I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 190: How bad is this vision?

"How could it be happy to be entangled in a movie by Michael Eisner," Eric said helplessly.

Although Eric did not say it, Jeffrey quickly understood what he said: "Which... what conditions does Disney give?"

"I haven't talked yet," Eric shook his head. "I just promised Michael Eisner verbally."

Jeffrey sighed with relief: "That's good, just a movie. Anyway, you make a movie and hens lay eggs. However, I just heard a message two days ago, Disney wants to suspend Warner's overseas release of the film. The cooperation has given all the business to its Bowei International operation."

"What does this have to do with me?" Eric didn't care about Jeffrey's teasing. He was too lazy to think about it and asked him directly.

"Of course, there is a relationship. After breaking down with Warner, Disney will definitely be in a mess for overseas distribution. It is estimated that it will take at least half a year for Bo Wei International to integrate this business. If you promise Disney's movie will be arranged next year. In the first half of the year, it is likely that Bowei will use it as a cannon fodder to open up overseas markets. If it is placed in the second half of the year, it will be much better."

Eric wondered: "Disney is unlikely to use my movie as a cannon fodder. Don't they want to make money?"

Jeffrey put the handkerchief in his pocket and greeted the waiter not far away to send a glass of red wine. He then said: "The big behemoth like Disney is not the box office interest of two movies. They are more fancy. The expansion of the channel. The influence of your previous films on the world is the best tool to expand the channel. Disney takes the name of your movie and gives some benefits to contacts with overseas publishers. Let a lot of things go smoothly. Maybe a movie is released. Disney can set up new distribution channels in several countries. Compared with these channels that can create profits for a long time, some movies have a lot of interest. What is it?"

Eric clearly pointed out that Disney used his own film as a road opener, so in the process, it will definitely lose a lot of overseas box office because of the unsound channels and so on. If so, Disney has expanded its channels. But he and the fireflies can get no benefit. Although the proportion of overseas box office is not high, it is based on the overseas box office size of his previous films. That is also the benefit of the tens of millions of dollars, he did not sacrifice his good intentions to become full of Disney, unless Disney can compensate his losses in advance.

To understand this, Eric also made up his mind. At the same time, he asked: "Jeffrey, I just remember, you said that there is nothing to talk to Robert Shea. What does it mean?"

"There is nothing to talk about. Robert Shea has bitten 15% of the shares and added $60 million in cash prices. I will not retreat in one step. Therefore, I rushed to find you. Long personally make decisions."

Eric thought about it. Also asked: "Are you sure this is his ultimate bottom line?"

Jeffrey nodded: "Yes, Robert Shea has made it clear that this is the bottom line. It won't be retired in one step, and..." Geoffrey showed a strange smile here: Robert Shea also told me specifically that unless you are willing to agree to this price, he will not accept any invitation to meet you."

"Amount... this." Eric couldn't figure it out for a moment.

Jeffrey didn't make him doubt for too long, he laughed and explained: "When you first ate with him. The words were estimated to be too deep for him. He was afraid to talk to you again. I couldn’t help but retreat. Well, I think it’s definitely like this. Although I didn’t participate in that meeting, it seems that in the end, Robert Shea’s **** enthusiasm was a big step forward. What?"

"How can it be provocative? I am talking about the facts," Eric smiled and retorted.

"In any case, this is the case. In fact, I think this price is quite reasonable. The new line is, after all, a 20-year old company. I will put more thoughts on the preparations for "Night in Seattle". The new line will be handed over to you, and the relevant documents will be sorted out. I will send the secretary to your office tomorrow."

"Well, I know," Eric nodded and looked at Jeffrey with some anxiety: "Jeffrey, you know, if the acquisition is successful, you might..."

Jeffrey patted Eric's shoulder and gave him a square look: "I have long wanted to understand this. I gave the position of ceo to Robert Shea. I just have to be responsible for the production. The president is fine, even if it is a vice president."

"Thank you, Jeffrey," Eric gratefully glanced at this fat old man who had been trying to support himself from now on.

"Do you still use these between us?" Jeffrey raised the red wine, touched Eric, who had come over, and remembered one more thing. "Yes, Jonathan Demi is alone in Venice." Can you do it, do you want me to follow it, in fact, if you can, let Kapoor go better, he has more relations in Europe, but he is a broker and does not intend to change career."

"Before you came, Michael Eisner talked to me. He would use some Disney resources to help with this operation and try to get an award at the Venice Film Festival. In this nine-member jury. John Landis happens to be a Hollywood director."

Jeffrey stared and thought about it: "John Landis, the director of the American Journey that was sold last year?"

"Well, in fact, John Landis is more good at horror movies, so you understand that the theme of "The Sound of the Isles" plus the label of Hollywood movies will definitely add a lot of impressions to his heart. Disney will also send people and him. Get in touch."

"When are you going to Venice?"

"A few days after the opening ceremony, the award ceremony will wait until mid-September. I certainly can't stay there for so long. I don't plan to go any more during the awards ceremony. I suddenly found that my next time this year is really too tight. In September and October, up to the first half of November, you must make "Seattle Sleepless" and "Little Ghosts 2" all the time, and you have to be busy with the new line, Al's "Smell. In the late stage, I must pay attention to it, so I have no leisure time in my day." Eric quickly calculated and complained.

"Whoever let you do so many things at once, most directors can direct two movies a year, it's not bad, you immediately exhausted four plans, and also produced two." Jeffrey smiled: "You will be sure next year." Not so busy?"

"I won't kill me. I have to rest well next year. I have lived so big, I haven't enjoyed life yet!"

"Yeah, I have lived for 19 years," Jeffrey said with a bit of envy in his voice. He looked around and patted Eric’s shoulder. "If you are tired, go back early. I see a few. An acquaintance, in the past, greeted him."

"Well," Eric responded. He didn't plan to get up. Jeffrey didn't mind. He picked up the red wine and got up and left.

Eric slowly sipped the remaining red wine in the glass. He planned to leave and go home to rest after drinking, but soon a tall girl wearing a silver fish-printed tube top evening gown appeared in front of him.

"Eric, always wanted to come and say hello to you, but there are always people around you," Brooke. Xiaosi generously sat down next to Eric.

"You dress up tonight is beautiful, Brooke," Eric smiled and smiled at Brooke. The silk lifted the red wine in his hand.

"Thank you, but some people can't always look at it," the girl showed a resentful look, and seemed to still care about Eric's repeated rejection of her several times.

Eric chuckled and didn't answer this question. The girl has always been very good at this kind of teasing man's expression, but perhaps before the "Dark War", Brooke. Xiaosi still wants to lean on him, now girl With the stunning role of the "Dark War", there is no need to rely on the carcass to get the character.

Looking up and down the girl's beauty, in fact, he really wants the girl to stand up and circle in front of him to facilitate his appreciation: "I heard that you recently received a big production film from Warner, what is it, it will not be Batman's sequel?" The sequel to "Batman" is definitely a big hit, but this time it can participate in the blockbuster cost of the blockbuster, which itself can gain a greater reputation.

Brooke. Xiaosi shook his head and smiled at the corner of his mouth. "No, I talked to Warner. I chose to work with Disney, so I am here today."

"Oh, that's really...not a pity. What kind of film is Disney, is it easy to disclose?" Eric asked curiously.

Brooke. Xiaosi nodded: "I can't say more about the specifics, but the name is temporarily set as "Rocket Expert", and it is likely to be renamed later, so I can tell you."

"Rocket...expert," Eric squirted a red wine. The movie should be released in 1991, so at least wait until next year. Eric knows that because of his appearance, many Hollywood movies have not disappeared, but the shooting and release progress has become messy. However, these are not the key points. The point is that Eric just remembers this movie. This is the past five years of Jennifer Connor’s interest in the big hit!

Eric looked up and down with Brooke. Xiaosi, the girl still maintains the softer image of "Dark War". Obviously, she also realized that this image is more suitable for her development in Hollywood than the glamorous appearance of the previous imposing manner.

However, Eric’s heart screamed twice, how bad the girl’s eyes were to step on such a big pit. (To be continued)

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