I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 312: Occupational habits

In a brightly lit manor in Beverly Hills, the "Godfather 3" boot celebration party is being held in a lively, poolside, outside the villa, a forty-year-old, middle-aged man with a bald-headed, bald-headed dance The brunette next to her said something.

"In that year, I have served as the assistant of Mr. Coppola for two consecutive "Godfathers". The position is equivalent to the assistant director. I have to know that I was only in my early thirties. I was a deputy director when I was thirty in Hollywood. An easy task, I have been in constant contact with Mr. Coppola for some years. My film investor was introduced by Mr. Coppola. He is very optimistic about my script, so Kang Miss Nally, as long as you can play well, I promise that this will definitely make you a successful transformation."

Although Jennifer Connelly was impatient, she did not dare to show it. Since she lost the role of the girl in "The Dark War" last year, her agent Jim Lester no longer puts the main energy on it. She, therefore, has not gotten any role in a year.

If she continues to drag on like this, maybe she will be completely forgotten by Hollywood. Whenever she thinks about this possibility, she will feel a strong uneasiness. When she leaves Hollywood, what else can she do? She has acted herself, everything else. will not.

Looking for a man to marry, to be a full-time housewife, although she can accept this choice, but she is not willing to go to the boring life that cares about rice and oil, even if she marries, she hopes to be rich.

But among the people she knows, the ones who can bring her this kind of life are only those who are in the front, 40 or 50 years old, who have certain qualifications in Hollywood. Not to mention that these people are usually the same age as her father, and. In Hollywood, the marriage of these people is also the most unreliable, and maybe she will be defamed when. At that time, I was older and my beauty was no longer. What should she do?

"Hey, Miss Connelly, are you listening to me?"

Just a little distracted, the girl soon heard a faint and unpleasant voice coming from her ear, and quickly lifted her spirit to reveal a smile: "Sorry, Mr. Brandt."

Tony Brandt was very satisfied with the girl's attitude, and her eyes glanced again at the bulging chest that the girl held up in the black dress. The man said, "Miss Connelly. Going on this grand occasion. It’s a very rude thing, those big guys won’t be so generous to me, oh, Mr. Coppola came out, and Al Pacino, that...it seems to be his nephew, Nicholas Cage.”

Jennifer Connelly also saw a few people who walked out of the villa and laughed. The bearded man with glasses in the middle was obviously Francis Coppola. The people who were chatting in the yard gathered together to greet each other.

"Miss Connelly, let's go, let's say hello," Tony Brandt said, raising his arms slightly.

Jennifer Connelly hesitated, still holding the man's arm. Going to Francis Coppola.

Coming to Francis Coppola, after a group of people left, Tony Brandt quickly released Jennifer Connelly and smiled and walked toward Coppola.

"Mr. Coppola, congratulations on your ability to direct the end of the "Godfather" series, I believe this film will definitely make a sensation again."

"Thank you, Tony, how was your movie?" Francis Coppola and Tony Brandt shook hands and asked casually.

"It’s almost ready to turn on. Oh, this is the heroine I picked. Miss Jennifer Connelly, she starred in Mr. Sergio Leone’s "The Past of America." The little girl Deborah, no. Know that you still remember."

Francis Coppola looked up and down at Jennifer Connelly, looking at an item. For these Hollywood predators, no beauty can surprise them.

Being looked at by this gaze, the girl who wanted to greet Francis Coppola suddenly felt a sense of restraint and uneasiness. The right hand that was supposed to be lifted also hanged down gently, pinching the skirt of the dress.

"Well, it's not bad, it's a little too beautiful, Tony, your movie is a drama, and the heroine is too beautiful is not a good thing."

Tony Brandt was about to speak, and Francis Coppola waved: "Of course, that is the movie you have been preparing for a long time, so how to choose the heroine is your business, I will not intervene."

"No, no, Mr. Coppola, if it is not you, I don't know where to get the investment, and your eyes don't know how much higher than me. If you feel inappropriate, I will be cautious. considerate."

When I heard Tony Brandt say this, the girl opened her mouth slightly and looked at Francis Coppola. The fingers on the skirt were trembling because of the force, and the heart was even wronged. She was so hard to win the role, because these people have to sneak a word, and for a moment she can not wait for these big characters to be dragged into hell.

Connelly's face was just seen by Francis Coppola. Coppola quickly patted Tony Brandt's shoulder and smiled. "Don't be like this, Tony, I just said casually, this little girl is still good. If you change her, I don’t know how many times she secretly cursed me."

"How is it possible, Miss Connelly is very admiring you, we are still talking about your movie," Tony Brandt said quickly, and gently licked the girl standing next to him, Jennifer Connelly endured With a small nose pulled and a mental opening, Francis Coppola had already taken Al Pacino and Nicolas Cage to other places.

"Frank, who is that person, I really want to see where I have seen it," Al Pacino asked after the three men walked away.

Francis Coppola said casually: "When he filmed the first two of the "Godfather", he worked as my assistant, so you will have an impression. There have been occasions in these years, and he planned to shoot a movie some time ago. I am coming to see you, I can't erase my face, I will help him introduce a few investors."

Al Pacino thought about it, but still couldn't think of Tony Lambert, who was left behind.

Seeing that Nicholas Cage, standing on the other side of Francis Coppola, still looked at the door unrelentingly, Al Pacino smiled and said, "Okay, Nick, I have said that Eric rarely At the party, he doesn't like this occasion very much. You are still prepared to audition as well, as long as your performance can satisfy Eric, and you are a child of the Coppola family, I believe Eric will definitely Give the actor "The Ghosts Are Unhappy" to you."

When I heard that Al Pacino suddenly mentioned Eric, Francis Coppola also showed a feeling of emotion: "Speaking, the storm that some time ago, many people thought that the little guy couldn’t stand it, I didn’t expect it. In the end, not only was it safe, but Michael Eisner ate a squandered hand and handed out a script. Al, you worked with Eric Williams. What kind of person do you think he is?"

Al Pacino thought about it and shook his head slightly: "I can't tell you. At the end of the previous year, I just came back to play on Broadway. Eric found me, in a coffee shop, he Tell me about his script. I found that there is nothing special about it. I wanted to refuse it. Then the little guy told me with confidence that the script of "Smelling a Woman" and then I found out that my heart was moving. Soon. Just came to Los Angeles with him. If you want me to say it, he is very mature, far beyond the maturity of his peers. When you get along with him, you will soon forget that you are less than twenty. Young people are old, but they are like chatting with their peers."

"Let you say this, I want to see this miraculous young man," Francis Coppola said with a smile: "It seems that Steven has contacted him and wants to get Jurassic Park." The right to adapt, but was rejected by the little guy, haha, in Hollywood, there are not many people who can let Steven eat."

"He must have this qualification now," Al. Pacino said with a smile.

Francis Coppola squatted and then smiled: "Yeah, he does have this qualification. Maybe it won't take a few years. Hollywood's seven will become the Big Eight. I really don't know how he created it. So many hot-selling movies came in the top ten in the box office last year, and the fireflies produced half of the films, which is really staggering."

The three people were talking, and it seemed that there was a commotion at the entrance to the manor, and they looked at each other. Several people walked in the same direction and wanted to see it.


"Fami, how do you look a little cramped, isn't the dress fit?" When driving to the Coppola home, Eric looked at the Fake Jensen sitting in the co-pilot. Asked curiously.

At this time, the girl was wearing a rose one-shoulder corset evening gown, and her hair was turned into a bun. Although it was only a simple layer of light makeup, she still didn’t know when I saw the girl in the afternoon. How many times beautiful.

"No, nothing, just a professional habit," Famik Jensen said with a dreary, his hands finally resting on his knees.

“Occupational habits?” Eric is more curious.

“Yeah,” the girl smiled and said, “I used to attend the fashion show, and the clothes I wore were all made by the designer. If I accidentally broke it, we can’t afford to pay for these small models. So, after finishing the t-stage, I can’t wait to take it off immediately.” (To be continued)

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