I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 193: Chip

"I hope we can have a happy cooperation in the future, Eric." After signing the thick contract, Robert Shea smiled and stood up.

Eric also stood up and took Robert Xie’s hand: "That's for sure, Robert."

On the last day of August, after nearly a month of negotiations between the two sides, Erik's Firefly Film Company eventually acquired a new line of Hollywood veteran film companies with 15% of the shares and $60 million in cash. The scale of the two companies is far less than the Hollywood giant Columbia Film Company, which Sony wants to acquire. It does not involve too many interests and games like Colombia, and both parties have a strong willingness to cooperate. Therefore, at the price After the discussion, everything became logical.

As a rising-edge and veteran second-line movie company in Hollywood, the merger of fireflies and new lines has attracted a lot of media attention. After the signing ceremony, the two sides also responded to the requirements of the media and conducted a brief press conference. It is of course a celebration party.

Although Eric does not want to participate in similar entertainment, he prefers to stay in the study quietly. However, since living in such a country, partying can never be avoided. If it is not a large number of invitations, In his current capacity, it can almost be said that every day, he can receive invitations from various cocktail parties.

"Eric, I heard that you were very popular when you were responsible for the screenplay of "The Island"."

"Yeah. But you must know, I have signed a distribution contract with Disney, "The Sound of the Isles" and "Steel Magnolia". Disney has given a high share price, making it difficult to refuse. Eric nodded and said the situation briefly to Robert.

He thought that Robert Sheayi remembered the distribution rights of "The Island" and patiently explained to the other side. Now that he has signed the contract, Robert Shea is now his own, and he will be the ceo of the new Firefly Film Company, along with Jeffrey, who became the president. In the next few months, the business of the two companies will be fully integrated.

"No, I think you misunderstood what I meant." Robert Shea shook his head. "I don't want the distribution rights of "The Sound of the Isles". In fact, this is the case. Since "The Sound of the Isles" is very popular, Well, I think you are definitely better at writing scripts for horror movies. So, I think you can personally manipulate the next script of "Ghost Street". What do you think?"

Upon hearing Robert's request, Eric remembered the new line of "Ghost Street" that he had seen before. As a new series of very important horror films, during the negotiation process, the fireflies collected more detailed data than before. The mixed memories of Eric's mind are much more accurate. The first part of "Ghost Street" has only 25 million box office. However, because the cost was very low, the new line also made a big profit at the time, and the cost of production and distribution increased gradually in the next three parts. In the end, it is also making money.

However, the recent situation of "Ghost Street 5" is not optimistic. This new work was released on August 11th. Up to now, three weeks ago, only got more than 16 million US dollars at the box office, and the final box office is also 22 million US dollars. Left and right, after getting the share from the theater. Excluding about 10 million production and distribution costs, the new line is equal to not making any money.

I remembered it carefully. Eric said: "Robert, the horror style of "Ghost Street" has been fixed, and I certainly can't write any new bridges. In my opinion, according to the latest box office data of "Ghost Street" I think this series can be temporarily stopped. Since the audience has already tired of the plot of murder in Freddy's dream, then we will force the sequel to make a sequel, which will not be worth the loss. If it is refrigerated for a few years, wait for a new generation of young viewers to grow up. After the old generation of viewers have nostalgic emotions, it is the most appropriate choice to start this series."

When Robert Shea heard Eric's words, the look changed a little. "Ghost Street" is a new series of housekeeping horror films. Although it is reasonable to understand that Eric has just said that it is very reasonable, but he is still very uncomfortable, just signed a contract with Fireflies, Eric The intention is to slash the sequel to "Ghost Street", which reminds him of the fact that in ancient times, the king of another country was annexed to clean up the forces on the new territory and erase the original mark.

After all, Eric was a man of two generations, so when he noticed the change of Robert Shea, Eric quickly understood the other's mind. He didn't want to bury the rift between the two sides because of this low-cost horror film. So, he quickly replied: "But, Robert, this is just my personal opinion. You know that I am still a newcomer in Hollywood. Many things are definitely not considered so clearly. So if you feel it is necessary, "Ghost Street" The sequel can continue to be produced. As far as I know, the third and fourth parts have received more than 40 million box office. Perhaps this is just an accidental mistake."

Robert Shea’s expression eased a little, and he realized that Eric was compromising himself. Since the other party made a concession, of course he would not squat and not look back: "So, Eric, just press what you said, but I don't think it will be good at the end. Next year we will make a final piece... ... um, it is called "The Ultimate Nightmare of Ghost Street", and I will finish this series for the time being. I believe that the end of the gimmick is here, and I can definitely get a good box office."

"This is really a good idea," Eric also admire Robert Wye's wit, and then made a small promise: "Maybe, the last script can help me out."

"Really?" Robert Shea couldn't help but figure it out. He thought that Eric had just said that it was a clear rejection. The value of the script written by Eric was recognized in Hollywood.

"of course!"

Eric decisively nodded, and at the same time added a sentence of course, does not participate in the signature, he does not care about the fame and interests of the writer in "Ghost Street". However, in case of signature, the last one is not good, and it is affirmative. In a large group of masters, even if it is only a screenwriter, he is definitely the most conspicuous one, and will definitely become the focus of fans.

Although it is often said that there are non-wet shoes at the riverside station, Eric can't want to get close to the river for a year or two. It is related to the bad film. The box office of making movies is not the worst. He is the sharpest chip in his hands. One or two bad films that have little to do with themselves make this important chip weight less, which is definitely not worth the candle.

At the same time, this is why Eric is only copying the classic films in his mind for the time being, but not shooting his own movies according to his own wishes. Maybe after a few years, everything is settled, and his position in Hollywood is completely untouchable. Then, he will certainly make a few films that he did not have in his previous life and are very interested in himself. (To be continued)

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