I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 313: What are your drums?

"Wow, you don't have this impulse now?"

The girl nodded lightly and her face became redder.

Eric's smile suddenly became bad: "Then you have to hold back, at least until we have finished the party."

The girl raised her fist and seemed to want to squat on Eric's shoulder, but when she lifted it in the air, she took it back and whispered: "Eric, I think, after attending the party, I will still wear this dress." And the shoes are back."

"You don't like it?"

"Of course not, I... I like it very much," Famik Jensen bit his lip and said, "But it's too expensive, I can't accept it."

"Like it," Eric said casually.

"In any case, I... I will go back to the dress tomorrow and return the money to you," the girl said firmly.

Eric turned his face, and his eyes looked at the girl in a substantial way. The tone was faint, and it seemed to have something else: "Reassure, you can't retreat."

The car stopped outside the Coppola family. Just got off the bus, a black doorman greeted him, and identified Eric's identity with his eyes. He immediately broke a white tooth and took Eric's car attentively. Key, help Eric drive the car to the parking lot.

I couldn’t see anything in the car, but after getting off the bus, Famik Jensen wore high heels and was six feet three inches tall, plus a rose evening dress made by famous designers. Just after the appearance, several security guards and doormen responsible for welcoming the door of the Coppola home show a stunning look.

Anyone is vanity, and Famik Jensen is no exception. The girl is very happy to enjoy the amazing eyes of the door. She enjoys the biggest show she has ever walked, because that At the time, she was just a clothes rack. At this time, the expensive evening dress has become her foil.

However, Eric is still not very satisfied. He looked at the girl's neck and regretted it: "If you match a necklace, it will be more beautiful. But today is tight, let's talk about it next time."

"I think this is already very good." The girl said intimately holding Eric's arm.

"But I like perfection, not good," Eric said, handing the invitation to the security guard responsible for the inspection, and then walked into the luxury home of Coppola.

Although Hollywood has never lacked beauty, there are not many women like Famik Jensen who are not lacking in beauty. Therefore, the two just walked into the manor side by side. The guests who were chatting in groups of three and five were all pointing their eyes to this side. Some female guests saw Famik Jensen and even subconsciously tightened the men around him.

Many male guests quickly identified this from a gait of Famik Jensen. In Hollywood, female models are very easy to get started, but these people have not had enough time to produce them. Thoughts, I quickly noticed the young man around the girl.

Now in Hollywood, as long as you care a little about Hollywood, you can't recognize Eric. Those who can participate in the Coppola family party must have a certain identity. The chances of recognizing Eric are even greater.

"It seems to be Williams..."

"What seems, obviously, how did he come? I have never seen him at a party before. I heard that he does not like socializing, and only participates in some parties inside the firefly."


"Wow, it’s really Eric, he’s so handsome, who is that woman?”

"He is a playboy, and there are women around him. Normal, hello, Gilly, don't be fooled by his appearance."


"Would you like to say hello?"

"Some abruptness."

"Go, let's go. Anyway, just say hello to know, there are not many opportunities."

Eric, who felt a bit strange in the atmosphere, could not help but slow down. This was the first time after the turmoil at the beginning of the year that he attended the party. And it's still a party with few acquaintances, and it's hard to predict how these people will react.

Seeing the people around him and Famik Jensen pointing to the point, Eric has some regrets, in case of a cold reception, then he can be thrown away.

I don’t know if I should continue to move forward, or I will turn around and leave, and I will recognize the two guests’ whispers for a while, and soon two or three people will come to him and Famik.

"Hello, Mr. Williams, I am Gary Frederickson, the executive producer of Godfather 3, and welcome you to this party."

"Mr. Williams, hello, I am Richard Bolet, playing a role in The Godfather 3."

"Mr. Williams, hello..."

When I saw three people coming to myself, Eric sighed and greeted each other with a smile.

The people who were awkward around them saw Eric’s reaction, and they thought that some weights were enthusiasm.

Just noticed that the turmoil of Francis Coppola, with Al Pacino and Nicolas Cage coming over curiously, saw that Eric was surrounded by a circle of people enthusiastically.

Al Pacino took the lead in recognizing Eric from the crowd, and said a few words with Coppola, and then walked over to the crowd, and the outsiders soon discovered Francis Coppola, very I let it go consciously.

"Hey, Eric, I haven't seen you for a long time, I don't think you will be here tonight," Al. Pacino warmly embraced Eric, then nodded to Famik Jensen before he turned. Passed over: "Eric, let me know, this is Mr. Francis Coppola."

"Hello, Mr. Coppola, I am Eric Williams. I really like your "Godfather" series. I believe that this "Godfather" sequel will definitely become a classic again."

"Thank you for your affirmation, Mr. Williams," Francis Coppola warmly shook hands with Eric.

"Call me Eric, Mr. Coppola, oh, this is Miss Famik Jensen," Eric pointed to the girl next to her.

Francis Coppola smiled and shook hands with the girl, then made a look at the nephew next to him. Nicholas Cage, who was eager to try, quickly came forward: "Hello, Mr. Williams, I am Nicholas Coppola."

Compared to Francis Coppola. Eric is of course more familiar with Nicholas Cage, although Cage was once known as the king of rotten films. But it is undeniable that Nicholas Cage still shot quite a few classic movies.

"Hello, I feel that you are more intimate with Mr. Cage. I really like your "Moonlight Monks". You and Ms. Cher are very good at performing."

"Thank you, Eric, just call me Nick," Nicholas Cage held Eric's hand slightly. Apparently, I was a little excited. This detail made Eric feel a bit strange. The diligence of the other party seemed to have passed. I thought about it. Eric quickly realized why I received this post, Nicholas. Cage is obviously like the position of Brigitte Fonda, who is eyeing the actor's actor.

Nicholas Cage, who looked up and down at this time, was only 26 years old at the time, and the hairline was not as late as twenty years later. The hair is thick and the eyes are deep, and the whole person's temperament is a little melancholy.

Notice that Eric is looking at Cage. François Coppola stood on the side without a smile, and Al Pacino knew that Eric, the clever little guy, was sure to realize something and smiled and stood aside. Although it was a bit weird to be examined by a person who was five or six years younger than himself, Cage was also very interested in standing there without opening.

The whole party was to celebrate the "Godfather 3" is about to start, at this time the director and the actor both important tasks are no longer open, the people around are also very quiet to understand.

After more than a minute, Eric carefully considered it, and combined with the performance in the "City of Angels" that Cage once appeared, finally made up his mind. Reaching out again: "So, Nick. Are you willing to join "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted"?"

Cage opened his eyes incredulously as a child of the Coppola family. He is more aware than ordinary people that the protagonist of a big commercial film is not so good. This is not only a problem of acting, but also involves a multi-party game. Because a successful commercial film can completely turn an obscure Hollywood actor into a world-class superstar. Although Hollywood has a lot of hot movies every year, most of the starring places are occupied by the famous starring roles, and there are very few opportunities for newcomers.

Therefore, although he has already obtained the opportunity of the audition of "Ghosts and Ghosts" and has full confidence in his acting skills, he still takes advantage of the opportunity of "Godfather 3" to party, and Uncle Uncle helps to send to Eric. Inviting, I want to continue to promote the influence of the Coppola family in Hollywood, hoping to increase the success rate of getting this role.

Unexpectedly, the final thing will become so simple, which makes him want to lick himself for a moment, this must be a dream.

Cage hadn't had time to lick himself. Al's side had hammered his fist on Cage's chest: "Lucky boy, do you still have to hesitate?"

The shock from the chest finally made Nicholas Cage wake up, holding Eric's hand and screaming: "Of course, Eric, thank you."

Of course, Eric will not forget this. After the "Ghosts are gone", there will be a Hollywood star in the Coppola family. How can he let him go so easily, so let go of Kai After the odd hand, Eric turned to Francis Coppola and said with a smile: "Mr. Coppola, Nick is a child of the Coppola family. I believe his acting will not disappoint me. What?"

Eric’s words seem normal, but some people around him quickly realize that Eric is suggesting that the Coppola family owes him a favor, that is, he does not know Francis Coppolaken. I don't want to recognize it, but people need to pay it back. In the future, the greater the success that Cage has achieved with "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted", the more serious this person will be.

Cage saw the reaction on the faces of some people around him, and he pondered a little and realized the meaning of Eric.

Some slyly looked at my uncle, although this uncle was good to himself, when he just debuted, Francis Coppola continued to arrange several small characters for Cage in his movie, but he was not Francis. The son of Coppola.

Who knows, Francis Coppola slightly hesitated for two seconds, and smiled and held Eric's hand with a smile: "Of course, Eric, Nick will not let you down, if he is in the career of acting Some achievements can be made, and it is also the glory of the Coppola family."

Sure enough, it is one of the four major directors of Hollywood. No matter how temperament or chest is it, ordinary people can compare with you. The people around you hear Coppola say so, and they feel in their hearts. Then they don’t know who is taking the lead and applause. It slammed.

Eric's face slightly loosened Coppola's hand. Well, he seems to be a villain, but he has no regrets. At this time, it is not an idiot to reach out. Do charity.


I glanced at the girl who was smiling and clapping her hands.

Stupid woman, what is your drum and seeing my joke?

Famik Jensen was keenly aware of Eric's murderous gaze, and his hands were stiff in front of him for a moment before he understood what he was coming. He quickly held Eric's arm and his soft chest. There are two traces without a trace, like a cat who has been harassed by the owner.

"Well, Eric, let's go in, let me introduce some people to you," after a moment, Francis Coppola made a gesture of smile, and several people walked and talked to the villa of the mansion. go with.

"To be honest, Eric, you should take part in some parties, which will help you understand Hollywood in more detail. Oh, yes, your "Freedom City" in Malibu is really spectacular. Now many people are Think of it as the landmark of Malibu. When invited us to be a guest, I really want to visit, what a luxury house built over 20 million US dollars looks like," Francis Coppola walks next to Eric, like a The elderly who are familiar with the story speak.

Eric also smiled and echoed. He looked around at the manor and walked over to the villa more than ten meters away. Eric suddenly stopped and curiously looked in one direction, but the embarrassing The figure quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Noting Eric's strangeness, several people curiously followed Eric's gaze, but did not see anything unusual. (To be continued)

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