undoubtedly the most obvious.

These film projects are all handled by him. Of course, "Returning to Seventeen" is Fox's movie, but if you raise it now. No one would think that the success of "Returning to Seventeen" is due to both James Brooks and Penny Marshall. Eric Williams is the key figure in the film that made the box office more than 100 million.

and so. After arriving at this conclusion, Michael Eisner paid more attention to Eric and Firefly's every move, ready to take the Eric, and it would be better if he could take it to his knees.

He is a very ambitious person. As Disney grows and develops, this ambition grows. However, Michael Eisner has not yet expanded into a ‘Disney tyrant’ who has been smashed out of his own hands in the future. With his achievements in recent years, his current prestige within the Disney Group is absolutely unparalleled.

As everyone knows, Disney started as an animation. Although Michael Eisner took a lot of time after he took office, he also focused on developing live-action movies, but he also knows. Animated film is Disney's biggest advantage. It is necessary to maintain the dominant position of Disney animated film in Hollywood. In the past few years, the development of live-action movies. Michael Eisner has also done a series of work to expand the Disney animated film business, arranged a lot of classic Disney animation video tape release, as well as the authorized extension of the copyright around the image, etc., and achieved very dazzling results.

Therefore, when Eric became more and more dazzling, and he acquired a 3D animated film studio in private. Michael Eisner gradually became wary of the studio.

3d movies are a completely strange concept for many people. Michael Eisner also knew about 3D movies not long ago. However, because of the centuries-old history of the film, there are examples of sound movies replacing silent films and color films burying black and white movies. Michael Eisner has to pay more attention to this. He has a hunch that a 3d movie is likely to bring another A major trend that is earth-shaking.

To this end, he once again found Pixar's best animated short film "Sail Iron Soldier", which was watched and analyzed together with the management of Disney's animation department, although the image of the baby in "Tie Tin Soldier" was very Rough, so that Disney's senior animators scoffed. However, after deliberately studying the "Sietie Soldier" from the computer graphic design experts invited by Silicon Valley, Disney explained a series of technical points and difficulties for several Disney executives, and stated that with the technology of Pixar, as long as With sufficient financial support, it is possible to make a 3D animated feature film of more than 90 minutes, and the quality will not be lost to the 2d plane hand-drawn animation.

In the mind, the computer expert from Silicon Valley emerged. Michael Eisner looked at Erik’s little slippery head and looked like it’s not possible. It’s definitely impossible for Disney to intervene in Pixar. Building your own 3D animation department is not something that can be achieved overnight.

"Eric, can you see this? Pixar is not making animated feature films now. How about the release to Disney in the future?" Since he couldn't intervene in Pixar, Michael Eisner produced the first 3d animated feature film. The idea of ​​distribution rights, at least in this way, can keep matters within the control of Disney.

Eric laughed: "Mr. Eisner, why bother now, Pixar's first animation is completed, at least two years later, and now sign the contract, both of us will bear a relatively large risk."

Michael Eisner led Eric to a sofa and sat down to continue to follow the example: "Eric, your time in Hollywood is still short, and many things are not too clear. In fact, most of the big movies are in production. Before the start of the shoot, the publishers must have been contacted. This is to ensure that the film will recover the funds in the shortest period. The investment in an animated feature film is less than 30 million US dollars. I think the 3D animation must be more. Such a large investment, if you do not prepare everything in advance, the risk to bear in the future is greater."

There are also some Michael Eisner did not say, for example, if the animated film is made into a bad film, no one is willing to issue it, tens of millions of investments will be squandered. And signing a good deal with the film company in advance can prevent this from happening, and even if it is a bad film, it can recover some of the cost. But he does not think that under the supervision of Eric, Pixar will make a bad film.

Eric shook his goblet and pretended to contemplate for a while before he looked up: "Mr. Eisner, I can only say that if the animation is released in the future, Disney is definitely my first choice."

This is equivalent to nothing to promise, the first choice is only a possible choice, more often in Hollywood, the first choice is rarely the final choice.

At the same time that Michael Eisner was disappointed, there was another anger. As the helm of Disney, few people would continue to reject him in such a straightforward manner. Although he did not lose his senses on the spot, Michael Eisner's tone has become a lot colder: "Eric, you have to know, for "Small Island" and "Steel Magnolia" Divided into prices, I still bear a lot of pressure inside Disney, so you have to let me give the board an account, your partner company of the film next year has not yet finalized, isn't it?"

Eric also keenly felt the coldness and unhappiness in Michael Eisner's tone. He didn't have any plans to find a partner. The negotiations with the new line have come to an end. He will definitely focus on the development of his company next year. . However, thinking about the next year, if the fireflies want to rise, they will definitely be under pressure from all sides. It is good to be able to remove an enemy now. After thinking about it, Eric reluctantly extended a finger: "A movie, Mr. Eisner, you should know the direction of the firefly, so I can only give Disney a movie distribution rights, but not Includes videotape and surrounds."

"You personally directed?" Michael Eisner showed a hint of joy, but still confirmed it carefully.

"Of course," Eric nodded.

Michael Eisner finally smiled slightly and raised the red wine: "So, happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation," Eric also smiled and touched the cup with the other party. He knew that the cooperation was finalized. In Hollywood, many people talked like fart. If you believe, then wait for it to be pitted. Pants, but sometimes, the things that are said are more useful than the contract. For example, now that he has made a promise, if he regrets afterwards, it will be a hatred with Disney.

Since it has benefited, Michael Eisner will no longer hold Eric. After a while, he will leave to entertain other guests.

Eric looked at the figure of Michael Eisner's departure, sighed softly, and sipped a red wine that didn't know what it was.

"Eric, you are here, let me find it," just a little quiet, Jeffrey hurried over, holding a handkerchief in his hand and rubbing the tiny sweat on his forehead.

Eric moved to the side and let Jeffrey sit down and asked, "You are not saying that you want to talk about the acquisition with Robert Shea. Are you coming?"

"When it's over, there's nothing to talk about," Jeffrey shook his head and saw Eric's lost look. "What's wrong with you, Disney is so high, isn't it a A happy thing?" (To be continued)

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