I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 379: Final income

"The money is more than a certain degree, it really makes people numb," in the office of the firefly investment company Chris, Chris put the last futures delivery order, and looked up to Eric.

In July, Chris had not rested for a whole month because of the sudden operation of a huge sum of up to 700 million U.S. dollars. He worried that the money would be lost all day long, but after the outbreak of the Kuwait war in August, Looking at the money on the futures account soaring day by day, Chris did not feel much.

Eric sat on the sofa with a statistical report in his hand. He looked at the profit data above and said: "Some people say that wealth has reached a certain level and it has become a number, but I think it is too emotional." Huge amount of wealth means great power and transcendental social status, and you can enjoy the social resources that ordinary people can't reach. The rich people are able to appreciate the enormous energy brought by wealth, so many people will For the rest of his life, endlessly pursue more wealth."

Chris smiled and shook his head: "Eric, many times if I don't look at your face, I always feel that I am talking to a middle-aged man with a hole in the world."

Eric touched his smooth cheeks and smiled. "It seems that I should try to store my hair. This will make me look mature, but they don't like my beard. I have been more than that." Once I was complained about forgetting to shave."

"Wow, they!" Chris added the word behind, although the words 'they' and 'they' in English are a word, but it is easy to hear the direction of his words from Eric's tone: "I don't really Knowing how you deal with so many women, I don’t even know Emily."

"This shows that Emily is very lucky. She met a good man," Eric said with a compliment. Chris and Jeffrey's personality is very similar, and the relationship between men and women is as cautious as Jeffrey. Falling in love with Emily Brighton is going to get married. Emily Brighton is clearly aware of this. Although I didn’t get along very much, Eric found that Emily cherished the relationship between the two.

However, Eric also found that Chris and Emily are very strong people. If they want to stay together for a long time, they must have someone to move to another person, just like Jeffrey and his lost wife. That way. It can be seen from the past memories of Jeffrey that Jeffrey has always been a defender in his marriage with his wife.

"Thank you, Eric, let's talk about what's going on. What are you going to do with this money?"

Eric also took a look at the number on the statistical report, 3.675 billion, which is the final profit after subtracting the principal after removing various commissions and fees, as a kind of speculative transaction, the handling fee of futures trading. It already contains various taxes, so the money is entirely Eric, and does not even have to pay a high personal income tax. This is also the most exciting point for Eric. Otherwise, although the money comes easily, deducting up to 35% of personal income tax may still be popular.

"It's still not enough. Many things in the plan can't be implemented. I thought that since the price of crude oil has doubled, then after ten times of leverage, at least double the profit. I didn't expect it to be only half of what I imagined."

"If it is not for us to enter the market a lot of time in advance, if there is an opponent to take over. Don't say that the principal is five times, that is, half of the principal is not necessarily earned. Don't look at the price of the two-month crude oil futures doubled. However, people who come into the market after August can earn more than double the principal. It is enough to wake up. Futures and stocks are different after all. Futures is a kind of gambling contract. In the case of crude oil prices rising all the way, Not many people will be stupid enough to short in the short term."

"Of course I understand that I just feel that I only look forward to shorting when I look forward to the end of the war."

Chris looked at Eric without some words: "You are really greedy. If you can catch such an opportunity in your life, you already belong to the level that was kissed by the goddess of fortune. Many people know the price of crude oil at the end of the war. It will definitely fall, but now the war has not yet begun. Who can predict when the war will end? The previous Korean War and the Vietnam War have been playing for several years. Most people have guessed that this war is expected to take several years. ”

Eric smiled confidently. This expression was just caught by Chris. I remembered Eric’s murder a few months ago and thought that there would be a war in the Middle East. Kriston thought of another possibility and couldn’t help but come over. Curiously asked: "Eric, don't you have any hunch this time?"

"It's almost the same, but it's not a hunch, but I guess it based on reality. I don't think this war will last as long as the wars of a few decades ago. If you pay attention to the news, you can It was discovered that this war will be a high-tech war, and the kind of human-sea tactics decades ago will not play much of a role."

"Of course I have read a lot of information, but I have not found any 'high-tech wars' that you said. Forget it, don't talk about this issue, even if you said it, but it is certainly not a day or two. At that time, we should have enough time to lay out. Or talk about the money, what do you mean by saying that it is not enough?"

"Last year, Sony spent more than 5 billion on the acquisition of Colombia. More than a month ago, Japan’s Matsushita consortium bought Universal Pictures’ parent company, mca, and spent six billion. Now I have only $3 billion in my hands. Of course not enough."

Chris understood Eric's ambition and asked: "Would you like to buy a big movie company?"

"Of course, I said that this money is not enough. Now it is estimated that no big movie company will be less than 5 billion."

"If you want MGM, it is estimated that Cork Kokorian will be happy to sell you 1.5 billion," Chris joked.

Thinking of the status quo of MGM, Eric’s mouth showed a mocking smile: “I don’t want to collect garbage, MGM has been ruined by the casino tycoon, and the film library has been scraped away by more than half, distribution channels. Significantly shrinking, the company has no valuable series of movie copyrights, even the property was taken by the tycoon to do hotel business, I can't think of any value of MGM." (To be continued)

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