I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 196: Do you have any hobbies

"What are you doing after "Scented"?" In the dance floor, Eric swayed gently on the girl's waist. Although she just said that she wanted to dance tango, it was not because of the live music. And the atmosphere is not suitable, Eric is not so keen.

Gabriel glared at Eric's shoulder and looked up at Eric. "The agent recommended me a female comedy of love comedy. I have already auditioned. I have to enter the group recently. The film may be Put it on the Valentine's Day next year."

"Oh, yes," Eric stared at the girl's eyes with a smile, and through the girl's words, he was more sure of the reason that Gabriel would make those little moves before, originally on the back of Gabriel. The big hand slid gently along the supple dress, stayed on the girl's full buttocks, and squeezed it gently: "So, what good is it?"

"Ah, I... I don't know what you are talking about." The girl's body stiffened, and her eyes whispered softly.

However, how could you not know?

If it weren’t because of his name, she was a lonely British girl who came to Hollywood. She had neither the pulse nor the background, and her acting skills were not so good. How could she get two important roles in just half a year? . Moreover, uta must have taken care of her because she misunderstood her identity, and won the role of the love comedy female No. 2 for her.

With Eric's movements, the girl looked around with anxiety. There are still many people on the dance floor. Although the lights are not bright enough, they don't affect the view. Even with a little attention, I can definitely see Erik. The abominable action of only one hand.

He... how can he do this, even if he wants it. It should not be here either. The girl thought so, but she could only bury her head in the chest of Eric, like an ostrich.

Fortunately, the big hand is not too much. After a while, the panting of the girl's teasing was quickly removed.

However, Gabriel sneaked a sneak peek at the room, but still saw the kind of eyes of a few people around. There are a few female stars who know Eric’s identity. Seeing the intimate gesture of Eric and the girl, there is still an indescribable envy of Gabriel’s faint disdain. If they can, they definitely don’t. Mind that the woman in Eric's arms is replaced by another of them.

That little sister, also a look of reluctance, really enough, a little actress in the dance floor saw Gabriel's expression. I still hate this in my heart. After the party started, she also took the initiative to talk to Eric, but Eric didn't even talk to her more.

Eric didn't look at the unexpected person's gaze. Anyway, his reputation as a **** has already spread. He took back a hand and gently picked up the girl's sharp chin. He undoubtedly said, "Come, look at me, I like this expression." ""

Gabriel's body couldn't resist, and he couldn't resist it. He raised his head and stared at Eric with a slender eye. Small mouth slightly, gently gasping.

Eric saw the girl's appearance and nodded with satisfaction. Pinch on the girl's small chin, and then continue to dance with the petite body.

"In fact, this is not bad," Eric said after a while.

"Well?" The girl was very sultry.

Eric said faintly: "It is not easy for you to run a girl alone in Hollywood, so if someone asks about your relationship with me, I will not deny it. It is a kind of protection for you. After all, if you are not me, you can't stay in Hollywood."

"Mr. Williams. Thank you," the girl showed a grateful expression. The small hand of Eric is tight.

"Call me Eric," Eric said casually. Immediately, the tone changed again and again: "However, it is limited to this. Remember to take a point. Don't let me know that you are doing what I should not do with my name."

The girl eagerly said: "I won't, I will definitely not."

"That's good," Eric said with a smile. "Don't be so nervous. Actually, what you want to do is not too easy. I just remind you in advance."

"Well..." The girl leaned back against Eric and gently agreed.

"Right, do you have any hobbies?" Eric suddenly asked without a head.

Gabriel didn't know why Eric asked this question, hesitated, and said: "Reading, dancing, maybe... sleeping."

"This can't be done, then what kind of flower to plant, so I can always give you some advice."

The girl blinked and immediately smirked, with a bit of proactive teasing in her tone: "I have a prickly pear in my house, can I?"

Eric also laughed. In fact, this is just a little joke. He wants to go to a woman's house. What reason is he going to use? But now Eric is a serious saying: "It is also necessary to raise the fairy ball. Then let's go see it now. See how?"

"Of course," the girl gently flirted at Eric.


"...I know I know, you can put it in my study... Ha!" Eric, who leaned on the big bed, couldn't help but sigh, and quickly reached out and held the woman's head below, warningly patted. Only said: "Nothing, accidentally kicked on the coffee table... Well, I know, I will go back tomorrow, you go to bed early... kiss what you kiss, go to bed early!" After that, he hung up the mobile phone , shut down the machine. Thinking of what Xiaonizi seemed to be aware of on the phone, and therefore constantly delaying the appearance of the call time, Eric felt a burst of excitement.

This is an apartment in West Hollywood, Gabriel can only afford to rent a house here, but the one-bedroom apartment is very refined, revealing the delicateness of women everywhere.

At the moment, the girl's clothes are crouching between Eric's legs, and the oysters are busy. The small mouth and the flexible little tongue swallow the light wrap to give Eric a burst of refreshment.

Hanging up the mobile phone and enjoying the girl's lips and tongue skills, Eric just patted the side: "Come, squatting."

The girl looked up, unconsciously sticking out her tongue and licking her mouth, obediently crawling beside Eric, and preparing to take off her unwholesome little dress.

"You don't have to take off," Eric patted the girl's **** to stop the other's movements. He slid the hem of the little dress and hooked off the small piece of cloth that obscured the key. After enjoying it, he stepped forward.

Gently moving, the big hand naturally stretched out to the girl's chest, and when I felt it, I was disappointed to leave.

The girl seemed to feel Eric's disappointment, gently pulling Eric's arm and opening her mouth to put her fingers in it and gently lick it up.

"Wow," the irritating feeling made Eric snoring, and the other big hand forced the entire upper body of the girl to squat down, speeding up the movement and signaling the girl to lean over the head of the bed and put her finger into it. Zhang Xiaozui allowed the other party to help, and from time to time he also fiddled with the slippery little tongue. (To be continued)

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