I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 303: Why are you here?

In a vintage prison on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a man and a woman are facing each other across a glass door.

"...then, do this quiz!" The girl wearing a rustic brown striped coat but her face was very beautiful and tried hard to persuade.

"No, but I will make you happy, I will give you a big chance."

"What?" asked the girl questioningly.

The man in prisonwear in the glass window interrupted the woman’s words and said, “It’s a promotion! Listen, Krist Stalin, you reflect on yourself and find out my former patient, Miss Murphy...”

The girl tried hard to seize the initiative of the dialogue. In the end, she even tried to insert a sentence. However, in the face of the imposing man on the other side of the glass door, the girl’s efforts were insignificant and completely suppressed.

"...I believe that Myers won't be attacking so fast, even though he is a madman," the man said, suddenly raising his voice and yelling at the girl: "Now, go!"

The girl was scared to the neck slightly, and in the other room of the prison, the insane screams of the prisoner, the footsteps rushed away.

"Cut, very good, impeccable," Jonathan Demi, who stood behind the monitor with his headphones and watched Judy Foster and Anthony Hopkins, excitedly shouted.

At the same time, the members of the surrounding crew also enthusiastically applauded.

"Mr. Hopkins, your performance is great," Elizabeth Anthony Hopkins walked out of the room, and Elizabeth, still clapping her hands, complimented her way.

"Thank you, Miss Murdoch, in fact, Miss Foster's performance is also very good, without her cooperation, I think I can't find the state so quickly."

"Mr. Hopkins. I have to admit that this paragraph is really not as good as you," said Judy Foster, who took the towel from the assistant and wiped his face with a sweat.

"ok. You are all very good, so I don't think they should compliment each other any more." Drew, standing next to Elizabeth, said with a smile, then looked at Jonathan Demi: "Mr. Demi, today's shooting is here. Is it?"

"Yes, Miss Barrymore, the scene here has already been filmed. Although there is still more than an hour, it is too late to prepare for the next scene," Jonathan Demi, who had come over. The assistant was then ordered to prepare for the manual.

Drew looked at the watch and then said to everyone: "Then I and Julia will go first. We will fly to Los Angeles at 4:30."

"Of course no problem, I let the driver send you to the airport," Jonathan Demi said immediately.

This is the fourth day of the "Silence of the Lamb" in Pennsylvania. As the first film of the tg film company, Elizabeth, Drew and Julia are very important, so I came here before I started. The three have been in Pittsburgh for a week now.

Because the three women are the producers of this film. Originally Jonathan Demi was worried that the trio would slap on the shoot, but the fear quickly dissipated after the filming began.

The first is Elizabeth and Drew. Both women seem to be following the crew with the attitude of learning things, not only do not add any trouble, but also help from time to time, and the most famous Julia in the three is the most worry-free, nothing at all Regardless of.

As a Hollywood actress, Julia has her own work to do, and although Drew wants to stay with the Elizabethan team, she is still a minor, no matter who dares to let her stay in the crew. . In addition, Eric still does not know that Drew is the producer of "The Silent Lamb" and heard the **** running here. I specially called over, and Xiao Nizi didn't want to 'play' too crazy. Go back to Los Angeles earlier.

Therefore, Drew and Julia set the ticket for today to return to Los Angeles. As the main producer, Elizabeth will continue to follow the crew until the mirror.

In the Pittsburgh Airport Hall, Elizabeth hugged Xiao Nizi, then grabbed Julia, and in the eyes of Drew's slightly raised eyebrows, she kissed her in the mouth of the girl's mouth and said, "Goodbye, Julie, and Drew, bon voyage."

"Goodbye," the two women waved to Elizabeth, and they took their assistants to the boarding gate.

After the Boeing passenger plane entered the stratosphere, Drew untied his seat belt, and then he looked at Julia who was sitting next to him and holding a fashion magazine bored: "Julia, you and Liz... ”

Originally, some absent-minded Julia suddenly heard Xiao Nizi say this, her face flashed a flustered look: "You... what do you mean?"

Shantou snorted: "You two have lived in a room in the hotel these few days, don't forget, I am next door to you, I heard a lot of voices."

"We are just..." Julia wanted to find a reason to refute, but Drew quickly applauded on Julia's shoulder and laughed and said: "Reassured, I will not discriminate against you."

"Amount..." Julia opened her mouth and looked at the look of Shantou. She couldn't help but ask: "Don't you feel strange?"

When he heard Julia asking, Drew immediately showed a strange expression: "You all... that's it, do you still feel strange?"

Julia nodded honestly.

"Since it feels weird, why are you still like Liz?" Drew asked curiously.

"I don't know, I just think, um, with Liz, it's pretty good, Liz feels good, and that's it."

Shantou didn’t understand what Julia wanted to say for a while, but realized that the girl hadn’t completely changed her sexual orientation yet, but she didn’t know why it was a pair of fake phoenixes for Elizabeth.

How can this be done?

It's better to see someone... Oh no, it's the degree of disgusting when you see a man.

Thinking of this, Drew's eyes turned and said: "Julia, this is just the inherent concept that you formed from small to large. There are so many homosexuals in Hollywood, so you don't have to have any psychological burden at all. I think, you It’s quite a good match with Liz, and Liz is very caring for you, isn’t it?”

Hearing that he said the word 'gay' without any scruples, Julia’s eyes flashed a little in a panic. How could she understand the thoughts in her heart, thinking that Xiao Nizi is really doing this for her? Considering that after pondering Drew’s words, I felt quite reasonable, and I let out a sigh of relief and nodded slightly.

Perhaps Xiao Nizi felt that the fire was not big enough, and continued to say: "Julia, maybe you don't know, in fact, Judy Foster is also gay."

This time, Julia was really surprised. She turned to look at Xiao Nizi and asked incredulously: "No... not very likely?"

Drew nodded and said: "This is a true thing, but Judy is relatively low-key, but many people know that she is gay. It is said that because of the fact that Sinclair had assassinated her for the sake of her, let She was completely disappointed with men and changed her sexual orientation."

Julia sighed softly, didn't talk anymore, and once again put her eyes on the magazine in front of him.

A few hours later, the plane landed at Los Angeles airport. Because of the time difference, Los Angeles is still in the evening.

Drew and Julia set up two cars respectively. After the assistants were put down in the city center, Shantou directly told the driver to drive to the sharp corner of Malibu.

"Hey, Ron, it's me, open the door," came to the manor door, and Drew shouted directly at the security guard in the gate.

The security guard who heard Drew’s voice quickly opened the door and greeted him: “Miss Barrymore, are you coming back?”

"Well, is Eric at home?"

"Yes, Mr. Williams has been at home for the past two days," said the security guard named Ron. After looking at Drula's suitcase, Ron asked eagerly: "Miss Barrymore, Can I help you with your luggage?"

"No, oh, how come you are alone, what about the other?" Drew looked suspiciously at Ron’s empty security booth, warning: "Don't tell me another one."

"No, no, Miss Barrymore, George went to the toilet, and he will be back soon," Ron explained quickly to his colleague, then pointed to the point: "Look, he is back."

Shantou saw another security guard along Ron's gaze and nodded. He didn't say anything. He took a small suitcase and walked to the villa. From time to time, the maids who took care of the manor greeted the hoe. Because Eric was too lazy to control these chickens and garlics, most of the people here were selected by Drew. Therefore, although Drew did not live here during this time, but came back again, everyone still treated her as a hostess. The attitude made Shantou very satisfied.

Walking into the living room of the villa, Shantou looked around and looked out: "Eric, I am back."

After a while, the hair was standing behind her head, surrounded by a small apron, and a neatly dressed Nicole walked out of the kitchen.

"Hey, Drew," Nicole greeted, and took the baggage from the hoe.

Drew reacted, and looked up and down on Nicole's dress. The girl suddenly gave birth to a hostility: "How are you here?"

After all, Nicole had been with Drew for a few months. How could it not be able to hear the hostility of Shantou? But the girl did not have any dissatisfaction. She smashed the broken hair scattered under the corner and said casually: "I have nothing to do these days. Come and stay for a few days."

"Hey, it’s for the heroine of "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted", you are really good enough."

"No way, I don't want some of the petitioned people who are responsive, they can only fight for themselves."

Shantou once again snorted, but with a little smug on his face: "Eric has not taken the initiative to say that you are not the heroine he wants." (To be continued)

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