I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 191: Plop

He vaguely remembered that in the past, Jennifer Connelly, when he was in adulthood, because he was hitting the wall everywhere, he stunned his heart and made a bold performance in a thriller. He once again caught the attention of Hollywood. At such a price, he was lucky to be pure. The girl turned to the **** girl and won the heroine of Disney's "Rocket Specialist", but then the film flutters, Jennifer Connelly has not received any film in the next five years. When it appears on the lens again, it has already given people a feeling that it is a human being.

"Eric?" Brooke. Xiaosi saw Eric distracted, and some dissatisfiedly patted the man, and could be distracted in front of his own beautiful woman. This man is really enough... abominable.

"Oh, sorry," Eric replied with a mess of thoughts, and asked indefinitely: "You just said "Rocket Specialist", is it a sci-fi film in Los Angeles in the 1930s? ”

Brooke. Xiaosi surprisedly opened her red lips and looked at it. Eric was completely sure.

"Eric, how do you know, this...this should be confidential?"

"Because if you didn't make a mistake, the film was adapted from the graphic novel of the same name, Dave Stevens. I just watched it," Eric shrugged. He saw the movie, but Stevens’s novels have never been seen at a glance, but they certainly cannot be told in front of the girl.

"That... Eric, how do you think this story was filmed?" Brooke. Xiaosi is still a little smart. I quickly asked a more important question.

"I don't know this, the story of the novel is still very exciting. The key is to see how Disney is adapted." Eric didn't want to shake his head.

He also did not remind the girl not to pick up the meaning of this movie. Perhaps the girl appeared here, the film has been signed with Disney, and he said it is not very useful.

What's more, the film is one year ahead of schedule, then the storyline will certainly not be the same as the previous one, sometimes even a wrong day. The writer's mind will change, not to mention the time of year. Perhaps the "rocket expert" of this time and space will be inexplicably ignited. If he rushes to remind the girl not to pick up the film, the new version of the "Rocket Expert" will be sold in the future, then he will wait for the future, and this loss will definitely have to give up the role. So why bother to talk, how good a spectator.

Shaking the red wine in the cup, Eric was thinking absent-mindedly, thinking of "Rocket Specialist", naturally remembered Jennifer Connelly, I don't know where Jennifer Connelly is now, the taste of girls' red lips. He has forgotten it, and he doesn't know when he can taste it again.

"It seems, I still don't bother you any more. Eric, you are always distracted." Brooke. Xiaosi stood up dissatisfied and lost a grievous look at Eric. Yingying turned and left.

Staring at the curve of the girl wrapped in a silver fish-pattern dress, Eric suddenly felt that the body of Brooke. Silk was very suitable for dressing up as a mermaid, stripping off the clothes, putting on the mermaid's tail and throwing it into the swimming pool. Plopping through...

It’s evil again.

Eric shook his head and threw his thoughts in his head. I made the decision to wait for Aniston to toss a little girl.


Plop through.

In the bedroom where the lights are blurred, the big bed sways slightly, the two naked bodies are overlapping, and the girl under the man screams, screaming from time to time, but often ushered in more intense Attacks, protests will also become a sorrow of true and false.

The battle didn't know how long it lasted, only to calm down.

"Hate, get in, you bastard, don't know for me, if you are pregnant, I will kill you." After Aniston cleaned, softly floated out of the bathroom and threw himself on Eric. Beaten on the shoulders of men.

"If you are pregnant, you will be born, what's the big deal," Eric stopped the girl's waist, and then put the bathrobe on the little girl, then lifted the whole delicate body and put it on her body, feeling the two The feeling of being close to people.

Aniston leaned on the man's chest: "But I am only twenty years old, I don't want to be dragged by the child so early that I can't do anything."

"I am not afraid when I am 19 years old, what are you afraid of at the age of twenty," Eric laughed and slaps on the little girl's ass.

"In any case, I just don't want to have children so early, at least I have to wait for 30 years old, and..." Speaking of this, Xiao Yan's voice was very strong, and she raised her head and stared at Eric's eyes: "And, if I am pregnant, will you marry me immediately?"

Eric’s heart beat a few times. After a moment of hesitation, he just had to bite his teeth to answer. Xiao Yan Niu had already screwed his waist lightly: “Looking scared you, the heart will jump out. I know..."

Eric slid over the smooth back of the girl and whispered: "Jane, I will always be good to you."

"But I don't want more than that," the girl rubbed her cheeks on his chest and whispered, "I think you are only good to me alone."


"I know, this is impossible, but I want to leave you, you don't let it," Xiao Yan's tone quickly became hateful: "How can there be people in the world who are so jerk?"

Eric smiled and held the soft glutous meat of the two babies. The girl lifted the girl up, and the probe kissed the two delicate lips and sucked it. Only then, the old girl said: "Little girl, you have to remember Ah, all the men in the world are bastards, so don’t worry about who you are.

"Oh, it makes sense." Aniston turned a big white eye: "You are instilling in me some of your strange outlook on life, just like an evil pagan."

"The pagans can live freely. They often believe in the gods they dream of. In fact, they are more of a deep desire to look forward to the incarnation..."

"Yeah, don't listen, you started to brainwash me again..." Xiao Yanyan shook her head and reached for Eric's mouth, not letting the man say it.

Eric laughed and grabbed the white little hand to play, and compared it to his own big hand. Because of the busy schedule of the year, his hand has already touched a faint slap: "Okay, I Don't say it."

Although Xiaoyan didn't look up, her fingers scratched his mouth in his palm: "Eric, are you going to Venice in September?"

"Yeah, this year's film festival opens on September 4th, I will probably stay there for a few days, and the mid-term award ceremony will not go again."

"September 4th," Aniston suddenly raised her head. She just wanted to complain that Eric had to be in ink with Veniglia in Venice, but the date that Eric said was played. Get up and ride on Eric's waist: "Friends" started on September 3, so you can't see the premiere of this TV series?"

"I don't see the same thing. Anyway, I shot it. I don't know what the plot is?" Eric wondered.

Aniston has a little excitement: "Of course it is different. This is our first TV series. I originally wanted you to accompany me to watch the premiere."

"Would you like to see you in the second season?"

Xiao Yan Niu's disappointment hammered Eric, don't worry: "Who knows if you broke the TV series, is there a second season, hehe!"

"Okay, okay, I will call the Venice side tomorrow, let them postpone the opening ceremony for two days. I will accompany my girlfriend to watch the TV series and let everyone wait."

Aniston snorted and immediately screamed and said: "You bastard, when you are God," but after laughing, Xiao Yan Niu also figured out, this thing really can't have the best of both worlds, Eric wants Things to do are more important: "Okay, let go of you, but remember to come back and bring me gifts."

"No problem, how about a hand-built gondola?"

"Oh, poor mouth, you buy us where to go, I want a mask."

Eric remembered that the past life had indeed seen the mask that his friend brought back from Venice. I don’t know what the material was made. It depicts a variety of patterns, and there are feathers on it. It looks gorgeous and strange, at least he thinks so. .

“What kind of thing,” Eric recalls the details of the Venetian mask in his mind.

"You challenge yourself to see if you can guess my preferences," Xiao Yanyan smiled mischievously.

"Ok," Eric nodded and reached for the girl's thigh: "Baby, look behind you."

Xiao Yan Niu was so unclear that she blinked back and immediately took a sip: "Hey, how come up again."

"There is a wet and warm little petal that is worn on my waist. Can't I get it?" Eric smirked.

"Ah," Xiao Yan Niu screamed and immediately jumped from Eric. The two looked at Eric's waist together. No one paid attention to the few abdominal muscles. Instead, they were slightly wet on the top. The mark attracts attention.

"That... I, I just took a shower, it was water, yes, it was definitely water!" Xiao Yanyan argued uneasily.

Eric nodded solemnly and saw his boyfriend's pretentious manner. Aniston sullenly angered him, and opened a small white tooth and bit it on Eric's shoulder.

When the pain came, Eric immediately screamed in disapproval, and his tone was very wrong: "Oh, don't bite, water, water, it's water! God, when did I say that it wasn't water!"


"How are you here?" Early in the morning, Eric quietly left Xiaoyan's apartment to the company. When he walked into the office, he saw Drew sitting in his seat and boring the computer in front of him. . (To be continued)

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