I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 373: Big pit

Among the villas of Julia in Beverly Hills, it was already 9 o'clock in the evening. Three women were sitting on the floor next to a long section of the banquet hall. There were several scripts scattered around, Elizabeth and Drew. In a serious reading, only Julia appeared to have some lack of interest, boring to look at the script of a romantic comedy in front of him. After a while, Julia finally had no interest at all, looked up and said: "Hey, Can we pick out a good script like this? These should be things that the broker does."

Elizabeth and Drew together glanced at Julia, and Drew looked down at the script in front of him. Elizabeth explained: "Get rid of, Julie, our current identity is a producer, not an actor. And these are all It is recommended by the brokers of several brokerage companies. If you don't want to watch, go watch TV."

Julia had some heartfelt desire to stand up, looked at the two women, and finally sat on the mat: "Forget it, I will watch it with you, right, Liz, you are not talking about the guy a few days ago. Did you pick a comedy for the woman named Jennifer Connelly? Maybe we can find another scriptwriter for that script."

Drew looked up and looked at Liya with contempt, and Elizabeth once again said helplessly: "The screenwriter of the script is also the director of the film. He should have been filming now. It is impossible to have time to write for us. The script. Not to mention, even if the other party has time to write it out, it is not necessarily a big sale. Not everyone is as embarrassed as the guy."

"Okay, okay, you just didn't say anything about me."

As I said, the phone next to it suddenly rang.

"I'll pick it up," Julia stood up and walked to the phone three or two steps and picked up the microphone: "Hey. Here is Roberts... ah..."

When Julia heard the voice of the other party, she immediately grabbed the microphone and made a mouthful of Elizabeth and Drew looking at it: "Eric..."

Drew, who had been looking at the script seriously, immediately jumped up and rushed over to grab the microphone in Julia's hand, and said in his mouth: "It must be looking for me."

Julia let Drew grab the microphone. Shrugging back to his seat, glanced at Elizabeth, and whispered to Drunu, whispering: "Like only the puppy that the master summoned."

Elizabeth also said with a smile: "There is no medicine to save."

Who knows that Drew said a few words with Eric after greasyly, he turned his head and said with an unhappy look: "Julia, find you."

"Ah..." Julia pointed to herself in confusion, seeing Drew nod. Only reluctantly stood up again and walked over.

"Hey, Eric, what's the matter with me... Yeah, Kapoor said that this character doesn't have much play, it's very easy to shoot. And Samsung's pay is also very rich, not to mention Steven. Spielberg cooperates... is this?"

I don't know what I heard, Julia hesitated for a while, and looked at Elizabeth for help. Then she continued: "But what is going on Kapoor, he hopes that I will take over this role... I myself... I... I... or, I will..."

Seeing that Julia has become stumped seems to have heard something embarrassing, remembering the evil character of that guy. Elizabeth immediately stood up and got together, took the microphone from Julia: "Hey, Eric. You want to force Julia to do something, I warned you!"


"No, why should you let Julia give up this role, you can't think about it!" Elizabeth finished, and slammed the phone directly.

"Liz, isn't that appropriate?" Julia pointed to the phone that was hanged.

Elizabeth waved her hand. A confident face said: "Don't pay attention to that guy, Julie. You will sign the contract tomorrow, hehe. Really we are bullying."

When Elizabeth finished, she took Julia and sat back again. The three continued to look at a lot of scripts, but the atmosphere was always unnatural.

Drew is nothing. Although she has just been sitting beside Julia, she also heard the content of Eric’s speech. She remembered that the woman who called Nicole Kidman called to ask about the whereabouts of Eric. Lu quickly understood the ins and outs of things.

It must be that Julia and Nicole are in the same role. Eric wants Julia to give the character to Nicole. Although there is some snack vinegar in her heart, it doesn't matter much to her.

But she simply refused Eric’s Julia and Elizabeth’s two women but couldn’t keep on reading the script again, and always looked at the phone on the table next to the sofa from time to time, as if looking forward to the machine again. It sounds.

Unfortunately, after nearly an hour, Eric did not call again.

"Hey, Drew, you stayed with Eric in New York last month, right?" Elizabeth finally couldn't breathe, first asked.

Drew’s head did not lift the position. He used a pen to mark a small star on the side of the script in front of him and another one to look at it.

Elizabeth saw Drew indifferently, thinking that there was a play, and soon he asked: "So you should know how much money he made?"

This time Drew only looked up, the beautiful doll's face was hung with a smile like a smile, and after seeing Elizabeth's guilty conscience, the girl only took out a few words: "I don't know."

"..." Elizabeth grinned silently: "If you don't want to say it, don't say you."

Drew smiled, took a chewing gum from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth, and continued to look down at the script.

"I read the newspaper in the morning. I said that the price of crude oil futures has risen to 30 dollars. It was only 14 dollars a few months ago. I heard that many people who have made futures have made a profit. Eric should be able to get together. Hundreds of millions of dollars, it is estimated that at least doubled now," Julia added without a margin.

"You don't understand, futures can be leveraged, ten times, twenty times the leverage, you can enlarge the principal to ten times twenty times." Elizabeth seems to understand and understand.

Immediately, the two girls who responded closed their mouths and stared at them with amazement and looked at Drew again.

"Look at me, I don't know anything." Drew repeated again.

Elizabeth grabbed Drew's little shoulder: "Hey, reveal a little, Drew, how much did Eric earn? I and Julia promise not to go out."

Drew opened Elizabeth's shoulder, still the same sentence: "You ask a hundred times, I don't know. And even if I know, I won't tell you."

"So what have you done with Eric around the whole month?" Elizabeth asked unwillingly.

Drew tells the truth: "Play, that's New York, the paradise of rich people, the more fun places to go."



Sharp corner manor. Eric put down the phone and said to Nicole, who was sitting next to him: "I was robbed by Liz and hung up directly. I took the time to find Julia and said, no matter what, now."

Nicole nodded. She knew that since Eric had promised, she would definitely do her best.

The next day, Eric did not go to Julia immediately. Instead, I went to the fireflies as usual.

I learned about the company's operations during this time and paid attention to the release of the next few movies. It is now in mid-August. The "Ghosts and Ghosts" and "Instinct" released in July are still in the top of the box office list.

This summer file has also come to an end. In addition to the strong momentum that may break the $200 million box office, "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted", there is no other box office dark horse in the summer.

Even the "Die Hard Long Wei 2", which was the first to be evenly matched with "People's Ghosts", fell more than 40% in the second week, and only accounted for more than 20 million US dollars. This total box office reached 200 million to recover the cost. Large films seem to have no hope of returning home in North America. Fox can only pin their hopes on overseas markets.

As for "Instinct", this theme of hot r-rated film released by the world in late July. Four weeks have already won the box office of nearly 70 million US dollars, and then there is no suspense in breaking the billion.

Simultaneously. Negotiations between global parent company mca and Japan's Matsushita consortium have also been settled. Panasonic has purchased a global parent company, mca, for a total of 6.1 billion U.S. dollars. Another Hollywood movie giant has fallen into the hands of the Japanese consortium.

However, Eric knows that Panasonic is not as savvy as Sony. After several years of acclimatization and huge losses, Panasonic quickly transferred the world to the next home.

After staying in the company for a long time, Eric did not see Robert Shea. After asking, Eric knew that Robert Shea had found another project during this time and was negotiating with the copyright owner. As for the script. The specific content of Robert did not disclose the export wind to his men, it is obvious that this is guarding him, which makes Eric feel a little funny.

Reporting some fireflies, Allen then handed a file bag full of scripts to Eric: "Eric, this is the movie about the pirate type that you asked me some time ago, because you I have to keep it as confidential as possible. I only found 37. This is just a short story. If you need a detailed script after reading it, I will contact you again."

"I know, you should go ahead and do things."

Allen nodded and turned and left the office.

Eric opened a file bag in front of him. Because of the specific goals, Eric’s reading speed is very fast. He simply looked at the outline of the story. If it wasn’t for the target he was looking for, he left it on the side.

Soon, Eric's eyes focused on a thin script outline, with the name of Bruce A. Evans on the screenwriter's name, which coincides with the memory of the cut-throat island writer. Quickly read the script outline again, the plot, the names of the heroes and heroes are completely right, but the name of the script is not called "cutting the throat".

"It seems to be this," found the big pit, Eric began to figure out how to operate the script, this stinky egg is of course used to hang people, but to ensure that this pit can have the greatest effect The best situation is to bring together the previous lineups.

In memory, the heroes of the film are Gina Davis and Matthew Modine, and director Lenny Harlem is the husband of Gina Davis, who is ambitious. The desire to hold his wife into an action actress, but almost ruined Gina Davis's acting career, although I don't know the follow-up story development, but in the practice of Hollywood, Eric feels that the last two people are likely to be divorced. .

Eric remembers last year, but he personally gave Gina Davis the best supporting actress Xiao Jinren. Later, the other team also cooperated with another actress Susan Sarandon on the famous feminist film. "Life is crazy", also a popular film in Oscar. If the history does not change, the actress will become devastated with the box office defeat of "cut throat", just like another sad reminder star Kevin Costner. .

Thoughts fluttered indiscriminately, thinking of Kevin Costner, Eric could not help but think of several excellent films starring Kevin Costner, "Bodyguard", "Millions of Arms" and "Walk with the Wolf" Dance, and so on, if it is not because of the later "Water World of the Future", Kevin Costner's position in Hollywood will not be much lower than that of Harrison Ford, Schwarzenegger and others.

Moreover, Eric quickly remembered that the film "Dance with the Wolf" was the first personally directed work by Kevin Costner, and he won the best director and best with the director's prostitute. Awards such as films.

In the chaotic memory, with the name of Kevin Costner pulling a bunch of information, Eric quickly put the "cutting the throat" thing behind, because he found another thing .

"Dance with the Wolf" seems to be released this year, and because of the absolute political correctness of the film, in line with the characteristics of the American theme, won this year's Oscar for best director and best film award.

For the Silent Lamb, which is one year ahead of schedule, this is obviously not good news. Although the Silent Lamb has been identified as the Oscar of this year, the filmmakers are against Anthony Hopkins and Judy. Foster's performance is full of praise, and the praise of this film has been broken in the past few months. It can be said that if there is no "Dance with the Wolf", this movie will definitely become the big winner of this year's Oscar.

But when it comes to the American main theme film "Dance with the Wolf", "The Silent Lamb" will be wirelessly magnified and magnified as a horror film. I want to win the best director and best film like the previous life. It is almost impossible.

Thinking of this, Eric quickly called Allen again, explaining that the other party immediately put down his work and went to inquire about the film. (To be continued)

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