I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 195: Inviting guest

Eric stopped and turned around: "What else is there, Miss Anwar?"

After the girl shouted, she regretted it. She felt that the performance was somewhat urgent. However, since she had already shouted, she had to show her courage: "Mr. Williams, can you please dance with you?"

Eric looked at the petite body wrapped in the girl's big red and deep v dress, and the short and small leather shoes that were stepped under the slender calf. It was natural to think of the stunning tango in "Scent of Women", a slight smile. Road: "Is it tango?"

Gabriel nodded, his lips curled up, and he smiled with some natural mischievous meaning: "If you want to."

"Well, wait a moment," Eric pointed to the end of the corridor.

The girl nodded and looked at Eric and turned to leave again. After the figure disappeared into a door, she quickly raised her hand and took a few chests. At the same time, she quickly thought about what to say. How to do it can cause more attention to this man of his age.

Fortunately, after getting the tango girl role in "Scent of Women", Gabriel has been in the United States for several months. As she learns more about Hollywood, the more she decides to stay in Hollywood. .

Although the Tango dance footage in "Scent of Women" was only a few minutes, because of the strict requirements of Al Pacino, she spent more than a week in a hotel in New York, during which she stayed in the crew. Moreover, her magical discovery, from the director to the drama in the crew, is gracious to her. Although as a newcomer, she often made mistakes during the course of more than a week, some errors are even low-level, but from beginning to end. Director Martin Brest and actor Al Pacino did not over-fire her, at most frowning to express their dissatisfaction, but then began to patiently explain the essentials for her.

at the beginning. Gabriel also thought that the two people had a good temper, but they entered the group on the third day. An extra actor had to repeat several times because he was not in the center of the lens, and Al Pacino was so angry that he directly fell on the thing and used the harsh words to tear the interim actor out. , shyly took the initiative to leave the crew. Moreover, she later found that director Martin Brest was not a good-tempered person. Therefore, I was curious as to why I got such special treatment.

The next little thing made her understand the reason for everything.

The cause of the incident was the young man named Matt Damon, who was in contact during the shooting for several days. She had a good impression on her, so she ran to talk to her. As a result, she was known by Al Pacino. She saw Al Pacino shouting the girl into the room and then explained it. Matt Damon never gave her any courtesy.

After this incident, the girl finally figured out some things. It turned out that she was treated like this because she was recommended by Eric Williams. And more importantly, they may treat her as Eric's affectionate, so she will be rewarded with her courtesy. Because of this reason. Originally as a newcomer actress, she may have encountered a lot of harassment, she has never encountered it. This seems like a miracle. Even in the UK, although her father and mother are both in the TV circle to protect her as much as possible, she still encountered harassment when she was in the TV series.

Because of this misunderstanding, she got a lot of benefits, so the girl did not want to clarify from beginning to end, even when chatting with people, always mention a few words Eric’s name, give some Kind of hint.

just now. Most of the people who know her well, including her agent. Even Kapoor Sid, the general manager of the brokerage company, classified her as the identity of Eric Lovers. And they didn't look down on her because Eric Williams is now single. Maybe she will be lucky to be promoted to his true girlfriend when she is, and even become his wife.

But she knew that she had nothing to do with Eric after all. She had only said a few words to him from beginning to end, and she had seen one side.

As time went on, she even began to worry that once this fact was discovered, what would happen to those who realized that they had been deceived, especially the agent who was responsible for her, these days did not know whether it was intentional or not, once asked After several times, she has recently had a date with Eric.

"Hey, what do you want?" A voice suddenly rang in the ear, interrupting Gabriel's thoughts.

The girl saw Eric, who appeared in front of her body, and shook her head quickly: "Nothing."

"Let's go in," Eric didn't care, casually said.

"Well, okay," said the girl, boldly stepping forward and reaching out to hold Eric's arm.

Eric saw the girl’s sudden relatives and looked at the girl with great interest. Gabriel’s eyes flashed low and he dared not look at Eric’s eye-catching eyes, but with Eric The arm is also stubbornly not let go.

Eric chuckled, and did not clarify the woman's careful thoughts, but some regret that there is no soft and comfortable touch on the arm. If Nicole is leaning down, there are two groups of barely raised swells on his chest. At this moment, his own girl is a complete little poor milk.

"Eric, I decided, "Smell the woman" is released by the fireflies themselves, I think Robert said it makes sense," once again stepped into the hall, the eye-catching Al Pacino saw Ai at first glance Rick, smiling and coming over, saw Gabriel, who was leaning against him, and Al Pacino, who did not avoid the girl, squinted at Eric.

Eric actually expected this result, and Robert Shea could even speak for himself, not to mention Al Pacino, the more eager he was for the award, the easier it would be for him to listen to Robert Shea.

"I believe this will be a good choice," Eric nodded and smiled. "Yes, Al, is there a plan for your next movie?"

Al Pacino shook his head. "I plan to take a break. Kapoor also suggested this. I have enough to shoot two movies this year. Kapoor said that I better wait until the next Oscar, then consider the lower film. After the talk, Al Pacino paused and looked at Eric's look and immediately said: "However, Eric, if it's a movie you made, I can do it at any time."

"No, Al, I don't have any movies for you right now," Eric explained. "It's actually like this. You should have heard that I made a TV show..."

Al immediately laughed: "Of course I heard that, I also know that you actually ran to direct two episodes, Eric, your thoughts are really... different, the director I know, if it is not mixed Going on, I will rarely be willing to go to the TV series. Yes, you said this is..."

Eric said: "This is actually the case. I am making a sitcom and want to invite you to a guest episode."


Al. Pacino was a little hesitant. The guest TV series was nothing, but he was worried about the reputation of the TV series made by Eric. If the TV drama’s ratings were very poor, then he ran to the guest, and he There was no difference in playing a bad film. The rotten film that led to his interest a few years ago still makes him feel awkward, so now he even cherishes the feathers, and he did not dare to agree immediately.

Eric also knows that this matter can't be forced, and said: "Al, this TV series is broadcast while shooting. It just happened. The first episode was on September 3rd, Fox TV. I know what you are scrupulous about, so if After the TV series was broadcast, the average audience rating was less than 15 million. I have not said this when it is higher. If it is higher than this number, I hope you can consider it."

"Then I will be fine," Al. Pacino heard Eric's promise and immediately agreed. He still has some understanding of the TV series. The ratings of a US drama are more than 15 million. After the drama, his guest appearance is also in line with his own identity, and it will also help to enhance his popularity.

"That's it, you can take time to watch this TV show."

Al smiled: "The first two episodes were taken by your big director personally. I will definitely watch it on time. Right, can you tell me what kind of role I will be?"

"Of course, I want you to be a guest."


"Yes," Eric said: "The general story is like this. One of the six main characters in my TV series is an extra actor. One day, he received a film appointment and played your nude..."

In the original version of the episode, although Joey played Al Pacino's ass, the jokes continued, but Al Pacino did not show up from beginning to end. Now it is different. Since Eric has such a relationship with Al Pacino, of course, it should be used to make Al really come out.

"Wow," after listening to Eric's narrative, Al laughed: "In fact, if I need it, I don't mind the naked body."

Eric shrugged: "You understand, this is the plot needs."

"Of course, I think this plot will be very interesting. Oh, well, Miss Anwar must be impatient. Sorry, I have taken Eric for so much time, you are going to dance, Eric, Anwar. Miss Tango is very good."

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Pacino." Gabriel just didn't show any impatience, she dared. Therefore, I am very grateful to Al Pacino for his actions.

"So, enjoy the party, I will talk to other people for a while, goodbye."

"See you later," Eric nodded and walked to the dance floor with the girl. (To be continued)

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