I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 194: Hey

"Eric, fireflies, isn't there a movie that didn't find the issuer this year?" After talking a few other things, Robert Shea unconsciously moved the topic to the Firefly movie.

Eric looked around and saw that "Scented Woman" finally closed the mirror this month and has entered the post-production stage. He just saw Al Pacino because he was chatting with Robert Shea. Al just nodded to him from far away.

However, at first glance, although many people met his eyes and greeted him, but did not see Al and others for a while, they had to quickly turn their eyes back to Robert: "Yes, but "Scent "Make Women" is a movie of Olympiad. If you can win the prize, the box office of the movie will definitely be good. If you can't take it, things will be hard to say. Although I have seen the donkey, Al's performance is amazing. However, there are still a lot of games in Oscar after all, and it is not the film that is good enough to win the award."

Robert Shea knows that Eric is not trusting his public relations network: "Eric, I admit that in terms of contacts, I am definitely not as good as the six major film companies, but it does not mean that the other party will be awarded, six With the advantage of this aspect, I have to brush a few nominations on the Oscar to improve the sales performance of the box office and the follow-up videotape. Just like last year, you should have seen the "Working Girl", which won a series of nominations. But in the end, nothing is achieved. This is the result of Fox's public relations. The real award must still be based on strength. Although public relations is indispensable, it does not mean that public relations represents everything. Eric, you think about it. If you will "Smell the woman" is handed over to the big company, they must have other films to operate, so they will not concentrate all their energy on this movie, but I can put all the resources into this movie. Come above."

Eric fell into a short hesitation.

Robert Shea knows that Eric has loosened and quickly said: "Eric, haven't you found out? This year is a typical Oscar."

"Well?" Eric showed a confused expression, and he vaguely remembered that there was such a saying. But it is just a kind of understanding.

Robert Schein patiently explained: "You think about it, last year had Dustin Hoffman's "Rain Man". There are Judy Foster's "The Defendant" and "The Unexpected Traveler", " Mississippi is burning, "Dangerous Relationships" is a series of Oscar hot movies. The last Golden Globe Awards actress has produced a 'three yellow eggs', and three people have won the best women at the same time. The status of the protagonist. That is the standard Oscar year. But this year is different. Now two-thirds of the year has passed. I don’t even see the shadow of an Oscar hot movie. You might want to say those movies. I will definitely put it at the end of the year, but I still pay some attention to this aspect. In my memory, there are no new directors or famous actors who will be released at the end of the year. So I am sure that this year is definitely an Oscar. You said, Mr. Al Pacino in "Scent of Women" is very amazing. So, with the fact that he has already won several Oscar nominations for the best actor, the final result will be very Easy to imagine."

Eric is lost in thought. He did not care that Robert Shea directly ignored the possible actions of "The Beauty of the Wind" and "The Dark War" on the Oscar. He knows that at a time when he is less than 20 years old, the film school, which is still very conservative in style, will certainly not award any awards to himself. It is a good result to be able to brush a few nominations.

What he was thinking about was the story of Robert Shea’s Oscar, and with Robert Shea’s remarks, Eric also remembered more of the previous Oscar-old years. In the memory, "Smelling a Woman" seems to have only won a best actor award, and the best film nomination was lost to Eric. But this year, if it is really an Oscar. "Smell the woman" will definitely have the possibility of impacting the best film in Oscar.

"Eric?" Robert Shea waited for a while, but Eric reacted and couldn't help but remind him.

Eric heard his name and suddenly retracted his thoughts. He accidentally shook his wrist and almost splashed the red wine: "Oh, sorry, Robert, I am a little distracted."

Robert Shea asked: "What do you think?"

"Well?" Eric was not responded to by Robert after a few long arguments.

"About the release of "Scent of Women"?" Robert Shea seems patiently reminded.

Eric has some tangles in his heart. If this year is the Oscar, it is a safer way to hand over the "Scent of Women" to the seven operations.

Before the Weinstein brothers had yet to practice the Oscar gold medal, the big film company still had an absolute advantage in this award public relations, but at the same time, he also knew that, as Robert Shea said, none of the seven majors I will do my best to operate "Smell the Woman", unless he gives up most of the benefits, can the award be for the benefit?

Eric was about to agree, but Al Pacino finally did not know where to drill out and came to his side. Eric remembered the original promise to Al, this movie is for Al. Pacino created the best actor. Well, if you follow Robert Shea’s suggestion, due to the release of the new line after the firefly merger, then there must be some risk in the award public relations, although the possibility is very small, but in case of the butterfly effect, Al again with Oscar What should I do if the best actor passes by? At that time, Alfon will not be separated from the fireflies because of this incident. Eric personally values ​​the cooperation with Al Pacino. In the 1990s, it was also a peak period of Al performing arts, and maintained good cooperation with each other. Relationships, whether at the box office or the awards on fireflies, can be more beneficial.

If this is the case, then the decision will be pushed to Al, although the possibility of the final disappointment by Robert Fudge is very high, but in the unlikely event that there is a very small probability event, Al is unlikely to be angry. Sprinkle on the fireflies.

"Robert, I personally agree with this matter," Eric said, not waiting for Robert's happy look, Eric said again: "However, "Smell the woman" is my invitation to invite Als The decision made by "Fengyue", although Al has gained more because of "Fengyue", I can't ignore the original promise, so you want to leave the distribution right of "Scent of Women" Next, you need to be able to convince Al, oh you see, he is coming."

Eric put the goblet in a tray of a waiter and walked to Al Pacino: "Al, long time no see."

Al Pacino warmly embraced Eric: "I haven't seen you for a long time, Eric, you look mature and handsome, and even more fascinated the little girls, don't forget to give us these old angry people. The man is a little alive."

"Haha, can't you find a beautiful woman by your means," Eric said with a few laughs from Al, "Al, this is Robert Shea, Robert, this is Al."

"In fact, you don't need to introduce, we still know," Al said, still shaking his hand with Robert Shea: "Hello, Robert, I believe that working with Eric is a very correct choice."

Robert Shea smiled slightly: "I hope so too."

"So, we just talked about the "Scent of Women", you talk, I go to the bathroom first." Eric pointed to the corridor not far away, Al Pacino wants to follow Ereli Kedo talked a few words, but looked at the direction of the other side, but nodded.

Eric casually greeted the guests, walked slowly to the banquet hall door, passed through the crowd, just stepped into the corridor, a red petite body slammed into him, poked backwards, Ai Rick quickly stretched out and held the girl, hugged in his arms.

"It's you, you call... amount, Gabu..." Eric recognized the face at a glance, but thought about it, but didn't think of the other person's name for the first time. Although the memories of past lives have been copied magically, the body has not had the ability to remember.

"Gabriel Anwar."

The girl replied softly. I found out that I was holding Eric, and I still had some joy in my heart. But I saw that the other person didn’t recognize myself, and lost it. The little hand was on Eric’s chest and forgot to let the other party let go. Yourself.

Eric remembered this. This was the girl who came to Los Angeles from the UK to participate in the audition when she was the hero of the Dark War. It was also the stunning tango dance in the memory of "Sweet Woman". Heroine.

A middle-aged man turned his head down from the ballroom into the hallway and looked strangely at the pair of men and women who were holding together. Eric heard the movement and turned his head. The man recognized Eric’s identity at a glance, laughed and slammed back. Eric recognizes that it is a firefly's staff. Although the reaction of the other party seems to be too radical, it is conceivable to find that the boss and the woman are 'intimate', and the woman is obviously not the boss's true girlfriend. In this case, In order to prevent being worn, it is definitely necessary to avoid it.

"I was really sorry, I bumped into you, Miss Anwar," Eric was so stunned, and quickly let the petite girl out of his arms, and subconsciously married the girl's hair falling in front of her forehead.

"No, it doesn't matter," the girl shook her head, and with Eric's finger in front of her forehead, her cheeks were still a little red.

However, Gabriel soon found out angrily that the incomprehensible man said apologetically, and turned himself away.

Gently rubbing his feet, the girl had to take the initiative to call: "Hey!" (to be continued)

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