I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 302: No choice

Regarding the controversy over the results of the awards in the media, the College has no response as it has in the past. Anyway, anyone knows that no matter who the award is awarded, it will always be controversial.

A few days after Oscar, the fireflies released the first film "Ninja Turtles" after the first year of the storm. Many people pay attention to this movie with all kinds of moods.

Although the "Luoshui Dog" got a good box office some time ago, the movie box office, although under the influence of Eric, has a much larger scale, but it is still a small fight.

Because Eric is very optimistic about Ninja Turtles in advance, Robert Shea has raised as many as 2,000 screens for the film, which is already the limit of Firebug's current ability, and the seven major film companies can raise if necessary. More than 3,000 screens.

Moreover, even after the release of "Ninja Turtles", the box office is much better than originally planned, it is difficult to increase the canvas, and once the box office is not satisfactory, then hundreds of screens may be removed next week.

Therefore, this release has attracted the attention of most people outside the Hollywood circle. If the firefly encounters 'Waterloo', there will be a lot of people who will be gloating and even falling into the rocks.

However, because the box office results of previous lives have been guaranteed, and now the scale of the publicity is much larger than that of the previous life, the firefly has invested a large budget of 6 million US dollars for the film, which does not include the production cost of 2000 copies. Eric is not as jealous as Robert Shea or Jeffrey.

Although participating in the premiere, Eric was completely hiding from the guest's posture this time, and gave the opportunity to show his face to the masters of "Ninja Turtles".

At this point, he is discussing with Jeffrey about the preparations for Instinct.

"Jeffrey, if Hollywood doesn't find the right actor, I suggest you try it in Europe. Just like the "Love in Prague" in previous years, the director of the film is because most of it is fancy. Hollywood actors are too conservative to play, and they choose European actors."

Jeffrey looked at Robert Shea, who was passionately eloquent on the stage. Shake his head and said: "Eric, I am not worried about this. There are many things, such as the director, you recommended Paul Van Hoven, who recently took over a big star of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Making a movie is not willing to pay attention to "Instinct". Moreover, the budget is also a big problem. I have made a detailed budget according to the script you gave. The final result is that the cost of this movie is at least $30 million. Far more than the $20 million budget you gave, and the most important grading problem. The scenes you designed are really overkill and will easily be rated nc-17. We are now incapable of intervening in the rating committee. Once the nc-17 rating is scheduled to be restricted to the theater, then the film is definitely worthless."

Eric grabbed his hair in an annoyed way, and he knew that Jeffrey was telling the truth. The American Film Rating Board is completely dominated by the seven major film companies, and many people have analyzed the exact same picture in some movies. If the seven major film companies produce, they will be rated as r-class, but non-seven majors will be rated as nc-17. What Eric clearly remembers is that the former Meg Ryan starred in the search for a breakthrough, "Naked Carcass Cutting", because it was released by the big movie company, some of the films were called Ivy, but were evaluated. It is r level.

If the film is filmed in the future and is not rated as nc-17, then the seven major film companies must have collectively swayed. Although there is still a re-rating by modifying the plot, in that case, the plot will definitely change a lot. The box office results are hard to predict.

Thinking for a while, Eric knew that he had no choice. I have to say: "Like this, Jeffrey. Contact the Seventh National Congress to see which one is willing to cooperate. It is good for us to choose a condition."

"That is about you being a screenwriter..."

"In that case, don't think about it, then use the real name directly. Anyway, I am still less than twenty years old. Writing such a script just makes people feel that I am young and frivolous. If I hide it, I bet that those No matter what the purpose, the guy will definitely reveal it."

Jeffrey shook his head helplessly: "Eric, I really don't understand why you have to make such a movie. I can't see where this movie is outstanding."

"That would take a few more readings of the script," Eric joked. "You know who is killing people with three or eight?"

Jeffrey shook his head. "If you tell me, after Beth was shot by the actor Nick, the phrase "I..." is what I can, I can be 100% certain."

Eric sells Guanzi: "Maybe ‘I am wrong’, ‘I am sorry for you’, ‘I love you’ or something?”

“I think the most unlikely thing is ‘I love you’, most likely ‘I’m wrong’.” Jeffrey said.

Eric stunned. In fact, this sentence was originally 'I love you'. However, Eric felt that the people who were deeply loved did not hesitate to shoot. It is difficult to say 'I love you' before dying. Such a word, so when writing the script, Eric made a small change, leaving only a 'I...', let the audience guess. Just like "Small Island Cry", leaving a suspense will be more conducive to the box office.

On the stage, after the speeches of several masters of "Ninja Turtles", the film began to play.

Once again, I saw the picture on the screen. Eric still inevitably frowned slightly. This thick b-class Hong Kong film tastes, although the total cost of 13 million US dollars is absolutely super-large for Hong Kong movies, but put In Hollywood, it can only be considered a medium cost, plus some special effects must appear in the movie, the results can be imagined.

Just like one of the shots, when a group of people fight, a gangster with a knife cuts the wire. If you don't have the ability to do the lighting effects, you should at least have a little current, but the result is... no The gangsters just squatted a few times, even if they touched the electricity, it looks a bit funny.

Of course, this is mainly because Eric’s appetite has been raised by the special effects of previous life. Although Eric frequently frowned, the audience in the premiere movie theater sometimes made a few smirks or a few low voices because of the words and martial arts movements of the four Ninja Turtles.

The original filmmakers who were still a little nervous had heard these voices and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps because of the budget of the film, or the practice of Hong Kong movies, the film is only 90 minutes long, and it will be played very quickly. The lights are still not lit, and there is a warm applause in the cinema.

"A wonderful sci-fi action movie, although not produced in many places, but with a $13 million investment, this is a great movie."

"The ridicule of the Renaissance characters that appeared from time to time in the movie is awesome. There are also two points in the action design of the film, which is worth seeing."


After the premiere, various evaluations followed. Because of the strong propaganda and public relations of the fireflies, the overall evaluation of the film was very positive. Many newspapers gave high marks, although there were several fierce criticisms from time to time. Appeared, but can't afford any big waves. Although the seven major film companies don't want to see this film succeed, but in the face of fireflies spare no effort to spread money, no one will smash hundreds of thousands of dollars to discredit this. the film.

What's more, the seven internals are not particularly optimistic about the film, or Fox will not be released for the release of "Ninja Turtles".

In the attention of many people, three days later, "Ninja Turtles" harvested $25 million in the first weekend of the 2000 theaters in North America, which made many people stunned.

Fox, who once again looked away, and expelled several executives in a short period of time, and counted the "Jin Yumeng" thing, Fox is inevitably ridiculed by many media.

In the face of this situation, Fox has no hard time to say.

After a full week, the box office of the first week of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was released, reaching 32 million.

Seeing this achievement, many of the media that were still awkward did not have any sound.

People in the Hollywood circle also realized that the fireflies had not been affected after the turmoil at the beginning of the year, and the news that Eric first optimistic about the film was inevitably revealed, once again in the Hollywood circle. Caused a hot discussion. In addition to the several films Eric himself participated in, plus "Steel Wood Orchid", this is the second time, the film that was not optimistic by others, but was optimistic about Eric.

For a time, many people began to inquire about which movies Eric is optimistic about.

As a result, the series of copyrights that Eric acquired for Drew years ago have once again entered the eyes of many people.

Because Xiao Nizi is not too anxious, the more than 20 copyrights listed by Eric have only acquired more than half.

After the two copyrights being discussed were discovered, all the powerful film companies in Hollywood joined the competition, and the copyright owners also waited for the price.

In this case, Eric can only let Drew stop the acquisition of copyright, although there are still a few that did not get it, but now it will definitely fall into a snap, and the affirmation is very low.

Moreover, Eric's most important reorganization rights, such as "Charlie's Angel" / "Mission Impossible" and "Bern's Identity" and other film adaptation rights have been obtained.

Of course, these are all words, and after the success of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the most complicated person is undoubtedly Robert Shea.

After all, if Robert Shea can wait for the first half of the year and wait for the "Ninja Turtles" to be released, then the new line will be another scene. (To be continued)

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