I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 372: Little fairy

In the memory, "The Captain Hawke" plays the role of Julia, and now Julia has starred in the box office appeal of the three box office films, and the competitiveness is a long way to go.

Thinking of this, Eric realized that from yesterday to now, why did Nicole always mention Julia’s name intentionally or unintentionally, and yesterday’s sudden surprise came out, definitely because of the strong imbalance in the bottom of my heart. .

The role of the little fairy in this competition, Nicole's biggest opponent must be Julia no doubt, although Nicole has just failed in a movie, but she is still in the popularity of "Seattle Night Sleep", still in a The ranks of superstars, in this case, the role of the little fairy in the competition with other Hollywood actresses, Nicole's chances are still very large.

It’s totally different to join Julia. What does it mean to break through 100 million in all three consecutive movies? Take a look at Schwarzenegger, because the two consecutive movie box office broke 100 million, Schwarzenegger shouted a $15 million price for the "Terminator 2".

It can be said that Julia is now the most appealing box office queen in Hollywood. If she is interested in any movie, for the sake of profit, let alone the seven major movie companies, even those who are independent producers, are selling iron. I am willing to make a high pay to invite her to star in.

In this case, unless Julia takes the initiative to let go, her fancy role, other actresses do not want to fight.

Spielberg saw from Eric's expression that Eric must know who he was referring to. "The Captain Hawke" is such a high-profile movie project that every move of the crew will attract strong attention. The news that Julia participated in the audition of the little fairy Tingbaer has long been dug up by the paparazzi.

Sitting next to him, Nicole sneaked a sneak look at Eric's face. Seeing the man's face hesitating, Nicole's hand holding the tableware slightly became a little hard.

"Eric, Sony Pictures has a lot of support for this project, and funding is not a problem at all. Moreover, the producers at Samsung also hope that Miss Roberts can play, so the question now is if Kidman Miss wants to get this role, unless someone can convince Miss Roberts to quit."

In the end, Spielberg's look was awkward, and Julia was able to become a Hollywood superstar in just two years. Everyone knows that all this is inseparable from the support of the young man in front of him. Julia's three films are all from the firefly film industry.

Although Julia's recent "Sleeping with the Enemy" seems to have nothing to do with Eric, Robert Shay has spared no effort to brag about his credit, but there are some insiders who have some IQ. I don't think so. Therefore, the relationship between Eric and Julia is also coming out. As for the specific relationship, Spielberg is not very concerned. The reason why he will come in person today has another purpose. Therefore, Spielberg Soon it was clear: "So. Eric, as long as you can convince Miss Roberts to quit, I can directly call this role to Miss Kidman."

Eric looked at Nicole. Soon I said, "I will go to helli on Julia. As for this role, please come to you, Steven. If there is anything I need to help in the future, please open your mouth."

"Actually, I have some things that I need to help you today." Spielberg said with a smile, Eric said.

Eric squatted and his mind had an illusion of falling into the pit. However, I was able to return this person immediately. Eric is still very happy: "Or, have we had lunch and talk?"

Spielberg nodded. "No problem."

After lunch, two people found a position in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in the sea, and Spielberg opened the bag that had been brought around from here, and pulled out a bound script from the inside to Eric. .

"Eric, this is the script of Captain Hawke, you can look at it first."

Eric put the script on the coffee table and asked for the cover: "Steven, are you?"

Spielberg leaned back on the sofa and looked at the sea outside the window. His face turned out to be a little tired. After a while, he said: "Eric, now the newspaper is telling me that I was a child. Peter Pan’s story is of interest and I’ve always wanted to make this story into a movie. It’s not wrong. However, I’m now in my forties, and I’m not interested in this story. Before I decided on this project, I have been resigning several times in a row, but this time the Samsung film ceo Mike Madawai, who hosted the project, was once my agent. He personally came to beg me to take this project, I only Have to take over."

"You have no confidence in this script?" Eric asked sharply.

Spielberg did not deny, said in a low voice: "I feel that if the film is filmed in front of the script, the project is likely to be a serious overdraft of my personal reputation."

Eric still didn't pick up the script in front of him and asked again: "What can I do?"

"I have specially watched your "Little Ghosts" series in the past few days, especially the second one. This sequel combines many elements of swearing and film children into style, and it is exactly what I am doing now. The movie is very annoying, so I hope that you can help me to look at this script. I know that at a price, the cost of a screenwriter is definitely insufficient, so if you are willing to participate in the script modification, I can go with Samsung. Communicate and let you participate in part of the film investment."

Spielberg said that sincerity is full, Eric is not good enough to evade, pick up the script and read it.

Spielberg quietly sipped Nicole's coffee for the two, and from time to time looked at Eric's expression, although Eric did not show too obvious, but Spielberg still noticed Eric occasionally Frowning small details.

The script is very long. If it is all shot, it is estimated that it will take two and a half hours. In the past, Eric has not seen the film, just heard about some information about the film.

Originally Eric felt. As a Spielberg movie, even if the evaluation is not high, but it should not be worse, but the process of reading the script makes Eric tangled, and several times he wants to give up directly. . At the same time, I would advise Spielberg not to shoot.

But this project has now started, the two actor Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman have signed, large sums of money have been invested in the preliminary preparations, plus most people are on this The film’s confidence is overwhelming, and it’s basically impossible to stop it.

More than a hundred pages of script Eric spent almost an hour to read.

Putting down the script in his hand, Eric said to Spielberg: "Steven. You have more experience in making movies than I do, and you realize that the problem with this script is wrong?"

Spielberg nodded: "Samsung wants to make this movie into a full-length movie, just like the "Alien Et", but this script, how do you say..."

"According to my understanding. If the film is filmed, it will not be pleased on both sides of the adult and the young."

Spielberg smiled a bit bitterly: "It is true."

"Let's talk about "Alien Et", the reason why this movie will become a very successful all-age movie, because there are things in the movie that everyone is interested in. First, the theme of aliens is adult. People have great appeal, and similarly, the friendship between et and several young protagonists is also strongly appealing to young people. Therefore, this movie will have a huge box office success."

As one of his favorite works to date, Spielberg listened to Eric's analysis. I nodded from time to time with a smile, obviously a little proud.

However, Eric quickly turned to the script in front of him: "But this "Captain Hawke" is obviously not the case. From the script, the movie wants to express too much. If you have not read the original, most of it. People even have a difficult relationship between the characters in the movie. Although Peter Pan’s name has been heard by many people, I dare say that most people’s understanding of Peter Pan is just staying in 'One doesn’t want to grow up. The big child's understanding of this and its surface, as for the story in Peter Peter's original work, such as the story behind Hawke and Crocodile, Peter Pan and Hawke or Peter Pan and the little fairy, Very few people know."

Spielberg is obviously aware of what, but he can't always grasp the point. As a dyslexia patient who is very common in Westerners, Spielberg has no talent for writing scripts. To the present position, he The most successful films, no one is his own. Spielberg can shoot a story into a good movie, but he doesn't have the talent to adapt a thought to a good script.

"So, because most people don't know the specific story of Peter Pan's original work, we don't have to add the details of so many originals to the script, which will only make the audience look confused."

"Sure enough, I suddenly found that I was caught in a misunderstanding," Spielberg said suddenly. "Because I listened to my mother reading the whole original book when I was a child, I felt that others should know all the stories in the movie. So when I was writing a script with James, I always wanted to add these details to it, and the result turned the story into a bloated one."

Eric smiled and said: "Yes, but this is only one of the problems. In addition, the positioning of this movie, even if it is a family movie, should have a focus, just like "Little Devil 2", although I have added a lot of adult elements, but the main target is still children. But from the scripts I have seen, the positioning of this story is very confusing. For children, they obviously don’t like the lengthy preparations of the first 30 minutes. Children are the most impatient, thirty minutes, enough for them to lose all interest in the film, and for adults, Peter Pan and his friends in the fantasy island of the plot is certainly not pleasing."

"Maybe we should find an element that is of great interest to all viewers, and connect the two plots together," Spielberg said suddenly and excitedly.

The two looked at each other and looked at each other and did not participate in the discussion. They sat quietly on Nicole, who was not far from the magazine: "Little Fairy!"

"Yes, I think the little fairy is like the et in "The Alien Et". This is a very pleasing character. As a little a few inches in size, and a little beautiful person, this character will get at the same time. Adults and children love it, but in the story, the little fairy is not enough, and the playing time is a bit late. I think it should be played within ten minutes."

Spielberg took the script and looked at it for a while. He said, "This is really a good note. And, I suddenly felt that I should delete the lens of the little fairy behind and kiss Peter Pan. This is It’s too bad, there shouldn’t be any emotional drama between them, um... in order to meet the audience, maybe you can add a little bit of a nap, but more of them should be friendship...”

After opening the train of thought, the two men began to discuss it enthusiastically, until the sunset, Eric sent Spielberg out of the villa.

"Eric, I really hope that you can participate in this movie. I can get at least 20% of the capital for Samsung. I hope you can consider it. I believe, according to our afternoon. After the revisions, the film will be very promising. "Before getting on the bus, Spielberg still did not give up the intention to convince Eric to enter.

After an afternoon of discussion, Eric also regained some confidence in the story, but he still has no idea of ​​investing: "Steven, this is your project, I just provided a little revision, and I have Your own movie is going to be busy."

Although Spielberg knew that Eric said that these words were only excuses, he did not insist: "If this is the case, then it is right, yes, please let me know as soon as possible about the role of the little fairy." I will help you arrange it, then, I will leave first, goodbye."

"I will, goodbye," Eric waved and watched Spielberg's car drift away.

"Eric, this should be a good opportunity, why are you not willing to participate in the investment?" After Spielberg left, Nicole couldn't help but ask.

"Although the script has undergone some modifications, the story itself is flawed and the profit margin is not large," Eric shook his head. "And, Spielberg and the two actor did not take any pay this time, but Directly participate in the final profit share of the film, do you know how much they want to get?"

"Well?" Nicole looked at Eric and sent a puzzled syllable.

Eric extended four fingers: "The three of them want to take away the last 40% of the film's profits. This is not the profit share that is given to investors outside of Hollywood, but the omni-channel profit of the film. In this case, the producer Basically, I can't make much money. Sony finally only earned a reputation. Instead of participating in the investment, it is better to use the money to make a movie."

Nicole also read reports about the expected profit of Captain Hawke. It is said that the film will earn 200 million in the future, and 40% of the profits will be 80 million US dollars.

"Eric, if... I mean if I get this role, how much do you think Sony Pictures will give me?"

"I have helped Spielberg a big deal today and rejected his offer, so rest assured, he will definitely win a very good contract for you. He has already hinted when he left."

Nicole quickly remembered the unremarkable ‘I will help you arrange’ when Spielberg left, apparently referring to the role of the little fairy. Nicole was a little excited, but soon he asked with concern: "That, Julia Roberts..."

Eric patted the girl's back and said, "I will call Julia at night." (To be continued)

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