I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 311: self-mumbling

Brad Pitt and Famik Jensen went to Hans Whittle's car. Although they sat together in the back row, they both sat on the door and didn't seem to want to have any contact with each other. .

"Mr. Hans, can you use your mobile phone?" Brad Pitt thought for a while and thought it was better to inform his agent.

Hans Whittle handed over the big brick next to it, Brad Pitt thanked him, and then dialed the phone of the agent, Xie Lisha Cody, in front of Famik Jensen and Han. S. Whittle's face, said something, and then hung up the phone.

Seeing the contempt on the face of Famik Jensen's face, Brad Pitt really wants to swear by face: What is your qualification to despise me by the men's top.

When I was a child, three people came to the Firefly headquarters, and Brad Pitt’s agent, Xie Lisha Cody, was waiting outside. Hans Whittle spoke to the front desk lady, and then took the three people directly upstairs to the Eric office.

"Mr. Williams is auditioning for the actors, you need to wait a little while, I have to go back in advance." Hans Whittle said, telling the secretary who gave coffee to a few people, and soon left Eric just told Brad Pitt and Famik Jensen to come to see him. This kind of thing, Hans Whittle is not willing to 'listen' here.

After Hans Whittle and the secretary left, Xie Lisa Cody and Brad Pitt whispered on a large sofa, then looked at the opposite Famik Jensen: "Jensen Miss, can you help me?"

Famik Jensen was originally looking down at the magazine on the coffee table. She couldn’t suffer from Brad Pitt. After all, compared to Brad who played in Hollywood for seven or eight years. Pete. She is still just a newcomer.

No matter which line, newcomers always feel that before they encounter countless setbacks. There must be many opportunities and failures. Missed, come back.

When she heard the words of Xie Lisha Cody, Famik Jensen looked up and looked at the woman who was petite but very temperate, but did not speak.

"This is the case, Miss Jensen, you and Brad really have nothing to do with right, then wait. Can you..."

"Reassure, we have nothing to do with it. You don't have to worry about me talking about it," Famik Jensen said coldly and bowed his head.

Xie Lisha. Cody is a bit embarrassed, but continues to explain: "Miss Jensen, Brad is not like you, his chance to get this actor is not easy."

The girl held the hand of the magazine tightly, but did not say anything.

The scene suddenly silenced.


"Thank you for your audition, Mr. Bruce South. We will inform you of the results as soon as possible." In a spacious audition room, the assistant told a handsome man who looked like a 30-year-old.

Wait for the other party to leave. The two deputy directors around Eric came over and asked, "How about Mr. Williams?"

"Still not," Eric shook his head and drew a cross behind Pierce Brosnan's list.

The 007's actor gave him a deep impression. After all, the other side played four 007 consecutively, and the ages were very late, and they couldn't remember it. Although the other side's acting is good. The image is also very much in line with a bank manager, but Eric can't put it in the heart of Sam, the hero of "The Ghosts".

"This is the case. We have nothing to gain from the audition today," an assistant director said with a smile.

"No hurry. Come slowly," Eric closed the folder in front of him and told the assistant to help him collect it. He said to everyone: "Go ahead, I still have some things, leave first."

In addition to the audition room, Eric made the elevator to his own office on the top floor, pushed the door in, and saw three people in the office sitting in two separate places.

Seeing him coming in, the three people in the office quickly stood up and said hello.

"Nothing, sit down," Eric waved his hand and saw Xie Lisha Cody, laughing: "Mr. Cody, how come you came."

Xie Lisha Cody smiled and said: "I am just fine."

Eric nodded noddedly, went to his desk and put a newspaper out, went back to the other sofa in the rest area, and spread the newspaper in front of the coffee table.

"It is like this, I..."

Eric just opened his mouth, and Brad Pitt once again blurted out: "Mr. Williams, this is really a misunderstanding, I have nothing to do with Miss Johnson."

Eric frowned slightly: "What?"

"That's the case, Mr. Williams," said Xie Lisha Cody, who blamed Brad Pitt for not being able to breathe, but still took over Eric's question, saying: "Yesterday's "X-Files" in Santa Monica At the time of shooting, Ms. Brad and Ms. Jensen happened to arrive at the shooting site together. The two cars stopped and walked along the way to the studio. This photo was taken by the paparazzi at that time. This is actually a misunderstanding. The two of them did not. what relationship."

Eric looked at Brad Pitt and Xie Lisha Cody, who were eager to clarify, and then turned to Famik Jensen.

The girl saw Eric looking at herself and nodded reluctantly and nodded: "Yes, I have nothing to do with Mr. Pete, just a coincidence."

Eric closed the newspaper and shrugged and said, "Well, it seems that there is no need to talk about it again. Ms. Cody, Mr. Pete, you can leave first."

Brad Pitt and Xie Lisha Cody are all happy, knowing that Eric is not going to pursue these things any more. Thanks a little, he will soon leave the door.

When the two left, Eric went back to the coffee machine and poured two more cups of coffee. He returned to the sofa and handed a cup to Famik Jensen.

The girl took a sip and looked up at Eric quickly, and said softly: "What do you want to do with me?"

"What?" Eric was tired for a day, just leaning on the sofa, and did not listen to the voice of the girl for a while.

"Hey," Famik Jensen snorted. With a touch of broken cans, "I mean, what do you want to do with me?"

"Are you irritated?" Eric heard the decadence in the girl's tone and asked curiously.

"Not all blame you. Mixed..." The girl muttered, but the last word was stunned and said nothing.

Eric laughed. Slightly squinting and leaning against the sofa: "Come help me to lick the temple, tired for a day, my head hurts."

A moment later, a pair of cool fingers with cool lightly pressed up, and Erik's nose also sent a body fragrance with other women, a touch, very good smell.

"If I said, I saw the news in the newspaper this morning. Just shouting you to explain a low-key, you must not believe it now?" After a while, Eric suddenly said.

The finger that was moving stopped, and quickly slammed it up.

"Oh, you must not believe, even I don't believe it, but this is true. In the setting of this TV series, the male and female protagonists will not come together until the end, and they have always maintained awkward relationship. The way of rating. If you come together in reality, then it will be a little fake in the TV series. So, I want you to keep a low profile and try not to be discovered by the paparazzi."

The girl still didn't speak. But the fingers that massaged Eric were a lot softer.

Eric then said it again, as if muttering: "I almost quarreled with the partner in the morning. He felt that he didn't get enough, so he wanted more, always wanted more, people. It’s all greedy, but it’s actually nothing. But if you want more, you have to come up with the corresponding strength. How can he have that strength?”

"Jane has left me some time ago. He is my first... the first woman. The storm, those broken things. She chose to leave, but it is true, but I always want to chase her back, even if Like the big villains in the story, build an old castle on the edge of the cliff, keep her inside, and when the princess raises, I am the princess."

"I built a house by the sea, I want to face the sea and spring blossoms. Then, one by one, I finally found that only I was facing the sea alone. The house is too big, very empty."

"I want too much, but I can't catch one. I finally ran away. I didn't bother to catch it anymore. Anyway, I always want to run away. I was really interested in you, your legs. Very long, I like it very much."

"That's your heart is too soft," I don't know why, although the girl heard Eric's last words, her face was reddish, and she finally couldn't help but insert a sentence.

Eric squatted and smiled: "Yeah, I am too soft, a group of little skins, all owing to clean up."

The girl seemed to have been stunned, and then said: "The amount... I take back what I just said."

Eric grabbed a little girl's hand and pulled Famik Jensen over. He broke into his arms and hugged him. The girl was obediently allowed to move, and gently put his face on Eric. Chest.

"Have you seen "Scent of Women", the script was written by me."

After hesitation, the girl still denied: "I haven't seen it, look for time to see."

"Actually, I can tell the fragrance of every woman who is close to me. Now I remember you."

The girl laughed and said: "This doesn't sound like a good thing?"

"It seems that it is really not a good thing," Eric laughed and laughed. "I was fancy, how could it be a good thing, they are hard to escape."


"Look, since this is the case, don't escape,"

"Always try it, maybe you can escape it. If you don't try it, you won't be willing to be reconciled. Besides, how can a man have so many women? At least, is it not possible in this era?"

"No, you are wrong, it is entirely possible," Eric said.

The two did not talk and talked marginally. Unconsciously, time passed slowly, and Eric slept with the woman.

Woke up again, the sky was already dark all over, covered with a lady's coat, Eric put the coat aside, stretched out, feeling the light behind him, Eric turned and saw Famik Jensen is sitting behind his desk and looking down at the magazine quietly.

Feeling Eric woke up, the girl raised her head and smiled and asked, "Have you slept?"

"It’s been a few days now," Eric asked, standing up.

The girl looked at the watch on her hand and said, "At 7:20, the security guard of the company just knocked on the door. I told them that you have something to do, and they didn't say anything."

"Oh, why didn't you go back?" Eric nodded and asked subconsciously.

Famik Jensen raised his good eyebrows: "Do you want me to go back?"

"Well, when I didn't ask," Eric shrugged. "So, what's the arrangement at night?"

"If you didn't call us, I guess I will go bubble with Brad Pitt. Now, it's definitely not going to be. Maybe, if it's okay, I will go back, wash and sleep, and then continue to work tomorrow, filming. ”

"You didn't have a boyfriend before?" Eric asked curiously.

"I am already twenty-five years old. How can I have no boyfriend?" The girl said helplessly: "He is a photographer, but before he came to Los Angeles, he broke up."

"Oh," Eric nodded. "What about the next?"

"Well?" The girl knocked at the corner of her mouth and saw the smile on Eric's face become evil. She curiously asked, "You said,"

"Okay, maybe," Eric thought for a moment, turning his desk and coming to the girl.

Famik Jensen saw Eric's action, thinking that men should do something here, shrinking their necks, but not dodging, but with a little expectation in the eyes, yes, look forward to.

However, the girl apparently misunderstood the meaning of Eric. I saw the man coming to him, pulling a drawer, irritating inside, and then taking out a stack of similar things like a invitation, laughing: "Then we go I have been to the party, I have never received such invitations."

"Ah..." The girl opened her mouth and quickly looked at her dress: "But, this dress is not suitable for parties, right, where is the party?"

"Most of it should be in Beverly Hills, you know, there are the most stars there," Eric said. He flipped it over and it should be received today: "How about this, Coppola's ,"

"Francisco Coppola?" asked the girl with an eyebrow.

Eric nodded: "Yes, that is the Coppola who filmed the "Godfather", I am also very strange, how can I receive an invitation from their family," Eric looked at the invitation in the hand to confirm Over and over again: "Today, these things have always been handled by my assistants. However, although I basically receive invitations every day, I have never been there."

"Then I am the first one?" The girl raised her eyebrows.

Eric smiled: "Yes, you are the first one." (To be continued)

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