I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 380: Target Disney

“The MGM brand itself is his value,” Chris said, and then shook his head. “But it’s really worth nothing. Then, which one you look at, Colombia and the world are definitely not playing, Warner also Don't even think about it, the only thing left is Disney, Paramount and Fox. Hey, Fox has no play. Now only Disney and Paramount, Disney is in a period of rapid rise, then, you see Paramount?"

Eric asked: "Why not Disney?"

Chris showed a surprised look: "Disney is now in a period of rapid rise, not to mention that Disney's ceo is Michael Eisner. After the event at the beginning of the year, although you apparently reconciled, if you want to acquire Disney, Michael Eisner must know what his end is, he will do his best to stop you."

Recalling the past life attached to Viacom's Paramount was overtaken by the second-line Lions Films, and even became a drag on Viacom Group. Eric shook his head: "The acquisition of Paramount is It's easy, I think those shareholders are happy to sell Paramount to me. But Paramount is not a good choice. The development of this company is not in line with my plan. Disney is different. Disney's entire industry chain The business strategy is very suitable for my future expansion of my territory in Hollywood."

"If you insist, you may spend more than two major Japanese consortia," Chris thought as he didn't have much information about Disney in his memory. He said: "Disney's current market value is about $4 billion. Left and right, if you want to buy Disney, you can only use hostile takeovers, then the premium is at least 50%. It is difficult to win Disney without $6 billion."

"Now don't shoot, and in a few years, don't even want to buy Disney," Eric said.

With the rapid development of the US economy and the rise of Hollywood in the world, the market value of several major Hollywood studios has grown at an annual rate of more than 30%, even the broken MGM. After more than a decade, it also sold more than $5 billion in high prices. In memory, Viacom’s acquisition of Paramount took $10 billion three years later, and now Paramount can only sell at most. The $6 billion price of the Universal Pictures parent company. Although the deal was countered by Barry Diller's sniper, it also reflected the skyrocketing market capitalization of the seven major film companies as Hollywood expanded.

Although patience is going on. With the development potential of fireflies, up to five years, you can compete with any of the seven, but Eric also knows if things are going on. Five years later, the seven major film companies have basically completed integration with the media group.

Of course, in this process, fireflies will definitely be subject to the media group's ‘招安’, but this is not what Eric wants.

What he wants to do is the master, not the vassal of others, so now that there is a chance, Eric will certainly take a big movie company as the most important chip. In the future, through various financing methods, they will develop themselves into media groups instead of being recruited. In the past, the only one that developed into a media group by virtue of its own strength, only the Disney family, Time Warner can only be half.

"If you want to buy Disney, you must be prepared from now on," Chris thought. Said: "The first thing we have to do is to absorb Disney's stock. First we get the right to speak on the Disney board. Next, because we don't need to pay all the money in one lump sum, so the $3.6 billion in cash is enough. And, if needed, it can also be financed. With the performance of the fireflies for more than two years, I think any investment bank on Wall Street would be happy to participate in this investment. Even many shareholders of Disney’s estimates are more likely to be equity. Not cash..."

Eric listened to Chris's analysis and wrote something on the coffee table with a pen. When Chris finished, Eric had already filled out a check and said, "This is your dividend." ""

Chris took the check and took a look. He quickly pushed back and said, "Too much."

"This is what you deserve. Without your help, I will definitely not get so much profit in this oil crisis," Eric reached out and blocked Chris's movement.

"I really can't take so much, I know how much I'm doing," Chris shook his head firmly, adding another sentence: "And Dad knows, and certainly won't agree."

Referring to Jeffrey, Eric thought about it: "If you don't, I will exchange this money for the shares of Firefly Investment, 3%, the same as your father's share of Firefly Movies."

Chris thought about it and finally nodded.

Firefly's current main asset is only 23% of Cisco's shares. With Cisco's current market capitalization, 3% is not too much, much less than Eric's money.

However, Eric knows what kind of giants Cisco will develop in the future, so he doesn't feel that he is giving less. Moreover, he can increase Chris's shareholding in the future. He will give too much at a time and will not be able to give it in the future. How to do.

Although Chris is now introverted and calm, but no one knows what will happen in the future. Michael Eisner turned from a wise leader who brought Disney to the top to a Disney tyrant who used it for himself. The people lost their hearts and were slammed by the board of directors.

"Since you have just put forward some plans, then it is up to you to operate. From now on, slowly absorb Disney's stock," Eric chats with Chris, but he remembers that there is still no one. The stinking egg, "cutting the throat".

If you can throw "cutting the throat" to Disney, this summer, Disney has lost hundreds of millions of dollars, it is estimated that through the second half of the operation, it is difficult to reverse the loss situation. If you can throw "cut throat" to Disney, then this project can make Disney lose another 100 million, two years of loss, enough to seriously weaken Michael Eisner's prestige in Disney, weakening Michael Ai Sna's control of the board of directors, then the acquisition plan will be much simpler.

But Michael Eisner is not a fool, it is very troublesome to operate.

Thinking in the heart, Eric quickly remembered the figure of Robert Shea. Since the beginning of the storm, Robert Shea and Michael Eisner have been walking very close, perhaps to make a fuss about this. (To be continued)

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