I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 310: This is a misunderstanding

After Robert Shea finished this sentence, the two men fell into a short silence, and the four eyes stared at each other in unison. After a while, Eric first avoided the eyes of Robert Shea, Robert. She smiled with a triumphant smile on her face. ○

"Well, Robert, if you insist." Eric's voice was slightly hoarse, and the tone became a bit lower.

Robert Shea heard Eric say this, giving a laugh that she thought was very hearty, and stretched out her hand, seemingly wanting to pat Eric's shoulder, but the two were separated by a conference table, Robert. This action of Shay is certainly not successful.

"Eric, don't do this, you have to believe me. In Hollywood, money is the most important thing. If you don't have money, everything is empty talk. The distribution channel is not built in two days. Look at other movies now. Companies, which ones are not decades old."

After Robert Shea finished, Eric slightly bowed his head, not knowing whether it was recognition or something else: "Right, Robert, Jeffrey told me that you were not very optimistic about the project "Instinct"?"

Robert Shea squatted and nodded. "Yes, Eric, I think..."

Eric did not feel the reason for listening to Robert Shea. He heard Robert Shea say this and said directly: "If this is the case, then the project will be cancelled."

Robert Shay opened his mouth: "What, take ... cancel, but, has Jeffrey started casting the corner from time to time?"

"I mean canceling from the company's production plan this year," Eric looked up. "If the film is made, it will really cause a lot of trouble in grading. So in order to avoid risks. I intend to The Seventh National Investment Agency, and I personally invest a part of it, set up a separate shell company to operate."

Robert Shea has been in Hollywood for 20 years. How could she not understand what Eric said? He really doesn't like the script "Instinct", but he doesn't have too strong opposition.

Now, Eric does this, which is equivalent to making the film's production separate from the fireflies. Then if the film is successful in the future, neither the copyright nor the proceeds will have anything to do with the fireflies, that is to say, it has nothing to do with him.

How could Robert Shea not understand, this is Eric's counterattack against his actions, he has just been 'willful', and Eric as a major shareholder has more capricious capital.

The psychological illness suffered a moment, Robert Shea said: "Eric, although I am not very optimistic, but I actually do not object..."

"According to the current plan. We will release the "Sleep with the Enemy" that you are responsible for in the summer program, "The Silent Lamb" of TG Film Company. There is also a part of "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted", we jointly issued with Disney. I think that fireflies should not be able to produce too many resources to issue "Instinct", so it is a good choice to separate this project, and it can also avoid risks."

After a while, Robert Shea bites his teeth, he doesn't believe it, Eric will continue to succeed, so soon, Robert Shee nodded. "Okay, Eric, just press you. Say it."

In fact, even if Robert Shea disagrees, Eric is planning to do so.

The box office of the previous "Instinct" is also worth more than 100 million US dollars. No matter the word of mouth or the box office, it can't be compared with "The Ghosts of the Ghosts" and "The Lamb of the Silence", perhaps even "sleeping with the enemy" is not as good.

However, in the case of Robert Shea’s willingness to hand over the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle to Disney, Eric must respond with a certain amount of enthusiasm for Robert Shea. Otherwise, Eric can be sure that Robert Shea will continue to keep pace.

"So, I am going to be busy first," listened to Robert Shea’s answer. Eric nodded and stood up and left the meeting room.

After Robert Shea and other Eric left, they smirked their lips and finished the coffee in front of them before they got up and left.


On the Santa Monica Hill north of Malibu, in the woods, dozens of crews are busy, and all kinds of photographic equipment are everywhere.

Here is the "X-Files" filming studio. Although the story in "X-Files" takes place in the major states of the United States, it is impossible to run around when shooting, but to take a picture around Los Angeles or shoot in the studio. Only if you can't avoid it, will you go to the corresponding state to take some location and then synthesize it through editing.

Muller and Scully drove a black Ford sedan through a small road between the trees. Muller was chatting with Scully leisurely, and the radio inside the car suddenly became strange in the sound of Ziz. A mess, Muller quickly stopped the car.

"Card, this lens is over, Raymond, take off the camera on the car, Brad, Fami, you can take a break," director Kim Mannas shouted in the hand with a horn, the job The staff quickly got busy.

Brad Pitt and Famik Jensen also heard the director's words, and also got a laugh and got off the bus. Brad Pitt took a bottle of water from the logistics and handed it to Famik Zhan. Sen, the girl smiled and thanked her, and took it.

"Hey, Fami, there are two more hours to get off work, how about going to the club together at night?" Brad Pitt saw the girl in a good mood and issued an invitation in due course.

Famik Jensen hesitated. Although these days, he felt good about Brad Pitt. Even when they were walking together, they were photographed by the paparazzi and boarded the newspaper.

But the girl’s mind will always flash another figure, but she knows very well how she got this heroine. At that time, the little man gave this role to her among a lot of powerful competitors. Newcomers who don’t have any experience in performing arts have obvious meanings. He looks at himself. The girl knows that she signed the actor contract, which is equivalent to some things by default.

Originally thought that Eric Williams would soon send an invitation to herself, but she just got this role soon. Eric Williams is in a storm. There is nothing left in the matter.

Plus Brad Pitt is tirelessly dedicated. Famik Jensen felt that it was not bad to get along with this man. Brad Pitt was gentle and considerate, and he was very jealous of women. Famik Jensen slowly began to move.

"Maybe, he has forgotten himself."

The girl thought this way, there was no movement for a few months, and the other party was obviously a playboy. How could the lack of a woman beside the playboy? He may be just an unremarkable passerby around him.

Beautiful women are always inevitably proud, so these ideas will inevitably make the girl feel a bit frustrated, and she feels more unhappy than when she signs the actor contract for this role.

"I think, maybe, okay," Famik Jensen thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

Brad Pitt smiled even more brilliantly: "Right, do you have a frequent bar?"

Famik Jensen shook his head. "Sorry. I used to live in New York. You just pick a family."

"No problem." Brad. Pep features a nod.

Two people are about to continue to say something. A car drove directly into the crew. Hans Whittle, one of the producers of "x-file", got out of the car and looked around and saw the gathering. Two people, slightly frowning came over.

"Hey, Hans, how come you?" Hans Whittle had not yet reached the two, and the director Kim Manus greeted him.

Hans Whittle smiled and shook hands with Kim Manus, pointing to Brad Pitt and Famik Jensen: "I am looking for them."

"What?" asked Kim Manus.

Hans Whittle shrugged helplessly: "Mr. Williams is looking for them."

"Mr. Williams..." Kim Manus stunned and quickly reflected that it could be called by Hans Whittle. Only Eric Williams was alone: ​​"What? Is it something?"

Hans Whittle put a newspaper in the hands of Kim Manus: "Look at it yourself."

At this time, Brad Pitt and Famik Jensen also came together and saw Hans Whittle's newspaper for Kim Manners. Both of them were stunned, the newspaper It is obviously a picture of two people.

Brad Pitt is very clear, Hans Whittle is the producer of Firefly Company, and his heart suddenly feels a bad feeling, he will not be so unlucky, he has not forgotten, he was a TV crew in New York. Because of a conversation with a female lead in the TV series, she was embarrassed to drive out of the crew.

Although he hated Eric very much at the time, things went slowly, and Eric became more and more dazzling, and he became more and more insignificant. One person will envy those who lead one or two steps ahead of themselves, but for those who are far more than themselves, they usually do not feel this way.

Although Eric is much younger than him, Brad Pitt has not produced much negative emotions for Eric, but rather a little more fear.

When the original crew was just founded, he was worried that Famik Jensen might be a woman of Eric, so there was no idea at first, but over time, Brad Pitt discovered Famik. Jensen and Eric did not seem to have any connection, only to rest assured that the pursuit of a big point.

But now, he found himself miscalculated.

Blinking alongside Famik Jensen, Brad Pitt really wants to slap himself. This woman has no previous performance experience and can be picked out from a large number of auditors. The ghost believes it is luck.

Since it is not luck, it must be for other reasons. The "X-Files" male and female protagonists are all made by Eric Williams, so this ‘other reason’ is more obvious.

Kim Manner looked at Brad Pitt and Famik Jensen, who walked side by side in the newspaper, and the article about the "X-Files" hero and heroine's remarks of love sparks, curiously asked: " Hans, what does this mean?"

Hans Whittle got close to Kim. Manners said a few words, Kim Mannas looked at the men and women in front of him and immediately said: "Hans, I think there must be some misunderstanding, I thought This article is for the promotion of movies."

Brad Pitt couldn't help it anymore, and he followed the interface: "Mr. Hans, this is really a misunderstanding. I have absolutely nothing to do with Miss Famik Jensen."

Famik Jensen heard Brad Pitt's words and stared at the man around him with surprise.

Brad Pitt looked at his girl with some guilty conscience, but soon said: "Fr... Miss Jensen, we just happened to meet yesterday, after a few words, we separated, we Nothing happened between the two, right?"

Famik Jensen finally reacted at this time. She didn't know Brad Pitt's encounter in New York. Therefore, seeing this man did not hesitate to turn his face and deny it. It seems that the things that were dedicated to himself before were all hallucinations. The slightest feeling in my heart immediately disappeared.

"Yes, Mr. Hans, I have nothing to do with Mr. Pete. The scandal in the newspaper is entirely made up of paparazzi," Famik Jensen said coldly.

When Brad Pitt relaxed in his heart, he was inevitably somewhat lost, but he quickly adjusted his mind.

As long as he can keep the position of the leading actor, what kind of woman can't get in after the fame in the future, he learned from the agent that Fox's emphasis on "x file" is no less than "Friends", whenever he dreams In the future, as in the "Friends" six-person group, Brad Pitt feels that he has not been in the Hollywood in these years, and all his efforts are worthwhile.

Hans Whittle glanced at the two faces with a blank expression, then set his gaze on Famick Jensen and said: "Mr. Williams wants to see you, these words are in your face. He said."

Director Kim Manner saw this and asked: "Hans, is it now, but is the next shot ready?"

Hans Whittle patted the gold. Mannas's shoulder: "Sorry, Kim, may only be here today, driving from here to the Firefly headquarters, it takes more than an hour, Mr. Williams told me to get off work. Take them before."

"Hans, it only takes more than ten minutes. This shot is not long, just a few simple conversations?"

Hans Whittle still shrugged.

"Well, let me let the crew take other shots." Kim Manners knew that there was no room for negotiation. He had no choice but to say a few words, and went straight to the crew. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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