I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 192: I have a big plan

When I heard Eric said, the girl’s eyes immediately revealed a resentful look: “The night is not home, the mobile phone is still turned off, who knows if it’s lost, people worry about you.”

Eric pretended not to see Drew's face-changing skills. He walked over and took Xiao Nizi to the side and took it to the executive chair: "Okay, let's talk!"

Drew, who was thrown aside, didn't mind. Shiran went to the desk and pulled a chair to sit down. Eric noticed that Xiao Nizi had changed into a more conservative lavender long-sleeved shirt. It seems that the white casual pants are just worn, and there are also a pair of small leather shoes on the feet, instead of the small sandals that are usually habitually exposed with black toenails. This pair of Zhengjia Jingjiao looks very unusual.

Is it... is it good?

I was thinking about the weird appearance of Xiao Nizi embroidering, and suddenly sat in Drew: "Eric, I have a big plan..."

Xiao Nizi’s rare seriousness made Eric somewhat uncomfortable, and couldn’t help but make a joke: “You found a wild man, want to work with him to seize my property?”

"You are really hateful, I am telling you something serious."

Shantou suddenly made a fuss, and picked up what documents he picked up.

Eric grabbed the folder in a hurry and put it aside, saying: "Okay, let's talk about your big plan."

Drew glanced at Eric and determined that he wouldn't be funny anymore, before pulling the small backpack that was originally placed on the corner of Eric's desk and picking up two printed things from it. One was handed to Eric, and one was placed in front of himself: "Have you not written a list of copyright acquisitions a few days ago, Eric. I plan to form a team and take all these things one by one. This is a plan written on it. What do you think?"

Copyright acquisition list?

Eric succumbed to the reaction. After Drew won the copyright of "Jin Yumeng" that day, he made another thing for him to do, so he was bored. Shun handwritten the famous Hollywood movie original novels or TV series in previous life memories, including "Forrest Gump", "Shawshank Redemption", "Jiao Jiaowa", "Bourne", "Mission Impossible" Wait for the original copyright of many or classic or big movies. I even wrote a series of original works of "The Lord of the Rings" that had the technical ability to start shooting ten years later. There are probably more than 20 forests. He originally thought that Xiao Nizi would still pick one from the inside and did not expect the head. So big. I want to swallow it all.

Eric picked up his eyebrows and looked down at Xiao Nizi’s thin so-called “plan”.

"Drew, the word 'redemption' is misspelled, missing an ‘e’, come, I teach you...”

"Eric, you have to be sad like this."

Xiao Nizi showed a face to cry, and Eric quickly stopped joking and closed the document: "That. What did you think?"

"I... I just want to do something, and I am also very interested in this matter." Shantou finished, revealing a praying look: "Eric, do you promise me?"

Eric Moss took the paper and calculated it: "With an average price of two million dollars per copyright, all of them will be taken down, at least $50 million..."

Drew thought that Eric would refuse, and he said anxiously: "You can't get the money. I have calculated that you can get a few hundred million this year. And I don't want to be 50 million at a time. ""

"Don't interrupt me," Eric made a gesture of awkwardness to the girl: "Of course, I can get it for $50 million. However, if you think about it, you will buy it from time to time." Right, it will definitely alarm other movie companies in Hollywood. When others see you, they will definitely think of me. I know every movie that I am making now. So I will see things, they will definitely run for Grab a bit, even if no one is arguing, knowing that I want to buy, the seller will definitely take the opportunity to raise the price. So, the final price will certainly be fired, and we will not know how much it will cost."

Shantou heard Eric's analysis, and dropped his head and lowered his head.

Eric saw the disappointment of the girl, and soon thought of a more compromised approach: "Well, Drew, don't be upset, this way, it is definitely not possible to find a team to operate on a large scale, but you can Hire two or three people, the position will hang on the flower film industry, and then you will slowly make private acquisitions, one by one, so the movement is very small, will not be a surprise, and this thing is enough for you to slowly get busy to sixteen After you have grown up, you can do more things you want to do."

Drew heard Eric’s suggestion and ignited some hope: “But, is three people enough?”

Eric reached out and said to the girl: "An assistant, to help you with your daily affairs, a lawyer who is familiar with the law, a negotiator who is in charge of contacting the copyright party, three people are just right, and there is no need for it."

"It’s just like this," Drew said awkwardly.

Eric continued: "Attorney I let Edward recommend it, the assistant is also very good, the key is responsible for copyright negotiations, this person is difficult to find."

"This person I am looking for myself," Drew immediately raised his head.

Eric looked at the girl and remembered the Lawrence Bender she found last time. There was no objection: "Well, this person is doing it yourself, and you are not allowed to make promises in my name."

Drew grumbled dissatisfiedly: "Is that stupid person?"

"It’s even more terrible for smart people to do stupid things," Eric said with a smile.

Shantou snorted with disappointment, stood up, and packed his bags: "Would I go first?"

Eric just got to the point and thought of something: "Yes, there is still something. Since the copyright on the list you want to take all, I will make some comments on the right to change." You need to talk to people according to the above requirements."

"What comment?" Drew sat down again.

"That is, some novels need to be adapted for at least 20 years, some need to be permanent, and some TV dramas need to be bought with the right to play, and some only need a single adaptation." Eric slightly Explain it, open the plan that Xiao Nizi just gave me, and the last page is just the list of his own: "I will give it to you at the end of the night."

"Will you go home tonight?" Shantou immediately snorted, but it was just a habit of complaining, and soon stood up and said: "This is all right, then I will go back first."

"Be careful on the road," Eric said to the back of the girl.

"Know it, I know, old man!" (To be continued)

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