I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 397: Encounter

Michael Eisner said: "During this time, Disney has been negotiating with Rennie Haring and Gina Davis. Now Disney has signed a three-year contract with them. Within three years, Ray Nie Harlem and Gina Davis will not work for any film company outside of Disney."

Robert Shea took a moment to realize who these two men Michael Eisner said, and he also understood that he had made a big mistake because of his neglect. He should sign with these two people first. Contract, and then negotiate with the seven major.

When Eric contacted Bruce Evans, the owner of the "cut-throat island" script, he revealed his intention to invite the two to serve as directors and heroines. After he bought the "cut-throat island" script at a high price. Bruce Evans, who already understands the ins and outs of the matter, has explained it.

In the face of Michael Eisner's unabashed and aggressive, Robert Shea swears hard: "The most important thing in Hollywood is the director and the actress. I can change people. You don't want to swear by me. Don't think about it. miss you."

"I am not trying to marry you. We are talking about cooperation now." Michael Eisner's tone became very cold, and there was no such thing as the friendship between Robert and Shay's overseas distribution rights of "Ninja Turtles": " "Cutting the Island" is different from the "Ghosts" that cost less than $30 million. This is a super-large production that requires at least $70 million. The total cost after the announcement is likely to exceed 100 million. Just like me. Just like the anecdote about "People", if the box office of "cutting the throat" is lost because of the substitution, such a big investment movie is likely to lose money. And the impact of the box office loss is joint. The results of the film's follow-up videotape release and TV broadcast rights will be greatly reduced. So you see, you have the script, but Disney has the director and the heroine, we still need to release the film. This is still the case. You take advantage of it. Of course, you can wait for three years, but if I remember correctly, you and Bruce Evans signed the contract for only three years, three He did not produce the movie. Script will automatically return to the ownership of Bruce Evans hands, do you think the next time, you can then get the play it? "

Robert Shea’s hand on the armrest of the chair trembled in a hurry, apparently very excited, facing Michael Eisner’s aggressive look. Robert Shea finally sighed with a sigh of relief: "Okay, let's talk."


New York has just had a heavy snow and the weather has become extremely cold.

The Sixty Soho Hotel in Manhattan is still the suite that last lived. Eric wakes up in the morning, jogs for half an hour on the treadmill, takes a shower, and plans to go downstairs as usual.

Walk into the elevator. Eric pressed the button and looked at the indicator light and let the elevator slide down to the third floor. The elevator suddenly stopped.

Knowing that someone was coming in, Eric stepped back in the corner, the elevator door opened, and the tall woman with her hands in the black trench coat pocket just stepped in and looked at each other. The two men said in unison: "Is it you?"

Eric told the woman to come in. Close the elevator door and ask: "Catherine. How did you come to New York?"

Catherine Bigelow curiously looked up and down Eric and said, "I am coming to New York to distract. What about you?"

"I am making money," Eric said concisely.

Catherine Bigelow thought that Eric was joking, and with a smile, he said: "It’s vulgar."

I only said two words, the elevator has reached the bottom, Eric and Catherine Bigelow walked out of the elevator and said: "I don't mind eating a breakfast with my laity, I treat you?"

"Well, I am not polite to you, the richest man."

I walked into the restaurant together and found a table to sit down. I just ordered breakfast from the waiter. A tall white man came over and nodded slightly to Catherine Bigelow, handing a stack of newspapers and a folder to Ai. In front of Rick: "Mr. Williams, this is today's newspaper, and there are a few documents that were faxed in Los Angeles last night. Mr. Hansen will call you back after reading it."

"I know," Eric nodded. Because of Catherine's presence, he didn't plan to look at the things before he came up for breakfast. He just left the newspapers and documents aside.

Katherine Bigelow sent the man who suddenly appeared back to the corner and asked curiously, "Who is that, Allen?"

"My bodyguard, Allen is in Los Angeles, so let him be a guest assistant, or talk about you, how come you suddenly appear here?"

Katherine Bigelow said: "I have lived in Soho for ten years. I recently just divorced the bastard. I have come to visit some old friends and I have lost my heart."

Eric remembers that Catherine Bigelow and Cameron still have some cooperation, but now, women are obviously worried about Cameron’s derailing, and it is impossible to forgive each other in a short time.

"Jim is really doing too much this time. Would you like me to help you clean up him, for example, to put the "Terminator 2" budget down by 18 million?"

Catherine took the breakfast from the waiter and gave Eric a white look: "Free, don't think I don't know, you are a little bastard."

Eric, who had just taken a sip of milk, almost came out: "You have a fire in your own yard, what are you doing on the fire?"

"What do you say?"

"I want to say, your thoughts are too extreme, so bad, it is easy to become a cynical paranoia."

Catherine snorted and didn't continue to listen to Eric's ghosts. After eating breakfast for a while, she asked: "Isn't the firefly being reorganized? What did you leave to the stall to do in New York?"

“It’s really making money,” Eric pointed to the direction of the New York Chamber of Commerce. “Looking at the Middle East to fight, earning the difference in crude oil futures.”

"Oh, it turned out to be a small profiteer who made war money."

"I will recognize the profiteer, can you remove the small print?"


Seeing Eric’s ‘depressed’ look, Catherine smiled: “Hey, how much did you earn, did you make a movie and make more money?”

Eric shrugged, afraid that the woman would not dare to tell the truth, but said: "The big heads have been earned by the federal government. No one expected that the war would be so crisp. Before the war, the federal government and Saudi Arabia jointly Up, we have sold a large number of futures contracts through high crude oil reserves. Now that the price of oil is low, we have earned at least hundreds of billions. Our small fish and shrimp can only be followed by soup."

Katherine still knows a little about futures knowledge, and sighs: "One hundred billion, isn't that saying that someone has to pay so much?"

“Well, if you pay attention to the newspaper, you will find that a large number of oil trading companies around the world have canceled their securities department. This loss can make them remember for more than ten years.” (To be continued)

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